As I write this post, I am watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics half a world away. As they showed images of China, some of its troubled history, its vast population, and reminders of the recent earthquake, and as right now a large number of disciples of Confuscius are performing, my heart is heavy.
It brings to mind something that Steven Curtis Chapman said on Larry King Live Thursday night. Immediately after Maria's death, he thought of the many people in China who had experienced the earthquake just days before, and he realized even in the midst of his grief that he has a comfort that so many of them do not.
Although I was mulling over some other songs, I feel compelled to post SCC's song Yours with the new verse he wrote as a result of their journey through grief. This video is from one of his first concert appearances, in late July, after her death, and he talks during the song about writing the new verse.
I encourage you to go to iTunes, Amazon, or your favorite Digital Service Provider and download the song to your iPod. All of the proceeds from this song are being donated to Shaohannah's Hope to help families adopt and provide hope to children.
Here is the final part of their interview on Larry King. It is all wonderful, of course, but if you only have time to just watch a bit, fast-forward it to about 6:10 to hear the clip of the new verse and then listen to SCC & Mary Beth's final comments. Phenomenal!
As you watch the Olympics, pray for the people of China - and in all the countries represented, that they would turn to God. Pray for the Chapmans, whose hearts are hurting right now and who have such a passion for the children of that country. And thank God that we do indeed have a hope because of Christ!
And it's all Yours God, Yours God
Everything is Yours
From the stars in the sky to the depths of the ocean floor
And it's all Yours God, Yours God
Everything is Yours
All the greatness and power, the glory and splendor and majesty
Everything is Yours
We are Yours
You'll find more Then Sings My Soul Saturday songs at Amy's!
Linda, I missed the interview, so thank you so much for posting this. And yes, China is in my heart for various reasons. May God continue to break our hearts with what breaks His. Thank you from a tenderized heart.
~Love, Sita~
I missed this interview too. Thanks for posting. I'm going now to download this song. It was beautiful!
This is so touching, thank you so much for sharing. I had not seen the interview either.
Linda...Thank you, thank you, thank you...so much...I love SCC YOURS and the new verse with his comments...
WOW...and I didn't get to see the interview so I truly appreciate this almost as much as the background you always share...how can you not think of this when seeing the Olympics in China...all of them who need Jesus and protection for those who do and want to worship Him and those there now trying to reach the millions!
This touched me so deeply! I'm so thankful that this will move many to download his song and help Shaohannah's Hope! What a blessing your wise choice was!Bless you for blessing us so much!
Oh Linda. Both of those interviews (GMA and LKL) were amazing. Just amazing.
Wow. This was incredible. thanks for sharing. When you pray for china will you say a prayer for my son who is serving our country over in korea? Thank you for stopping by and looking at his wedding pictures on my TSMSS, if only time could be stopped but that 15 year old son of yours will be graduating, going to college and getting married before you know it. Cherish each moment. -Blessings, Laurie
Thanks for sharing this video...I had not seen it either. It is comforting to hear how their faith has sustained them. The drawing with the word "see" was amazing...we just never know what God will use to bring us comfort.
Thank you so much for sharing this. Like so many others, I didn't get to see the programs and have only watched it on the internet. SCC performed live at our chapel service right before the accident and performed Your's. His message that day was amazing. God will truly bless them as they bless us...but I know they would rather have their little girl back. We'll continue to be in prayer.
Me too - THANK YOU for posting this. I had not seen the interview either. What an amazing family. An amazing witness for Christ.
Thank you so much for posting these videos! They blessed my heart as tears stream down my face. God is truly amazing. He gives us such strength...especially in our deepest and darkest times.
I'm glad that you posted this. I didn't even realize that the Chapman family was on Larry King Live. What a great interview and song lyrics.
Thanks for posting this. I didn't see it. They are an amazing family.
I guess this just goes to show you how busy I have been and I have just realized the tragedy that Steven C. Chapmans family went through... I watched the video you have on your blog... comforting, sad and all that goes with such a horrific experience of losing a child... something I pray I never have to experience...
thank you for sharing this.. your words are touching...
Thanks for a GREAT post!!!
Thanks, too, for visiting and leaving the comment for me!!
Come back and visit again...you're always welcome.
What a blessing and a great post! God bless you and thank you so much for your sweet comment about the prodigal. We did that on IOW Tuesday! I'm such a sheep. :)
When I get a quiet moment, I'm going to sit down and listen to the interview...thanks for posting it here.
This song pretty much sums up what our view of God and humanity should be.
I can always count on you to link me to the site...thanks again!!
Thanks for sharing this song and the interview. I missed it so I actually went back and watched it all. Their strength is amazing to me.
The interview makes me cry! I'm always amazed at the questions that Larry King asked! Some seemed so insensitive or is it just me! He said in the afterward of the CNN show, he did not have that faith! Doesn't that make you extremely sad!
What can I say - beautiful...
I love the last verse he added. It is so encouraging to see their faith.
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