While I enjoyed all of the interviews I got to do in Atlanta, one in particular stands out as extra-special. Last night I finished transcribing it and all I can say is WOW. You are in for a treat. I need to get it all set to post, and I want to give you a little advance notice of when it will appear on the blog so you won't miss it. It's a smidge longer than some, but I absolutely couldn't bear to edit any of it out. It will bless you, encourage you, and I suspect you'll need a tissue.
This very special interview will also have a giveaway along with it.
I will post it on Sunday. So instead of that Sunday afternoon nap, curl up with a mocha and come for a visit with a very special guest. And bring a friend!
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Ooooh, I can't wait! I don't do naps nor mocha, but I'll be here Sunday afternoon!
okay, I'll try to remember. My Summer will wind down about the end of August.
Okay now you have my curiosity up. I'll plan on being here. :)
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