1. What's the last job you did that required elbow grease?
Changing the registration sticker on my windshield. I got the sticker off, but the residue was ridiculous! I used a ton of Goo Gone and a razor blade and it still took some work.
2. March Madness, aka the men's Division I basketball championship, is nearing an end. What sort of 'madness' has your house seen this month?
This month hasn't had any madness that's different from any other month's madness.
3. What's your favorite shop for browsing?
I'm sure you are shocked that my answer is. . . .a bookstore!
4. Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?
Absolutely! When you are fighting God!
5. What's a song you love that contains the name of a city, state or country in its title?
Yellow Rose of Texas. And God Bless America.
6. When did you first begin using a computer?
Way back in the 80's at work, I guess. I remember the green letters and the boxy display.
It's weird; now that I think about it, I can picture turning in a few papers in college that were obviously not hand-written but I have no idea how I did that. I didn't have a typewriter in my dorm room. We didn't have computers at the library yet. I guess I used a friend's typewriter.
7. Did you buy girl scout cookies this year? What's your favorite?
Absolutely. Any mom who has ever stood at a booth with her girl in freezing temperatures will ALWAYS buy Girl Scout cookies! LOL Thin Mints are still the best, although Shortbreads (called Trefoils in some parts of the country) are really good too, especially with coffee!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My girl and I are going on our first college visit early next week! Such fun, but I can't believe we're at this juncture with my baby!
#3, I totally agree!! Especially when the discount bins are out on display! #4 - GREAT answer!! #8 - Awww...my boy leaves in August, and I'm dreading it. :(
A big step for you and your daughter. Have fun!
Oh, get ready for a whole new kind of madness...it's a good one, though. Good luck to your daughter!
I'm a sucker for a stroll through a bookstore, too! I completely understand what you mean about the college visit. Puts a lump in your throat, doesn't it? I went through that with my oldest daughter two years ago and will do it, again, with my youngest daughter in 3 short years. It's very hard on a momma's heart. Best of luck!
My two daughters just finished up the college years. It just goes by SO quickly! Where's your daughter looking? I'm in SC and can give advice on our lovely universities. Good luck!
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