Sorry for the delay in announcing a winner; with all the news of the fires and trying to ascertain who in our church family might need assistance, it kinda slipped my mind.
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-09-07 12:56:35 UTC
Congrats to StillMagnolia! Email me your address and I'll send the book your way!
The first day I was in Atlanta, I passed a woman as I walked across the second floor lobby of the hotel. We smiled at each other in passing, and as she headed into the coffee/snack shop and I went down the escalator, I realized the woman was author Brandilyn Collins. I immediately felt a dilemma. I absolutely did not want to be a "groupie" and cause her to feel like she couldn't even get a coffee in peace. But my girl had absolutely LOVED the series Brandilyn wrote with her daughter and I wanted to tell her that. I figured I might not see her again the entire week. So I went back up the escalator and somewhat apologetically introduced myself.
Oh. My. Goodness.
She was absolutely delightful. First of all, she recognized my Mocha with Linda name from my
Here is a picture of the two of us the following night at the Christy Awards. We ended up sitting at the same table and let me tell you: she is a blast to be around! She writes some creepy suspense books, but there is nothing macabre or sinister about this woman. She has a great sense of humor and a mischievous wit that still makes me laugh. And I could tell she has a heart for God and for others as she prayed the closing prayer for the award ceremony. I'm so glad I got to meet her.
She gave me an autographed copy of her latest book, Over the Edge. In fact, she gave me two copies, so read all about the book and my thoughts below, and then leave a comment for a chance to win that second copy!
Brandilyn Collins
(B&H Publishing)
ISBN: 978-1433671623
May, 2011/352 pages/$14.99
A suspense novel based on Lyme disease and the "Lyme Wars"
Torn from the front lines of medical debate and the author's own experience with Lyme Disease, Over the Edge is riveting fiction, full of twists and turns—and powerful truths about today's medical field.
Janessa McNeil’s husband, Dr. Brock McNeil, a researcher and professor at Stanford University's Department of Medicine, specializes in tick-borne diseases—especially Lyme. For years he has insisted that Chronic Lyme Disease doesn't exist. Even as patients across the country are getting sicker, the committee Brock chairs is about to announce its latest findings—which will further seal the door shut for Lyme treatment.
One embittered man sets out to prove Dr. McNeil wrong by giving him a close-up view of the very disease he denies. The man infects Janessa with Lyme, then states his demand: convince her husband to publicly reverse his stand on Lyme—or their young daughter will be next.
But Janessa's marriage is already rocky. She's so sick she can hardly move or think. And her husband denies she has Lyme at all.
Welcome to the Lyme Wars, Janessa
Brandilyn Collins is a best-selling novelist known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. These harrowing crime thrillers have earned her the tagline "Don't forget to b r e a t h e . . ."® Brandilyn's first book, A Question of Innocence, was a true crime published by Avon in 1995. Its promotion landed her on local and national TV and radio, including the Phil Donahue and Leeza talk shows. Brandilyn's awards for her novels include the ACFW Book of the Year (three times), Inspirational Readers' Choice, and Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice.
Brandilyn is also known for her distinctive book on fiction-writing techniques, Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn From Actors (John Wiley & Sons). The Writer magazine named Getting into Character one of the best books on writing published in 2002.
When she's not writing, Brandilyn can be found teaching the craft of fiction at writers' conferences. She and her family divide their time between homes in the California Bay Area and northern Idaho.
To be completely honest, as much as I love novels with a medical twist, I was a bit hesitant to read this book before I met Brandilyn. I'm always a bit wary of issue-driven fiction, or what I have sometimes called "soapbox" books. My respect for Brandilyn Collins as a top-notch author as well as her delightful personality convinced me to read it, and just like her previous books, I was glued to the pages. This is a riveting, suspenseful story in its own right, but I found it even more compelling knowing that Brandilyn's own experience with Lyme disease provided a level of authenticity that mere research could never achieve. This is an eye-opener of a book about a controversial topic which Brandilyn handled exceedingly well, both within the novel itself and in her explanatory note at the end of the book. I highly recommend this book!
Brandilyn Collins graciously gave me a second copy of this book and autographed it for one of you! To enter, just leave a comment on this post by 8:00 pm CDT Sunday, September 4. US residents only, please. Be sure to include an email address if you don't have a blog.
Count me in on the giveaway. It looks like a good book. distio
it's sooo nice when they give away copies to get their books out there...plz put my name in ;)
I have heard great things about this book and would love to win a signed copy. Please enter me.
lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for the chance to win!
Linda, you were absolutely a delight to meet. I'm so glad I was finally able to see you and talk with you in person. Blessings--and hope to see you again.
LOL...great segment Linda! And we sure did have great fun in Hotlanta!
LOL...don't put me in the drawing. Brandilyn signed one for me while we were there :-)
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