Monday, January 29, 2018

Judah's Wife

Judah's Wife
A Novel of the Maccabees

The Silent Years, Book 2
Angela Hunt
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764219337
January 2018/384 pages/$15.99

To Be Silent Would Be to Deny Their God, To Defy Would Bring the Wrath of the King.

Seeking quiet and safety after a hard childhood, Leah marries Judah, a strong and gentle man, and for the first time in her life Leah believes she'll have peace. But the very nation Judah was named for has been conquered by a cruel king, who decrees that all Jews are to conform to Syrian laws or risk death for following the laws of Moses.

Judah's father resists the decree, igniting a war that will cost him his life. But before dying, he commands Judah to pick up his sword and continue the fight--or bear responsibility for the obliteration of Israel. Leah, who wants nothing but peace, struggles with her husband's decision--what kind of God would destroy the peace she has sought for so long?

The miraculous story of the courageous Maccabees is told through the eyes of Judah's wife, who learns that love requires courage . . . and sacrifice.

Read an excerpt.


The author of more than 100 published books and with nearly 5 million copies of her books sold worldwide, Angela Hunt is the New York Times bestselling author of The Note, The Nativity Story, and Esther: Royal Beauty. Romantic Times Book Club presented Angela with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006. In 2008, Angela completed her PhD in Biblical Studies in Theology. She and her husband live in Florida with their mastiffs. She can be found online at


Like the first book in this series and Angela Hunt's Dangerous Beauty novels, Judah's Wife creates a compelling story amidst the backdrop of a thoroughly researched, historically accurate setting. Prior to this novel, I was only vaguely familiar with the Maccabees and had minimal knowledge of the events of the Silent Years, the four hundred years between the Old and New Testaments when God sent no prophet to speak to His people. Hunt makes it evident that while He may have been silent, He was not absent in this gripping tale of the man and his sons who lead the Jewish people in their revolt against the evil king, Antiochus Epiphanes, who seeks to snuff out their religious practices and force them to worship the pagan gods. While many of the characters are verifiable, Hunt creates others who are not documented in historic references, Leah and other women among them, seamlessly blending fact and fiction into a tale that, in spite of its ancient setting and customs, has relevance for today. The demands made by Antiochus Epiphanes and the pressure to conform to a secular form of religion seem distressingly possible in our increasingly faith-hostile world. Judah's Wife will challenge and encourage you. Don't miss it!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free Bethany House Publishers for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


1. Why write about the Intertestamental Period? God was silent during that time, right?

God did not speak through his prophets during that time, but He certainly wasn’t napping, so surely He continued to speak to individuals in His still, small voice. For instance, we know He spoke to Simeon, the old man waiting to see the Messiah in the Temple. But God made no proclamations through His prophets. In the preceding years He had already told His people everything they needed to know about the coming Messiah.

2. This is a novel about the Maccabees—who were they, and why are they celebrated?

The Maccabees were followers of Judah/Judas Maccabees, the son of a priestly family who refused to capitulate to the ruling Seleucids who wanted to Hellenize the Jews. When Antiochus Epiphanes made it a capital crime to observe the Sabbath, circumcise baby boys, or refrain from eating pork and other unclean foods, the Maccabees fought back. Literally.

3. In the book, you mention that the celebration of Hanukah has its roots in events that took place during the time of the Maccabees. What is the connection with Hanukah, and why does a menorah symbolize that celebration?

After the Maccabees put the Seleucids to flight, they reclaimed the Temple, which had been desecrated in the most horrible ways imaginable. When they had finished cleansing it, they declared a festival—the word Hanukah means dedication.

Many Jews celebrate Hanukah with a menorah because a legend arose 600 years after the festival’s origination. The legend states that the priests found a vial of holy oil that had somehow escaped contamination by the pagan Seleucids. They poured the oil into a lamp, which miraculously burned for all seven days of the festival.

4. What lessons can a contemporary reader—Jewish or Christian—take from this book about the Maccabees? Is their story relevant to us today?

I believe the story is extremely relevant because our culture is becoming increasingly secular, and Christians are being pressed to conform to the world as never before. Of course, we should never be surprised or offended when people who do not believe in a holy God behave like people who do not believe in a holy God. The problem arises when we who DO believe are asked to accept and/or condone practices the Bible declares unacceptable for God’s people. Judeo-Christian principles once served as a basis for Western civilization, but now we are being asked to accept a fluid form of morality or be labeled “haters.” This is what the Jews faced under the Seleucid
empire, only they faced death, not criticism on social media.

