Wednesday, June 29, 2016

ACFW Carol Award Finalists

On Monday, ACFW announced the finalists for the 2016 Carol Awards. You may recognize several of these as Christy Award winners! These are a great group of books! Linked titles will take you to my review of that book. The winners will be announced August 27 during the gala awards dinner in Nashville as part of ACFW’s annual conference, and I am eagerly anticipating attending the conference and the awards dinner!


Finding Me by Kathryn Cushman, Bethany House (Baker) Publishing, editors David Long, Charlene Patterson
The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert, Waterbrook/Multnomah (Random House), editors Shannon Marchese, Lissa Halls-Johnson
As Waters Gone By by Cynthia Ruchti, Abingdon Press, editors Ramona Richards, Jamie Chavez


Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor by Melanie Dobson, Howard (Simon & Schuster), editors Beth Adams, Jenny Baumgartner
Secrets She Kept by Cathy Gohlke, Tyndale House, editors Stephanie Broene, Sarah Riche
Luther and Katharina by Jody Hedlund, Waterbrook/Multnomah (Random House), editor Shannon Marchese

Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden, Bethany House (Baker) Publishing, editor Raela Schoenherr
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin, Revell – A Division of Baker Publishing Group, editor Vicki Crumpton
A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer, Bethany House (Baker ) Publishing, editors Dave Long, Charlene Patterson


The Aleppo Code by Terry Brennan, Kregel Publications, editors Dawn Anderson, Jannelle Tromp
Blessings in Disguise by Nancy Mehl, Guideposts Publications, editors Susan Downs, JoAnne Simmons
Finding Amanda by Robin Patchen, ACFW QIP (Independently Published), editor Holly Lorincz


A Bride for Bear from The Convenient Bride Collection by Erica Vetsch, Barbour Publishing, editor Rebecca Germany
A Palace on the Plains from The Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection by Erica Vetsch, Barbour Publishing, editor Rebecca Germany
The Archaeologist’s Find from The Homestead Brides Collection by Erica Vetsch, Barbour Publishing, editor Rebecca Germany


The Beekeeper’s Son by Kelly Irvin, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, editor Becky Monds
Until the Harvest by Sarah Loudin Thomas, Bethany House (Baker) Publishing, editor David Long
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Beth K. Vogt, Howard (Simon & Schuster), editors Jessica Wong, Beth Adams


No Place to Hide by Lynette Eason, Revell – A Division of Baker Publishing Group, editor Andrea Doering
Submerged by Elizabeth Goddard, Love Inspired (Harlequin), editor Elizabeth Mazer
Miracle Drug by Richard L. Mabry, M.D., Abingdon Press, editor Ramona Richards


Covert Justice by Lynn Huggins Blackburn, Love Inspired (Harlequin), editor Elizabeth Mazer
The Christmas Family by Linda Goodnight, Love Inspired (Harlequin), editor Allison Lyons
The Doctor’s Second Chance by Missy Tippens, Love Inspired (Harlequin), editor Emily Rodmell


Vinnie’s Diner by Jennifer AlLee, Abingdon Press, editors Ramona Richards, Katherine Johnson
Heir of Hope by Morgan L. Busse, Enclave Publishing, editor Karen Ball
The Five Times I Met Myself by James L. Rubart, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, editors Amanda Bostic, Erin Healy


Angelhood by A.J. Cattapan, Vinspire Publishing, editor Jessica Damien
The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, editor Becky Monds
Dauntless by Dina L. Sleiman, Bethany House (Baker) Publishing, editor Karen Schurrer


The Thornbearer by Pepper Basham, Vinspire Publishing, editor Jessica Damien
The Calling of Ella McFarland by Linda Brooks Davis, Mountainview Books LLC, editor Carol Kurtz Darlington
The First Principle by Marissa Shrock, Kregel Publications, editor Dawn Anderson

Congratulations to all the finalists!


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