Joyce has a particularly fun Hodgepodge for us this week!
1. 'In like a lion, out like a lamb'...does the first part of this saying describing March weather ring true where you live?
Pretty much. It's not blustery as much as it is just cold and damp and cold and damp and. . . . This seems to be the winter without end around here. We have had such a continual string of days where the highs have only been in the 40's, which is really unusual for us. I am counting the days until spring!
2. March 4th is National Grammar Day. What common grammatical error bothers you the most?
I have to pick just one?! LOL Right now, I'll go with the use of apostrophes for plurals. Those are like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Actually, if I can go with the incorrect use of apostrophes, that will not only encompass plurals but also include in appropriate use of your vs. you're and other similar mishaps.
3. William Arthur Ward says- 'The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.' Which one are you?
Somewhere between an optimist and a realist.
4. What's something you need to 'march forth and conquer' this month?
Clutter. Always, clutter!
5. An ongoing debate around you dust first, then vacuum or vacuum first, then dust? Of the two routine household chores, which do you dislike the least? How's that for wording?
I try not to do either then it's not an issue! LOL I've never been able to tell that it makes a big deal either way. And I prefer vacuuming over dusting any day!
6. According to, the ten most photographed sites in the U.S.A. are- Cinderella's Castle in Orlando, Southernmost House in Key West Florida, The Space Needle in Seattle, The Site of the Boston Massacre in Boston, The Bellagio Lake/fountains in Las Vegas, The Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, Coit Tower in San Fransisco, The Art Institute of Chicago, Niagara Falls, and snagging the number one spot-The Guggenheim Museum in New York City.
How many on this list have you photographed? Which on the list would you most like to visit and photograph?
I've been to and photographed a whopping two of those: Cinderella's Castle in Orlando and The Space Needle in Seattle. I would love to see Niagara Falls.
7. Fifty years ago Monday (March 2, 1965) The Sound of Music premiered at the Rivoli Theatre in NYC. Have you seen the film? Do you own a copy? On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love it (or not)? Ten=best movie ever. If you're a fan, what's your favorite scene or song from the movie?
My favorite question of the day! Oh, I have seen it! Even before videos came out, when you had to go to a theater or watch it on TV, I had seen it over 20 times by my mid-twenties. Now I have completely lost count of the number of times I've seen it. I've owned it on VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray, and I just ordered the 50th Anniversary 5-Disc set. I can practically recite some of the scenes. On a scale of 1-10, of course it's a 10 or maybe just a hair short. Favorite scenes - Maria and the Captain dancing on the patio during the party, and the one when he calls her Captain. Favorite song: Edelweiss.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
A highlight of my trip to Germany with my girl back in 2012 was getting to go to Salzburg (which was only two hours from Munich) and seeing several of the places where the movie was filmed, including outside of the house as well as the gazebo/pavilion where Sixteen Going on Seventeen was filmed as well as the famous proposal scene. I took a picture of my girl standing next to it, and she was sixteen going on seventeen herself!
We have similar feelings about the movie : ) Weather is a funny thing. I think we're supposed to hit 37 today and that sounds fantastic! Except rain is coming too, and will be a mess with all this ice and snow. Then more snow tomorrow. Come on Spring!!
I love your answer for #2. We had the same favorite scene :)
I sure hope Spring comes soon but today it's at least on the + side and it's 20 today! The sad news is, the flip flops and shorts will have to wait. :(
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