5. The book’s characters frequently talk about “Hellenes,” or Jews who had set aside their Jewish faith in order to follow Greek customs and culture. Why were the religious Jews so opposed to the Hellenes? Aren’t we supposed to be culturally relevant?

If you can relate to the culture without compromising biblical standards of righteous living, great! If you must violate principles the Bible clearly declares, then we should be as steadfast as the righteous Jews who risked their lives to obey the Torah, God’s Word. If the Seleucid king had allowed the Jews to continue worshiping according to their beliefs, he would not have faced them in war. But when he began to put righteous Jews to death (in truly horrifying ways), the Maccabees took action, and God blessed them.

6. What book comes next in The Silent Years series?

The third book in The Silent Years series is Jerusalem’s Queen, a novel based on the life of Salome Alexandra. Who was she? Israel’s greatest queen, and a truly remarkable woman.

Thanks to Angela Hunt and Bethany House Publishers for providing this Q & A!

THE SILENT YEARS Series - click the covers for my reviews!


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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Song Unheard

A Song Unheard
(Shadows Over England, Book 2)
Roseanna M. White
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764219276
January 2018/416 pages/$15.99

If Betraying Her Heart Means Saving Countless Lives, Will She Find the Courage?

Willa Forsythe is both a violin prodigy and top-notch thief, which makes her the perfect choice for a critical task at the outset of World War I--to secure a crucial cypher key from a famous violinist currently in Wales.

Lukas De Wilde has enjoyed the life of fame he's won--until now, when being recognized nearly gets him killed. Everyone wants the key to his father's work as a cryptologist. And Lukas fears that his mother and sister, who have vanished in the wake of the German invasion of Belgium, will pay the price. The only distraction he finds from his worry is in meeting the intriguing and talented Willa Forsythe.

But danger presses in from every side, and Willa knows what Lukas doesn't--that she must betray him and find that key, or her own family could pay the same price his surely has.

Read an excerpt.


Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award-nominated author who has long said that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she's homeschooling her two kids, designing book covers, editing, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books . . . to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary. You can learn more about her and her stories on her Facebook page and at


Roseanna M. White is a must-read author for me, and she delights once again with A Song Unheard. White creates vivid and compelling characters that charm their way into my heart, even when one is a pickpocket and a skilled thief such as Willa! (Who knew thieves had such scruples?) This tale offers the perfect blend of intrigue, treachery, danger, and romance--not to mention the magnificent music that practically wafts off the pages. I lost track of time as I read, experiencing the setting, circumstances, and emotions as if I were transported back more than a century and across the pond to Wales. You don't simply read A Song Unheard; you feel it! Grab a blanket and your favorite warm drink and curl up with this extraordinary novel.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free Bethany House Publishers and Roseanna M. White for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


1. Where did you get the idea for A Song Unheard?

When I was researching Great Britain during World War I for the first book in the Shadows Over England series, A Name Unknown, I came across information about the hundreds of thousands of Belgian refugees that flooded the country in the first few months of the war—and specifically about an orchestra composed of Belgium’s best musicians. Two sisters from Wales, Margaret and Gwendoline Davies, devised the idea of funding a refugee orchestra. They actually sent men into Belgium soon after it was invaded by the German army to offer the musicians a safe haven in Wales during the war. They wanted to help provide for them, and also to bring some culture to their small neighborhood. As soon as I read about that, I was intrigued!

2. Both your hero and heroine in this book are violinists. Do you have a musical background?

I do, yes—though not on the violin. I’ve been playing the piano since I was seven. I also learned clarinet during school, for the band, and organ in high school. I’ve been the pianist/organist at one church or another since I was fourteen. So I had a lot of musical knowledge and background to pull from when writing this story, and just needed some input from a violinist to make sure my details about that instrument were correct.

3. What was the most interesting or fun part of the research for this book?

Probably all the beautiful music I got to listen to! I needed to be able to refer to several pieces byname and composer, so first I just wrote the scenes describing what sort of piece I’d need (fast, difficult, soothing, etc.) and then I bought an album of classical violin music and enjoyed listening to it until I found compositions that fit what I needed. Not exactly a hardship, I confess.

