A Women of Hope Novel
Ginny Aiken
(Faith Words)
ISBN: 978-0892968466
January 2014/400 pages/$14.99
When socialite Emma Crowell stops the carriage on the way to Portland to 'exercise' her new puppy, the last thing she expects is to be left behind in decidedly unsuitable attire, let alone kidnapped. Fortunately, she is soon found by local rancher Peter Lowery. Unfortunately, he has no intention of abandoning his livelihood to take her back to civilization until the fall. He will, however, provide food, shelter and safety, and in return he expects Emma to earn her keep.
Emma is surprised to find she enjoys the challenges of life at the cabin and feels drawn to Peter and his young son Robby. But though willing to learn, no matter how she tries, she never seems to live up to expectations. As Emma seeks God's guidance and aspires to the picture of womanhood shown in the 31st chapter of Proverbs, Peter comes to realize that he may be underestimating the strength and character behind this woman's beauty.
Read an excerpt here.
Ginny Aiken, a former newspaper reporter, lives in Indiana and frequently travels to Pennsylvania with her engineer husband. Born in Havana, Cuba, raised in Valencia and Caracas, Venezuela, she discovered books early and wrote her first novel at age fifteen while she trained with the Venezuelan Classical Ballet Company. She burned that tome when she turned a "mature" sixteen. Ginny has taught novel-writing seminars and workshops at Harrisburg (PA) Area Community College and Penn State University.
I've enjoyed Ginny Aiken's books in the past but somehow I've missed the first two A Women of Hope books. I'm so glad I read this one, however, and now I'm eager to read the others. Aiken has created a fresh and unique plot twist to cause Emma and Peter to cross paths, and all I can say is, I'm glad I wasn't with Emma on that carriage! She is initially rather spoiled and a bit annoying, but then who wouldn't be if thrust into the same situation? Plenty of twists and turns keep this story moving and while the conflict and adjustment make the sparks fly, humorous moments balance the emotion. A thread of danger and suspense weaves in and out of the story, providing additional tension, and the pages almost turn themselves. Of course, little Robby is a heart-melter! All in all, this is a very satisfying novel and I'm happy to recommend it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Faith Words as part of their Blogger Review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Hi, Linda. I'm so glad you enjoyed Emma and Peter. I loved writing this book, can't tell you how much, so it's very satisfying to learn how it pleases my readers.
This looks like a good one! I must add it to my list of books to read!
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