Thursday, December 2, 2010

Flashback Friday Prompt

There's a reason our internet connection has been squirrelly - a squirrel had chewed partway through the line! The cable guy replaced the wire and also replaced our ancient cable modem. I have a new screen on my laptop, and I am one happy girl!

Coming Monday: Booked for the Holidays!

I've really been looking forward to December Flashback Fridays. We will look at a different aspect of this holiday each week. It'll be like having a party in my computer!

When you were growing up, when did your family put up and decorate the Christmas tree? Was it real or artificial? Who usually decorated it? Were there special decorations? What was on the top? White lights or colored, blinking or steady? How much did your family decorate for the holiday other than the tree (wreaths, dishes, snowglobes, miniature villages, etc.)? Did y'all do outdoor lights? White or colored, blinking or not? Are there special memories associated with decorating for Christmas?

Share your memories tomorrow and come back here to link up!


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1 comment:

Kim said...

A squirrel huh? That explains it alright!! Glad you are up and running again!!