4. Did you learn anything that surprised you?

Definitely! I read a book all about the invasion of Belgium in the first days of the war and the occupation throughout it, and it was shocking. I had no idea how similar the practices of the German army during this occupation were to the Nazi regime we all know so much about from thirty years later. More, because the press sensationalized and exaggerated it during the war, it was then totally dismissed afterward, and the world didn’t heed any of the warning signs. Historians now look to Germany’s treatment of Belgium as a direct precursor to Nazi practices. Of course, there were still a few German military leaders who tried to speak reason to the High Command, and I do give them their due as well. We see all of this through the eyes of my hero’s little sister, who, along with their mother, is caught up in the chaos of the invasion when their hometown is burned to the ground.

5. What hope do you leave the readers with in A Song Unheard?

Though the world around them is grim and my heroine especially can’t see much reason to trust, faith shines brightest in dark times. In this story, I wanted to show how God will make himself real to each of us in the ways we most need. For some, like Lukas, it’s in sending the right people into our paths the moment we need them. For others, like Willa, it’s in sending us a song when that’s the only Gospel that we’ll let around the walls of our heart. Our Lord isn’t confined to one way of reaching us with the news of His Son, and for that I am so grateful.

Thanks to Roseanna M. White and Bethany House Publishers for providing this Q & A!


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Monday, January 22, 2018

The Melody of the Soul

The Melody of the Soul
Music of Hope (Book 1)
Liz Tolsma
(Gilead Publishing)
ISBN: 978-1683700401
January 2018/320 pages/$15.99

Anna has one chance for survival—and it lies in the hands of her mortal enemy.

It’s 1943 and Anna Zadok, a Jewish Christian living in Prague, has lost nearly everything. Most of her family has been deported, and the Nazi occupation ended her career as a concert violinist. Now Anna is left to care for her grandmother, and she’ll do anything to keep her safe—a job that gets much harder when Nazi officer Horst Engel is quartered in the flat below them.

Though musical instruments have been declared illegal, Anna defiantly continues to play the violin. But Horst, dissatisfied with German ideology, enjoys her soothing music. When Anna and her grandmother face deportation, Horst risks everything to protect them.

Anna finds herself falling in love with the handsome officer and his brave heart. But what he reveals might stop the music forever.


Best-selling novelist Liz Tolsma is the author of several World War II novels and prairie romance novellas. She also works as a freelance editor. She lives in a semirural area of Wisconsin with her husband and two daughters. Her son serves with the US Marines. All of their chidlren came to them through international adoption. Her other passions include walking, gardening, camping, and reading.

Find out more about Liz at


Oh my. My words cannot do justice to this masterpiece of a novel. Liz Tolsma has penned a story that is a veritable symphony of words. Exquisitely titled and graced with an equally enchanting cover, The Melody of the Soul touched my heart as surely as if I were hearing Anna playing her violin. Just as the best musical compositions move the listener through an array of emotional highs and lows by the juxtaposition of chords and tempo, this story swells and diminishes as it builds to the final crescendo. I was thoroughly engrossed in Anna's plight and found it impossible to set this book aside, virtually reading it straight through. To do otherwise would be like stopping an orchestra in the middle of a performance with a dissonant clang the cymbals. I've read quite a few historical fiction novels set in the WWII era, and few have gripped me like this one. Don't miss The Melody of the Soul. Your soul will be richer for it!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free from Gilead Publishing and Litfuse Publicity for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Travel back in time to 1943 and meet Anna Zadok, a Jewish Christian and concert violinist whose career is ended because of Nazi occupation in Prague. Don't miss the new historical novel, The Melody of the Soul, by Liz Tolsma. Though musical instruments have been declared illegal, Anna defiantly continues to play the violin. But Officer Horst Engel, quartered in Anna's flat and dissatisfied with German ideology, enjoys her soothing music. When Anna and her grandmother face deportation, Horst risks everything to protect them.

Join Liz Tolsma and other bookworms for a Facebook Live event on February 6, plus enter to win Liz's prize pack giveaway!

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Hope to see you on the 6th!


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Monday, January 15, 2018

The Ladies of Ivy Cottage

The Ladies of Ivy Cottage
Tales from Ivy Hill, Book 2
Julie Klassen
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764218156
December 2017/448 pages/$15.99

Return to Ivy Hill as friendships deepen, romances blossom, and mysteries unfold . . .

A gentlewoman in reduced circumstances, Miss Rachel Ashford lives as a guest in Ivy Cottage. With her meager funds rapidly depleting, she is determined to earn her own livelihood . . . somehow. Her friend Jane Bell and the other village women encourage her to open a circulating library with the many books she's inherited from her father. As villagers donate additional books and Rachel begins sorting through the volumes, she discovers mysteries hidden among them. A man who once broke her heart helps her search for clues, but both find more than they bargained for.

