It's time to join Joyce for the Hodgepodge, and that's not an April Fool's joke!
1. In honor of the date...when were you last sent on a 'fool's errand'?
A couple of weeks ago, I was told I needed to be at work on my day off for a few hours for some training. I was less about a mile from work (it's about sixteen miles from my house) when my boss called and told me that the training would also be the next day, when I was scheduled to work, and I didn't need to come after all. So I turned around and enjoyed my day off!
2. Peter Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, The Energizer Bunny, The Easter Bunny, Rabbit (Pooh's friend), White Rabbit (of Wonderland fame), or the Trix Rabbit...which of these 'famous' rabbits can you best relate to right now?
I have pretty much eliminated all of them. Right now I'm more Flopsy - no energy! LOL
3. When did you last find yourself scrambling to get something done? Explain.
Last week, regarding some paperwork that had to be sent out of state so something could be taken care of on that end before the 31st.
4. Last time you were up at the literal crack of dawn? Why? Last time you stayed up all night? Why?
Well, since the time changed, the crack of dawn has been a little later, so probably that first week! And it's been awhile since I stayed up all night, but it was awfully close the night I got home from work at 4:00 am.
5. Crack a book, crack a bottle, crack a joke, crack an egg...which have you done most recently?
I'm sure it will not surprise anyone that my answer is crack a book!
6. What's your favorite part of a typical weekend? Tell us why that's so.
If it's my weekend off, I love Sunday afternoons. Nap, relaxing, no chores. It's just peaceful.
7. What's something I'd find on a bookshelf in your home? Other than a book I mean!
A picture frame or two.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I've said a time or twenty to anyone who will listen how much I love spring. However, there is one thing I don't like about it, and it began this week. The annual Yellow Dusting of the Cars. And Driveway. Also known as oak pollen. And right behind that come the little flowery wormy things.
We had three inches of snow yesterday, so pollen isn't a probem yet. Snow in April is a problem though! I was guessing book would be your answer : )
The yellow dusting? Any chance you live in East Texas? We did growing up and that yellow dusting is my most prominent memory, especially since I have big time allergies. Everyone had yellow cars in the spring, no matter what color car you actually purchased.
I guess your fools errand at least turned out well for you, though I would have been irked to have gotten up, gotten ready, and out the door on my day off.
The thing I like least about Spring is allergies. Lots of sneezing and itchy eyes. We had some snow mixed with rain last night but this morning the sun is shining and the birds are chirping :) Sundays are my favorite too.
Getting up and dressed on a day off is the worst to begin with...but at least you still had the rest of the day.
I love my Sunday afternoons too. Nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap. :)
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