As the election results come creeping in and much of the nation is riveted to the TVs and computer screens (And can I just say that this second-by-second TV coverage makes me crazy?! When they show the seconds counting down until the next set of polls close, and when the bottom of the screen shows Obama 66% & McCain 33% in a state and the numbers of votes counted are only 2 for Obama and 1 for McCain, I know - as if I didn't already - that the media has completely lost its mind! But I digress.), the normal human reaction - either to the uncertainty or the outcome - is anxiety.
I was comforted by remembering a dear old song that I have loved since childhood. Written in 1950, it's as relevant as if it had been written this afternoon. And though it's not Saturday, our souls do well to sing this wonderful truth, today and every day!
And for one of my favorite Bible passages, read Isaiah 45:1-7, where God summons and places on his throne the pagan king Cyrus to accomplish His purpose for the people of Israel! He knows, He provides, He's Sovereign!
Be sure to leave a comment by Thursday on this post for the Me, Myself, & I AM giveaway!
I'm in my "fabulous fifties" and my husband and I have been married 25 years. We have a son and a daughter who are both in college. so we are reluctantly entering the empty-nest years. I was an RN in my former (pre-kids) life which comes in handy as I serve in our church's care ministry.
Chatting over a cup of coffee with a friend to encourage and support one another (and share a laugh or even a tear) is one of my favorite things to do.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For posting this. What a perfect song for this.
I'm totally with you, the news updates are just crazy, driving me bonkers!
I couldn't agree more...
Last night I wished I lived in Texas as I watched my own state go blue.....but amen and amen!
thank you for the reminder via song. Love those Gaithers! beautiful!
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