Company name: Christian Apps 4 Kids
Founder: Jessica Kirkland
Type of App: Book app
Target Audience: Children ages 2-8 years
Availability: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch,
and all Android phones and tablets.
Price: Apple App Store: $5.99
Android Marketplace: $2:99
The Sounds of Night is a book app that helps put a child's mind at ease when the lights go out at bedtime. This book addresses one of the primary feelings young children face; fear. The Sounds of Night reinforces the principle that God is the Creator of every creature. Since God makes all the animals that scurry and screech at night, children can lie down and sleep in peace.
FEATURES: The Sounds of Night has over 75 touch points/interactions. It has rich illustrations and 4 Bible verses on fear that kids can learn with their parents and share with their friends.
DEVELOPMENT: Jessica Kirkland is a member of Moms with Apps. She recently launched Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. Her inaugural app is a result of the fear that was such a part of her life:
In every season of life, the Enemy would whisper the lie that I would “never make it” to the next. I believed it. Time and time again, I thought his words held power. As a young child, I never thought I would live to see my school years. Once I entered school, I never thought I would live to see the next day, next grade, or milestone in life. I listened to a very real enemy, even though I didn’t want to. Even though I came from a strong, Christian family, I felt powerless to stop the lies. Fear gripped me, stole from me, and taunted every careful step I took.
Jessica believes the only way to be free from fear, as an adult or child, is to replace fearful thoughts with God's Word. Her desire for each book project is that they not only build character, but help set kids free.
The book app was developed in partnership with ROAR.
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Jessica Kirkland lives in Southeast Texas with her husband, Robb, and five-year-old triplets. She is an author and speaker whose greatest passion in life is to see young families grow deeper in their walk with God. Jessica's newest adventure includes launching Christian Apps 4 Kids,, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. A recent release is a book app that addresses fear and scary nighttime sounds called The Sounds of Night, designed for kids ages 2-8. When Jessica isn't writing, you can find her cheering her boys on at the soccer field, or watching her little girl at the dance studio. To find out more about her current writing projects, connect with her at: Christian Apps 4 Kids or on her personal blog:
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I have very mixed emotions about this product. As far as the product itself goes, it is well-done and conveys important truths. I like the way it explains what the sounds are and that God made the various animals that hoot and howl, and the verses at the end of the book reinforce the concept of trusting God with fears. Young kids will enjoy the interactive elements of touching the screen and hearing a variety of sounds, such as rustling leaves and creaking doors as well as names of objects pictured. But I feel somewhat like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, resisting change and grasping for Tradition! I fear that too many parents will rely on technology and apps such as these to soothe and entertain their children rather than spending the one-on-one face time. I do appreciate that there is a Read to Me option. But when it's the hundredth time to read it (I can still recite parts of Goodnight Moon!), I fear many will opt for the easy way out. I love technology. It is a huge part of our children's lives. But I worry for the impact it is having on our children who are embracing it too early and missing out on some of the essential "real-life" experiences that it is replacing. And call me old-fashioned, but I really don't think a 2- to 8-year-old needs to be taking a phone/pad to bed. Use with extreme caution.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Kathy Carlton Willis Communications as part of their Blogger Review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Ha GREAT point LInda!!! Parents should never miss out on reading an actual book to their children. Yes I still know all the lines to Good Night Moon.....just typing it makes me say it with that sing songy voice in my head. :) I am so with you, I LOVE technology....but I would rather my kids take books to bed than an iPad.
Take Care friend!!!
Thank so much for posting my review. I think your points are valid. I didn't begin creating book apps in order to replace old fashioned reading time with parents. I don't think it should, and in my own family it does not. I snuggle up with my triplets and read just like most moms do. However, I did get into this arena because children all over the world are downloading secular books and some parents do use it as a babysitter. We are a busy society, so why not offer them something Christ based if they are already using technology for such purposes. Thanks for helping out!
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