Rachel's hostess, Mercy Grove, has given up thoughts of suitors and finds fulfillment in managing her girls school. So when several men take an interest in Ivy Cottage, she assumes pretty Miss Ashford is the cause. Exactly what--or whom--has captured each man's attention? The truth may surprise them all.

Read an excerpt.


Julie Klassen loves all things Jane--Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Julie worked in publishing for sixteen years and now writes full-time. Three of her books, The Silent Governess, The Girl in the Gatehouse, and The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, have won the Christy Award for Historical Romance. The Secret of Pembrooke Park was honored with the Minnesota Book Award for genre fiction. Julie has also won the Midwest Book Award and Christian Retailing's BEST Award, and has been a finalist in the Romance Writers of America's RITA Awards and ACFW's Carol Awards. Julie and her husband have two sons and live in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information, visit


Julie Klassen once again delights with her new Regency-era novel. I loved returning to Ivy Hill and was charmed by familiar as well as new characters. While this book can be read as a stand-alone, recurring characters and references to previous events will mean more to those who read the first novel, The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill. And Klassen's storytelling is too good to miss in either book! Multi-dimensional individuals fill this tale, with as much care given to secondary characters as those in the main spotlight, and the result is a story that pulses with feeling. The societal expectations once again fascinated me, and of course as an avid reader, I loved that books play a prominent part in this engrossing novel. Don't miss The Ladies of Ivy Cottage!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free Bethany House Publishers for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


1. What can you tell us about your new book, The Ladies of Ivy Cottage?

The Ladies of Ivy Cottage is the second book in the Tales from Ivy Hill series. In it, Rachel Ashford finds herself living with her friend Mercy Grove but without a way to support herself. Jane Bell and others encourage her to open a circulating library with the many books she’s inherited. As villagers donate additional books, Rachel discovers mysteries hidden among them. A man who once broke her heart helps her search for clues, but both find more than they bargained for. Meanwhile, Mercy Grove has given up thoughts of suitors and finds fulfillment in managing her girls school. So when several men take an interest in Ivy Cottage, she assumes pretty Miss Ashford is the cause. But the truth may surprise them all.

2. Where did you get the original idea for this series?

I have wanted to write a village-based series for years. As an author of historical fiction set in England, I have loved several BBC miniseries set in villages like Larkrise to Candleford, Cranford, and Middlemarch, as well as the Thrush Green series of books. I am drawn to their close-knit communities filled with unforgettable characters, romance, family drama, and of course, the British accents. Now I hope readers will enjoy the Tales from Ivy Hill series as well.

3. This is the first sequel or “Book Two” you have written. What unique pleasures or challenges did you face while writing it?

Both! Pleasure-wise, I enjoyed staying in the same village for a second book, going deeper with the main characters, and bringing more secondary characters to life. As far as challenges, I found it tricky to decide how far to move the story forward to make Book Two fully satisfying while also (hopefully) enticing readers to read the third and final book next year. Finding the right balance of each character’s story was also a challenge. It’s not surprising there was a learning curve, as I’ve never written a series before. Kudos to veteran series writers who make it look so easy! Thankfully, I have talented critique partners and editors who helped me hone the book. I truly think readers will enjoy it even more than Book One.

4. Is Ivy Hill a real place?

Ivy Hill is fictional, but it is based on a real place: the national trust village of Lacock in Wiltshire. (In fact, there is a map of Ivy Hill printed in the book, and the street layout is nearly identical to Lacock’s.) I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Lacock three times now, most recently in September 2017, when I hosted my first-ever group trip to England. What a pleasure to tour Lacock’s half-timbered buildings, ivy-covered stone cottages, tempting shops, inns, and eateries with people who had read the book. I think they were as charmed by the place as I was. And I am not the first to set something there. Lacock has been used as a film location for scenes in Pride & Prejudice (1995), Cranford (2007), Emma (1996), and several other productions.

5. The first book was set primarily in a coaching inn. What is the setting of Book Two?

The primary setting of the book is a house called Ivy Cottage, where Mercy runs a small girls school and Rachel opens a circulating library. Books were very expensive in those days and free public libraries did not yet exist in Great Britain. But by the early nineteenth century, circulating libraries were thriving businesses found in most major English cities. These libraries charged an annual subscription fee that would allow subscribers to check out a certain number of volumes in a given period. As a book and history lover, I enjoyed incorporating a few details about these forerunners to today’s public libraries.

