Taking the time to join Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge is always fun. Join us!
1. Did you do anything 'memorable' this past weekend?
Well, I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so by the time Monday came around, which was my regular day off, I was pretty exhausted. I ran a couple of errands with my girl, took a nap, and made spaghetti for dinner.
2. Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying-
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
Your thoughts? Do you somehow acknowledge and appreciate the freedoms you enjoy? Did your upbringing contribute to that sense of appreciation? If you're a parent, are there specific things you do to pass on this sense of responsibility and appreciation to your own children in regard to the freedoms they enjoy?
I've always loved and appreciated our freedom and the patriotic holidays. I don't remember anything particularly being said as I was growing up, but my dad always put the flag out and we had a patriotic record album that generally got played on the stereo on those days. I've tried to pass that same thing to our children, and we've enjoyed visiting battlefields and other historic locations on vacations that we have taken.
3. Loudest noise you've ever heard?
Really big claps of thunder when there were tornado warnings. Some of that was this past weekend during our Central Texas deluge.
4. What was the last thing you ate that might be considered 'junk food'? Did you enjoy it?
I had some Skittles and Starbursts at work last week when someone brought a big bag of candy. They were definitely enjoyed.
5. When was the last time you were somewhere the crowd felt 'packed in like sardines'?
I deliberately avoid crowds like that so I can't even remember the last time I had to deal with a crowd like that.
6. Are you organized when it comes to packing for a trip? Do you make a list weeks in advance or toss items in last minute? Are you a carry-on only sort of packer or do you need an entire suitcase for your shoes?
Yes, I'm organized. I used to make lists but I don't now. I try to only take a carry-on; it depends on how long I'll be gone. I'm definitely not an excessive packer.
7. What was the last sporting event you attended in person? Did your team win? Did you care?
I guess that was a University of Texas football game with my brother 4 or 5 years ago. I have no idea if UT won or lost, although I cared at the time. The most treasured part of the memory was the time spent with my brother.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
The weekend's floods have had heartbreaking stories, such as the precious family from Corpus Christi who were swept away, along with their friends and the friend's parents, when the house they were in broke away from its cement stilts Saturday night in the floodwaters. There has also been good news, such as the rising level of Lake Travis to almost 657 feet (681 is full, and it has been dreadfully low. It was 631 feet on May 15.) We have been in such a drought, so the rains are welcome; we just don't need them all in one day! LOL
1 comment:
So true, so many heartbreaking stories re. the floods in Texas. We've been following it on the news. It's just unbelievable.
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