Break, n. - a momentary halt in an activity; a period during which the usual routine is suspended
Synonyms: breather, lull, intermission, respite, downtime, hiatus, sabbatical, furlough, time-out
Call it what you will, Flashback Friday is going into the meme vault for the month of May. I just cannot handle the demands on my time and the resulting stress right now. Anyone who is a mom knows the craziness that is May. Add to that one boy who is graduating and the extra energy and activities consumed with that. Toss in a girl from Germany who turns 18 three days before graduation and is in her last six weeks with our family. Include a full schedule of year-ending orchestra & choir concerts and other award ceremonies and activities, including a girl who is trying out for a special choir for next year, requiring late days at school. Stir in a sister with early-onset Alzheimer's who must vacate the missionary housing provided by a local church by the end of this month (due to an incoming missionary family who had previously reserved it for their time in the states), complicated by limited availability & affordability of options as well as her lack of recognition & acceptance of decreasing independence. Top it off with a generous helping of Care Minister responsibilities and the result is I am meeting myself coming and going and doing my best not to miss God in the midst of it all. Or come unglued or have a nervous breakdown.
Thanks to those of you who have been so supportive and encouraging of this fun meme; I hope I can return to it in the summer when things settle down, assuming the idea bank hasn't run completely dry.
Wow. You have a lot on your plate right now! I hope you set aside some quiet time each day just to relax.
Praying for you Linda!!! Your plate is definitely full!
Thank you for the many wonderful times you prompted us to remember and reflect!
May is always a busy month for all, and we more than understand your need for a break. What I don't understand is how you have kept going this long!
May His grace and strength sustain and guide you each day.
What a busy lady you are! I hope all of the events and activities go smoothly for you and all of your family.
Good gracious, that's more for one person to do and bear than the law allows. :o) May our Lord grant you an extra portion of His grace, strength and peace during this time.
Blessings abundant to you!
...and I thought I was busy right now!
It's been a pleasure participating in your meme. Enjoy your break, and when the time comes, if you decide to resume your meme, I'll gladly rejoin you.
Praying for and with you, Linda.
You are a very generous and loving lady full of ambition. Please stay rested when you can and don't get worn down.
I know all these people you help and those who know will always be proud of you. I am too.
I know you don't do all that for their being proud but it works that way.
Of course -- because I've had a respite this week and thought I could actually play! ;)
Seriously, this is a special time in the life of your son. Enjoy. And you've got memories to make with your house guest as well.
A busy month indeed, hope all works out well. Will keep you & family in my prayers.
enjoy your time away...
we'll get back to this stuff later...
breathe............. ;D
Enjoy all the busyness of May...lots to celebrate!
Will definitely miss your Flashback Friday this month, sorry I have been so busy and not able to participate lately, so I completely understand. Take this time to breathe and have a good month. Miss you!
until next time... nel
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