6. How can readers learn more about the series?

Readers can learn more by visiting, a website devoted to the series, including a colorful village map, character list, photos, excerpts, author videos, and more.

Many thanks to Julie Klassen and Bethany House Publishers for this intriguing Q&A!


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Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Lacemaker

The Lacemaker
Laura Frantz
ISBN: 978-0800726638
January 2018/416 pages/$15.99

It is the eve of a new age of freedom in the colonies.
But can a proper English lady dare hope for her own independence?

Lady Elisabeth "Liberty" Lawson has nearly everything a lady of her position could want. Daughter of the British lieutenant governor of the Virginia Colony and a darling of fine society in a rugged land, she is anticipating an advantageous marriage. That her betrothed is a rake and love is lacking is of little consequence--or so she tells herself.

Though her own life seems in order, colonial Williamsburg is a powder keg on the verge of exploding, and her fiancé's cousin Noble Rynallt carries the flame of revolution in his heart. Those with connections to the British nobility are suspected as spies, and Liberty soon finds herself left with a terrible choice. Will she stay true to her English roots? Or side with Noble and the radical revolutionaries?

Read an excerpt.


Laura Frantz is a Christy Award finalist and the ECPA bestselling author of several books, including The Frontiersman's Daughter, Courting Morrow Little, The Colonel's Lady, The Mistress of Tall Acre, A Moonbow Night, and The Ballantyne Legacy series. She lives and writes in a log cabin in the heart of Kentucky. Learn more at


I enjoyed this novel set on the cusp of the birth of the United States and its freedom from England. Laura Frantz brings 1775 Williamsburg to life in this captivating story. Although it's been thirty years since I've visited Colonial Williamsburg, it was fun remembering that visit as I vicariously traveled to the Governor's Palace, Bruton Parish, the Raleigh Tavern, and other sites. Rich historial detail provides an authentic setting while an engaging romance captivated my imagination. The tensions between neighbors and even family members over the fledgling nation's future add drama and enhanced my appreciation for the many sacrifices made for our freedoms. The lacemaking facet contributes a unique angle and additional depth. Don't miss this gripping novel.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free from Revell for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Oath of Honor

Oath of Honor
Blue Justice, Book 1
Lynette Eason
ISBN: 978-0800727215
January 2018/368 pages/$15.99

A murdered partner. A missing brother. Will Isabelle's silence protect those she loves . . . or delay justice?

Police officer Isabelle St. John loves her crazy, loud, law-enforcement family. She knows they'll be there for her when things get tough. Like when her partner is murdered and she barely escapes with her own life.

Izzy is determined to discover exactly what happened, and her investigation sends her headfirst into a criminal organization, possibly with cops on the payroll--including someone from her own family. With her dead partner's brother Ryan, a handsome homicide detective, shadowing her every move, Izzy's head is spinning. How can she secure justice for her partner when doing so could mean sending someone she loves to prison? And how will she guard her heart when the man she's had a secret crush on for years won't leave her side?

Read an excerpt.


Lynette Eason is the bestselling author of the Women of Justice series, the Deadly Reunions series, and the Hidden Identity series, as well as Always Watching, Without Warning, Moving Target, and Chasing Secrets in the Elite Guardians series. She is the winner of two ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Readers' Choice Award. She has a master's degree in education from Converse College and lives in South Carolina. Learn more at


It's a happy day when Lynette Eason releases a new novel, and her Blue Justice serires is off to a great start with Oath of Honor. Eason pays tribute to the men and women who put their lives on the line daily as police officers in this capitivating story. Unrelenting, adrenaline-spiking action and heart-pounding suspense keep the pages flying, and Eason once again expertly ends each chapter with scenarios that make it essentially impossible to find a "stopping place" for a break. While I'm not sure most police departments would allow the amount of family members working together (much less reporting to a chief who happens to be the parent of the officers/detectives), I was intrigued by the characters Eason created, espcially Isabelle ("Izzy") and her siblings. The romantic tension between Izzy and Ryan adds a fun layer. A great reason to curl up on a cold winter's evening, Oath of Honor is a must-read!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free from Revell for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Monday, January 8, 2018

Holding the Fort

Holding the Fort
The Fort Reno Series, Book 1
Regina Jennings
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764218934
December 2017/352 pages/$15.99

With Miss Bell as the Teacher, Everyone's Bound to Learn an Interesting Lesson

Dance hall singer Louisa Bell has always lived one step from destitution. When she loses her job at the Cat-Eye Saloon, she has nowhere else to go but to her brother, a cavalry soldier stationed in Indian Territory. But he's run afoul of his commanding officer. Unsure what she can do to help him and desperate for a job, she doesn't protest when she's mistaken for a governess at the fort. How hard can teaching really be?

