It's spring. And for many high schoolers, that means PROM!
Share your prom memories. Did your school have a junior prom or just a senior prom? What did you wear? Was there a party after the prom? Did you go with a date or with friends, and if it was a date, was it a one-time date or a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario? Did you go to more than one prom (like, being someone's date at another school or year.) Where was your senior prom held? Any particular songs come to mind when you think of prom? As always, pictures are great!Just to clarify, the questions are simply to give you a springboard for your post; don't feel obligated to answer them all or to answer only those questions!
I forget how international blogging is, and apparently Prom is a uniquely American event! But if you live elsewhere and had some other traditional event in your high school, feel free to share and link your memories!
This will be relatively short and sweet. I went to my senior prom almost exactly 31 years ago, on May 4, 1979. I only know the date because I kept the ticket with my pictures! I went with my boyfriend, who was a year older than I was. Like many high schoolers back then, ours was an on-again, off-again relationship, and we were in an "off-again" period for his prom the year before, much to my disgust at the time! (Oh, the angst of being a teenager! I'm so glad that's behind me!)
I wore a dress that one of my sisters had worn as a bridesmaid. It was not as flamboyant as some bridesmaid dresses. It was solid peach, the bodice had little pleated tucks all across the front, and it was floor-length. Peach is not my best color, but my folks saw no reason to spend money on a dress when there were perfectly good bridesmaid dresses available. I didn't have a chance to scan one of the pictures my parents took, but you haven't missed much!
We went out to dinner - I can picture the steak restaurant but have no idea what it was called. Then we drove to the prom, which was held at the Astro Village Hotel (across from Astroworld). Limousines were not commonly rented for proms; I'd guess only a very few seniors arrived in a limo.
I remember virtually nothing about the prom itself - just a vague memory of tables, getting a picture made (I have no idea where it is!), and of course, dancing. Which I was not very good at because this was the first dance I'd ever been to and I'm not super coordinated.
The big "tradition" after the prom were breakfasts. (They called them that even though it was 1:00 or 2:00 am!) I figured that wouldn't be an option for me; my parents would think it was ridiculous to stay out even later than the prom ended. (Yet another flashback where it looks like I had really mean parents! Not mean, just conservative and way too sensible!) But two parents from our church, whose son graduated with me, hosted a breakfast at their home for all the church kids, and wonder of wonders, I got to go. I guess I probably got home at 3:00 in the morning, the latest I'd ever been out!
It was fun, but I think most of the fun was just knowing I was a senior and this was one of the rites of passage!
Okay, now it's your turn! Post your prom memories and link up here!
I can't believe I am! And I didn't have anything to say...lolol. Oh well enjoying the flashbacks every week. Thanks for hosting Linda!
until next time... nel
Joining in with you for the first time. It's fun! :)
oh the memories!!
my own firstborn will be ready for his first prom next year.
Where does the time go?
I played along today. I was a year ahead of you so have similar memories. I don't remember a lot about the event itself but I do have my picture posted. My girls will love it.
Thanks for hosting!
You had pictures "made" not "taken?" There's that regional thing again. Sounds like your prom was about as much fun as mine. Yawn. The only thing I liked about it all was picking out a dress and getting dressed up, which, when you read mine, you will see that it was an epic fail.
Thanks for hosting Friday Flashback, Linda. This is also my first time to join. I enjoyed reading your memories. We don't have proms here in Indonesia, at least at my time. Have a wonderful weekend.
People warned me that if I didn't attend my prom I would regret it. I didn't and I don't! I enjoy reading your memories Linda!
We has spring banquets rather than proms, but I did enjoy the dressing up and the fact that it was kind of the big event of the year.
I made it this week! :)
I'm in! It's very interesting to see how different parts of the country do prom differently...and how they do them the same...
Good prompt!
Fun post! I went dateless to my junior prom (a group of us girls went together). I went to my senior prom with the captain of the basketball team and we were voted king and queen. I know it was more because of who he was than me but it's still my little claim to fame! lol
I guess I'm kinda like you, I don't have any memories of prom that it was some grand event.
I waited until late to post because once again, I have a cinders memory rather than a princess memory. I almost didn't share at all. It seems to distress people when I talk about the less stellar aspects of my childhood. Still, look at me now. I have my prince charming and most of the time we are quite happy.
I miss Astroworld...
I enjoy reading your memories
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