Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means it's time to join Joyce for the weekly Hodgepodge! We'll see how I do with the questions this week. A couple of weeks ago when I answered them after working a 12-hour hospital shift on a Tuesday, I misread questions and couldn't even come up with interesting answers. Yesterday was my final shift for my refresher course and I came home pretty exhausted and with about 3/4 of a headache. We'll see how I do. . . .

1. Do you play games of luck/chance for money? Have you ever played bingo for money? Visited a casino? Placed a bet on a horse? Bought a lottery ticket?

No to all of the above. I am pretty strongly anti-betting.

2. Will you be preparing and/or dining on the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal this St. Patrick's Day? Mashed-baked-hash browned-french fried...your favorite way to have potatoes?

Ewww, no. I don't like corned beef OR cabbage! I'll stick to Irish songs; you can have the Irish food! Baked potatoes are my favorite, loaded with everything, although I've really quit eating potatoes much over the last few months.

3. What's the last thing you felt 'green with envy' over?

I honestly don't remember. Probably a house that is kind of a Southern Living type of house that I absolutely love.

4. What's at the end of your rainbow?


5. March 12th marks the anniversary of the death of Anne Frank (June 12, 1929-March, 1945). Anne's diary detailing her time spent hiding from the Nazi's during the war ranks as one of the best selling books of all time. Besides your blog, do you keep any sort of diary or journal? Was this a habit you developed as a child or is journaling something new for you?

No, I have never been a journaler.

6. What's an item in your home or closet that contains every color of the rainbow?

I don't go much for bright multi-colored things. I have a necklace that comes close.

7. Write a limerick with you as the subject. You can do it!! Just remember this is a family friendly blog...don't make me get out my wooden spoon.

Linda was told to be witty
But this rhyme might not be very pretty
She worked hard all day
And had nothing to say
That would fit in a lim'rick or ditty!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Although I love it being light later in the evenings, the transition to Daylight Saving Time wipes me out. Especially when getting to the hospital at 7:00 am yesterday felt like 6:00 am! Fortunately, this week is spring break and I don't have to get up early for the rest of the week!



  1. Cute limerick.

    Hope you have a great spring break.

  2. Great Limerick! Hope your spring break helps you adjust to the time change.

  3. Daylight Savings Time has me messed up, too! Hope your Spring Break is nice and relaxing!

  4. I am NOT a fan of the time changes! They always throw me for a loop.

    Great limerick, by the way!

  5. your rhyming inspired me...
    enjoy your sleeping in!

  6. I am loving the longer daylight, but am having trouble getting up in the morning too. I guess we'll adjust...and it means spring is on the way, even if it is spitting snow here today. I'm definitely over the snow!

  7. Like your end of the rainbow answer :)

    I think next week will be so hard for me after having this week of spring break with the time change.