Major Daniel Adams has his hands full at Fort Reno, especially raising two adolescent daughters alone. If this new governess doesn't work out, his mother-in-law insists she'll raise the girls herself--far away from the fort. Miss Bell bears little resemblance to Daniel's notion of a governess--they're not supposed to be so blamed pretty--but he finds himself turning a blind eye to her unconventional methods. Louisa has never faced so important a performance. Can she keep her act together long enough to help her brother and to secure the respectable future she's sought for so long?

Read an excerpt.


Regina Jennings is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in English and a minor in history. She's the winner of the National Readers' Choice Award, a two-time Golden Quill finalist and a finalist for the Oklahoma Book of the Year Award. Regina has worked at the Mustang News and at First Baptist Church of Mustang, along with time at the Oklahoma National Stockyards and various livestock shows. She lives outside of Oklahoma City with her husband and four children and can be found online at


Regina Jennings is a must-read author for me, and she kicks off her new series with another delightful novel. In her trademark style, Jennings creates a beguiling story with engaging characters and scenes that range from laugh-out-loud funny to hold-your-breath tense. The conventions of the era and the double standards of expected behavior between genders is well-portrayed. While Louisa's dilemma is heart-wrenching, her endeavors to improve her lot in society provide numerous awkward and amusing moments. Woven throughout this thoroughly enjoyable read is a steady thread of faith and grace. Don't miss this compelling tale, as well as the subsequent related novella, Bound and Determined, available now. Holding the Fort is the perfect way to spend a cozy winter evening!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book free from Regina Jennings and Bethany House Publishers for a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


1. What was your inspiration for Holding the Fort?

I’d already decided that I was going to set this series at Fort Reno, a historical site not far from my home, but there was a difficulty. Research revealed that there weren’t many single ladies visiting the fort, being how it was set in the middle of Indian Territory, so I had to come up with a compelling reason for Louisa Bell to get in the general proximity of Major Daniel Adams and stay there for a spell.

Military man, a widower with children . . . sound familiar? Could it be my very own Sound of Music on the Prairie? But it needed a twist. What if Louisa Bell wasn’t intentionally coming to teach Major Adams’s children? What if she was mistaken for a governess, when she was really something very different? Something shocking? Something like a dance hall singer? The thought made me laugh, and that’s when I knew I had to write this story.

2. What were some of the challenges in writing this book?

When writing about pioneers, or ranchers, or cowboys, there are a lot of details you have to research, but for the most part, those characters are their own bosses. If they feel like skipping dinner to stay out hunting, they will. If they want to sit up late and visit with their lady, no problem if she’s willing.

Writing about fort life is very different. I had to research uniforms, ranks, schedules, and regulations. The men don’t even get to choose when they wake up and when they go to bed. Since Daniel is an officer, he has freedoms that the enlisted men don’t, but his home and family are situated in a very structured environment. There’s not a lot of room for error. On the other hand, having a regimented setting makes the perfect backdrop for an impulsive, imaginative performer—especially one as captivating as Miss Bell.

3. In one word, what’s your novel about?

Authenticity. Lovely Lola Bell has always known who she was (a dance hall singer) and what she wanted out of life (to perform). After she loses her job at the Cat-Eye Saloon, she finds herself at Fort Reno being mistaken for the new governess. She doesn’t correct the mistake—after all, she needs work—but pretending to be something she’s not takes a toll on her.

Being true to ourselves isn’t always an easy thing. There’s a complexity that catches Lola/Louisa unprepared. How much of her past should she reveal? What if she does need to change? What parts of her character does God want her to keep, and what part is He waiting to redeem? Louisa learns that being authentic isn’t as simple as it sounds.

