Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brain Drain

Said the College Board to my high school boy,
Do you know what we know?
Dump your brain, high school junior boy,
Let us see what you know!

AP tests - those sure can be a drain
Extracting all that stuff from your brain!
Finals are next, so let some facts remain.
Hope it doesn't make you insane!

It's enough to make even Mom testy! Two weeks ago, my boy had several of the TAKS tests (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills). Since he's a junior, these are the Exit Level tests for the major subject areas (math, science, social studies; English was a bit earlier this spring).

Now he's taking AP tests. Five of them. Last week was Spanish, Calculus, and US History, followed by Physics (yesterday) and Chemistry (today). They each take 3 hours and are pretty tiring.

Next week he gets a bit of a breather - well, except for the 3 projects that are due! Then the week of the 24th is finals. He gets to exempt a few, but I don't know why they don't allow the TAKS or AP tests to count.

And the last day of school won't indicate the end to this testing. The first two Saturdays in June he takes the SAT and the ACT.

I'm thinking college will be a breeze after this!

Photo Credit: Google Images


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Kim said...

You son's resume of classes makes me feel dumb! Great day in the morning!!

Samantha said...

Oh my goodness, yes college should be a breeze for him !

sara said...

oh so happy to be done with all that....oh wait..I will have to do it with one more!!!

Skoots1moM said...

hopefully he'll get to exempt some of his college classes.
we're finding out soon if dd's will be counting for her entry into UofAlabama.
Stil trying to imagine my girl being that far from me for soooooo long. Ya'll will have to be my online therapy, ok?

Pamela said...

Your son will be so glad that he worked so hard. My daughter was in a five year music education program at a Christian university. She was able to us her AP credits and pay about $900 for one year of her college. She worked hard in high school and sacrificed a lot, but it saved her A LOT of money and a year of classes and books!

Good luck to your son. Sounds like he will do great.

quilly said...

I took my college entrance exam at age 31. It was a horrific three-hour test. I drug myself home certain I had flunked out and feeling like a total idiot. One would HAVE to be a kid to undergo days of those things!