Wednesday, April 23, 2014

An Earth-Shattering Hodgepodge

Yay! The Hodgepodge is back after taking a week off for Spring Break last week!

1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way?

I'm inspired to praise God when I see the beauty of His creation. How anyone can doubt His existence or His love boggles my mind. I love Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

2. Down to earth, four corners of the earth, move heaven and earth, not have an earthly chance, or salt of the earth...which earthly idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.

Can't say that I've encountered any of them, but I'm pretty down-to-earth so I'll go with that one.

3. Share one piece of advice you might give a newly engaged couple.

The best way to get over feeling irritated with the little things is to do something for the other person.

4. When did you last engage someone to perform a job, task, service, home repair, or improvement? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the best) how would you rate their work and/or your satisfaction with the job or service provided?

We had some flooring put in last fall. They did a great job.

5. When did you last find yourself engaged in small talk? Are you awkward or an expert or somewhere in between?

There's usually a bit of small talk every day at work. I'm fine one-on-one with someone I know, but awful in situations with strangers, such as parties.

6. What was the last historic place you visited?

Last summer we were in Memphis and visited several historic places, including Beale Street.

7. The world would be a better place if we just__________________________.

...put God first in our lives.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Have I mentioned that I love spring?!

Leave me a comment then head on over to Joyce's blog and join the fun!


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Joyce said...

Excellent advice to the newly engaged, who are still in that fog of thinking they will never be irritated by their future mate : ) Good advice for all of us actually. Happy spring!

April said...

Beale St. is a fun and "interesting" place to visit. We used to live in Colliervile, TN, not too far from there.