4. What’s next for readers?

You’ll be surprised to hear that the next Fort Reno story is just around the corner. Bound and Determined is a novella in the collection Hearts Entwined. You remember that roustabout brother of Louisa’s? Well, Private Bradley Willis is in trouble again with one last chance to keep his commission. As punishment for his recklessness, Bradley is sent on an errand to help a retired cavalry officer move a herd across Indian Territory. No one told him the herd would be camels instead of cattle, or that the officer’s headstrong daughter, Ambrosia Herald, would be undermining the whole enterprise. He’s definitely been saddled with more than he’s bargained for.

Don't miss Bound and Determined, available in January 2018!


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Friday, January 5, 2018

ACFW New Releases - January 2018

More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website.

Contemporary Romance:

Her Handyman Hero by Lorraine Beatty -- Reid Blackthorn arrives in Dover on a personal mission—to make sure his terminally ill brother gets a chance to meet his daughter. Deceiving little Lily’s guardian isn’t his intention. Yet once Tori Montgomery mistakes Reid for her new handyman, he knows it’s the only way to be close to his niece. Tori is honoring her friend’s last wish by keeping Lily away from her father’s family. And once she learns who Reid truly is, she realizes there’s too much at stake—including custody of Lily—for her to fall for the former DEA agent. But in keeping a promise, is she losing out on her chance for a happily-ever-after? (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Beneath the Summer Sun by Kelly Irvin -- It’s been four years since Jennie’s husband died in a farming accident. Long enough that the elders in her Amish community think it’s time to marry again for the sake of her seven children. What they don’t know is that grief isn’t holding her back from a new relationship. Fear is. A terrible secret in her past keeps her from moving forward. Meanwhile, Leo Graber nurtures a decades-long love for Jennie, but guilt plagues him—guilt for letting Jennie marry someone else and guilt for his father’s death on a hunting trip many years ago. How could anyone love him again—and how could he ever take a chance to love in return? (Contemporary Romance from HarperCollins Christian Publishing)

Ain’t Misbehaving by Marji Laine -- True, Annalee’s crime amounted to very little, but not in terms of community service hours. Her probation officer encouraged her with a promise of an easy job in an air-conditioned downtown environment. She didn’t expect her role to be little better than a janitor at an after-school daycare in the worst area of town. Carlton Whelen hides behind the nickname of CJ so people won’t treat him like the wealthy son of the Whelen Foundation director. Working at the foundation’s after-school program delights him and annoys his business-oriented father. When a gorgeous prima donna is assigned to his team, he not only cringes at her mistakes but also has to avoid the attraction that builds from the first time he sees her. (Contemporary Romance from Write Integrity Press)

Finding Grace by Melanie D. Snitker -- Single dad Tyler Martin can't be more grateful to the woman who finds his missing daughter. Even though he feels a spark between them, falling in love is a risk he shouldn't take. Too bad chance encounters and his stubborn heart keep trying to convince him otherwise. After escaping a nightmarish relationship, Beth Davenport is content with her safe and blessedly normal life. Yet something about Tyler and his adorable daughter makes her wish for more. With the walls around her heart finally starting to crumble, she's afraid of a future she can't predict. Can they let go of their fear and trust God to lead them to the love they desperately need? (Contemporary Romance, Independently Published)

Marrying Mandy by Melanie D. Snitker -- Mandy Hudson swore she'd never marry. Abandoned by her parents and raised by her grandparents, she has a hard time trusting that real love will last. When her grandmother dies, Mandy's shocked to discover a stipulation in the will. Considering marriage to her best friend may be the only way to keep her family's beloved bed-and-breakfast. The loss of his job threatens Preston Yarrow's shaky financial stability. Besides, he can't watch his best friend give up the only real home she's ever known. Frustrated by Mandy's stubborn refusal to let him help, he's certain they are stronger together than they are apart. A marriage of convenience might be crazy... or an answer to both their prayers. (Contemporary Romance, Independently Published)


Son of Promise by Caryl McAdoo -- Can a wife find the grace to forgive when her husband’s withheld the truth? Travis Buckmeyer has a secret son, and the morning’s come to tell his sweet wife. He hates breaking Emma Lee’s heart. She promised him one ten years ago, but hasn’t been blessed to carry a baby to term. Every miscarriage made the telling harder, but now his clock’s run out. He’s going for his son, praying he won’t lose her.
Cody knows who his mother claims his father is, but he’s only interested in getting sprung from reform school then boosting enough from the do-gooder to bust out on his own.
Can Travis find redemption, Emma Lee forgiveness, or Cody the love he’s been longing for? (Historical, Independently Published)

Historical Romance:

