Today the Hodgepodge is celebrating Thanksgiving. While the blogging community is made up of folks all over the world, I love Joyce's reminder that while Thanksgiving is an American holiday, gratitude for our blessings is (or should be) universal. So let's gobble up the questions!
1. Turkey-love it or leave it? White meat or dark? What's your favorite thing to make using leftover turkey?
Absolutely LOVE turkey, as long as it's the white meat. Dark meat goes straight on my man's plate. My favorite thing with leftover turkey? A sandwich or just eat it with some salt and leftover dressing.
2. Gotta burn off all those carbs the day after a holiday feast so which would you rather do--run a 10K or climb a mountain?
Do we have to burn them all off at once?! Neither of those appeal. I do NOT run, and there are no mountains anywhere near me. I've actually learned some moderation and don't usually make myself miserably full.
3. Do you feel like social networking has made your relationships better or worse? Explain.
Better. I tend to know more of what's going on with folks and it's given me a camaraderie with them, even--or maybe especially!--my local friends.
4. How do you find and express gratitude for the hard things in your life?
I don't necessarily express gratitude FOR them. I do express gratitude IN them. I have thanked God for how He has used (or will use) certain things for my ultimate benefit, how He has/will grown my faith my walk.
Not railing on Joyce because I think it was just the way she happened to word the question, but I have known people who do think you are supposed to thank God FOR everything. Sorry, but that's just stupid. Who would say, "Thank you that my spouse/child just died of cancer"? No, you say, "Thank you, Lord, that even though this makes absolutely no sense to me, You are still sovereign and You have a plan. Thank you that You have promised never to leave me or forsake me and that You will work in this situation for my ultimate good."
Stepping away from the
5. In the US, the day after Thanksgiving has been dubbed 'Black Friday'. Is most of your holiday shopping done live and in person, or is it done more through the magic of the Internet? How do you feel about stores opening at midnight Thanksgiving night? Will you be out amongst the masses on Friday?
I thought it was insane that the stores opened at 4:00 am, and I really think it's appalling that they open at midnight Thanksgiving night. Won't be long until it will be noon Thanksgiving Day. No, I will stay far away from the stores on Friday. While I don't do a lot of Christmas shopping, some is done in stores and some is done online. But none of it has to be done in the crowds this weekend!
6. Speaking of the color black--which black item in your wardrobe would you say is your favorite?
Black is a good color for me and I enjoy wearing it. Probably my favorite item is a light fall blazer that's easy to dress up or down. The sleeves are ruched to 3/4 length, so it's been perfect for days when it's just a tad cool in the morning.
7. What do you appreciate about your life today?
It sounds so trite and automatic, but I'm so thankful for my family, for my church, for a safe, warm home, a reliable vehicle, and so many things that I am able to enjoy.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of Black Friday, I saw this on FB the other day and absolutely loved it!
I agree with you in that I'm certainly not grateful my niece passed away. I am grateful that God has a plan and it's for our good and that He walks beside us and before us thru dark times.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
There is nothing trite about your answer to #7! We sometimes minimize those things, but really aren't they the greatest blessings in our lives? We just take them for granted.
Ahem! Getting off my own soapbox now. Happy Thanksgiving!
Very good answer on #4. Walmart in our area is starting their sales at 8pm on Thanksgiving. Crazy!!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Enjoyed reading your answers. I like that Black Friday picture. The times are just getting crazy as they get earlier and earlier every year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh and I forgot....I found one of the branches of the library had "You Don't Know Me" so I put it on hold and went to pick it up! I plan to read it this weekend. I was waiting on another review book so it's good timing!
LOVE that last pic! And #4 is very thought-provoking. You have a great point, thanks for sharing. Nothing wrong with a soapbox when it makes sense. :)
I don't do Black Friday, either. I don't do much shopping online, I'd rather go in person. But I avoid Black Friday. It's not worth it.
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