1) We finally made it through The Season. My husband's birthday last night closed out our annual August/September marathon of all of our birthdays plus our anniversary plus the start of school. I had no idea, when I posted on August 1 about the start of those crazy weeks that were about to descend, what would be added to the midst of that.

3) Getting the official death certificate makes it really official and final. Very sobering. How thankful I am for the hope we have in Christ.
4) It is very annoying when the funeral home gives you a
5) Video posts of blog friends talking are hilarious and a great stress relief at the end of the day when #3 & 4 have happened. I've got to figure out how to do it next time.
6) I have been utterly blessed by the loving and prayerful support of friends, both local and in blogland, over these last weeks. And two sweet gals from church sent me a gift certificate to a local spa for a massage. I. Can't. Wait.
6) I still need to get my van fixed!
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. I Corinthians 15:19
. . .we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. I Thessalonians 4:13-14
We play Scrabble too. Glad to hear you got the chance to play with your sister and talk about your mom. My heart goes out to you. I know how you feel. My mom has only been gone for 3 months and it still feels like yesterday. Sometimes I actually forget she passed away for a moment and then realize she is gone. Hugs to you and I hope you feel a little better as time goes on.
I love to play scrabble! Usually it's Jeremiah and I playing! As for those funeral homes, how do you like it when they make a "cold call" to you! Like your not going to need their services someday! I think they basically have a lock on the market! I don't understand their attitudes, how insensitive!
I know your sister leaving will be a hard time and I will be praying for you and safe travel for her!
That is so utterly and completely tacky of the funeral home!
But that massage...that'll be nice :)
Glad you're back bloggy friend.
#4....how ridiculous! I can't believe they'd do that! I'd be like you and not want to go back there either.
Linda, I just wanted you to know that I received the book! Thanks!
I am praying for you Linda in your unbelievable loss of your mom. May His Presence be so real in the middle of your nights. I stopped by to say that I want a real-live cup of mocha with Linda at Mozart's! And, if Linda ever wants to take on Bev for a live game of Scrabble---well, I just might beat you---ha.
I still can't believe that funeral home...how tacky. I hope you wrote that strongly worded letter....
I LOVE the "I See What You're Saying" meme. I can't wait to get everything set up so I can do it.
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