Hearts Entwined by Mary Connealy, Melissa Jagears, Regina Jennings, and Karen Witemeyer -- Four top historical romance novelists team up in this new collection to offer stories of love and romance with a twist of humor. In Karen Witemeyer's "The Love Knot," Claire Nevin gets the surprise of her life awaiting her sister's arrival by train. Mary Connealy's "The Tangled Ties That Bind" offers the story of two former best friends who are reunited while escaping a stampede. Regina Jennings offers "Bound and Determined," where a most unusual trip across barren Oklahoma plains is filled with adventure, romance, and . . . camels? And Melissa Jagears' "Tied and True" entertains with a tale of two hearts from different social classes who become entwined at a cotton thread factory. (Historical Romance from Bethany House [Baker])

A Bouquet of Brides Collection by Mary Davis, Kathleen E. Kovach, Paula Moldenhauer, Suzanne Norquist, Donita Kathleen Paul, Donna Schlachter, and Pegg Thomas -- For seven bachelors, this bouquet of brides means a happily ever after. Meet seven American women who were named for various flowers but struggle to bloom where God planted them. Can love help them grow to their full potential? (Historical Romance from Barbour Publishing)

A Mother For His Family by Susanne Dietze -- Lady Helena Stanhope’s reputation is in tatters…and she’s lost any hope for a “respectable” ton marriage. An arranged union is the only solution. But once Helena weds formidable Scottish widower John Gordon, Lord Ardoch, and encounters his four mischievous children, she’s determined to help her new, ever-surprising family. Even if she’s sure love is too much to ask for.
All John needs is someone to mother his admittedly unruly brood. He never imagined that beautiful Lady Helena would be a woman of irresistible spirit, caring and warmth. Or that facing down their pasts would give them so much in common. Now, as danger threatens, John will do whatever it takes to convince Helena their future together—and his love—are for always. (Historical Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

His Forgotten Fiancee by Evelyn M. Hill -- Liza Fitzpatrick is stunned when her fiancé finally arrives in Oregon City — with amnesia. Matthew Dean refuses to honor a marriage proposal he doesn’t recall making, but Liza needs his help now to bring in the harvest, and maybe she can help him remember… Matthew is attracted to the spirited Liza, and as she tries to help him regain his old memories, the new ones they’re creating together start to make him feel whole. Even as he falls for her again, though, someone’s determined to keep them apart. Will his memory return in time to save their future? (Historical Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White -- Willa Forsythe is both a violin prodigy and top-notch thief, which makes her the perfect choice for a critical task at the outset of World War I--to secure a crucial cypher key from a famous violinist currently in Wales. Lukas De Wilde has enjoyed the life of fame he's won--until now, when being recognized nearly gets him killed. Everyone wants the key to his father's work as a cryptologist. And Lukas fears that his mother and sister, who have vanished in the wake of the German invasion of Belgium, will pay the price. The only distraction he finds from his worry is in meeting the intriguing and talented Willa Forsythe. But danger presses in from every side, and Willa knows what Lukas doesn't--that she must betray him and find that key, or her own family could pay the same price his surely has. (Historical Romance from Bethany House [Baker])


Surgeon's Choice by Richard L. Mabry, MD -- Dr. Ben Merrick thought his biggest problem was getting his fiancé's divorced parents into the same room for the wedding--and then, people started dying. (Mystery, Independently Published through White Glove)

Romantic Suspense:

Innocent Lies by Robin Patchen -- Desperate to be safe from the man who held her captive and ruined her life, Kelsey must ensure her child is protected before she can take her enemy on. But a string of bad luck gets her arrested and lands her face-to-face with the only man she’s ever loved—the only man who can destroy all her plans. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published)

Cold Truth by Susan Sleeman -- When research chemist Kiera Underwood receives the cryptic phone call about her twin brother, she tries to contact him to no avail. Her twin sense tingles, warning her that something is wrong. Kiera’s not prepared when an attempt is made on her life and Blackwell Tactical operative Cooper Ashcroft delivers her second shock of the day. Someone killed the supervisor at the research lab where her brother works and stole a deadly biotoxin. The main suspect? Her brother, and Blackwell Tactical has been hired to bring him in. If that wasn’t shocking enough, she’s suspected of colluding with him. Setting out to prove herself and her brother is innocent, she is almost abducted before Ashcroft rescues her. He’s faced with the reality that she’s telling the truth and someone has likely abducted her brother—perhaps killed him—and now Kiera’s very life is in danger, too. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published)


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