According to the calendar, today is the first day of summer. It's been summer around here for almost a month, both with the temperatures and because school's been out for several weeks. I can't complain about the weather, though; on the radio yesterday they said last year by this time we had already had 15 days of 100+ degree temps, and this year we've had only one. In fact, yesterday was cloudy and only in the low 80's. Pretty nice!
1. Summer officially rolls in with the Hodgepodge this week, for those of us in the Northern hemisphere anyway. What song says summer 2012 to you?
I don't know if there's a song I identify with this particular summer, at least not yet. It's too early!
But the summer of my sixth grade year definitely had a song - the Carpenters' Yesterday Once More. Even today, I hear that song and. . .it's Yesterday Once More!
2. What's your favorite quintessential summer food?
I think you can guess this from the picture I posted last week: central Texas peaches!
3. I've spent a lot of time traipsing up and down the NJ Turnpike in recent weeks. Did you know the rest areas on the turnpike are named after people who lived or worked in NJ? Clara Barton, Walt Whitman, James Fenimore Cooper, Molly Pitcher, Joyce Kilmer, Thomas Edison, and Gover Clevland just to name a few. Of those I listed, who would you most like to have known and why?
(BTW, Joyce linked to each one of those names, but I'm not oging to do that. If you are interested, you can follow the links on her blog!)
Anyone who's been around my blog much knows my answer would be Clara Barton since I'm an RN. She was such a pioneer in nursing and worked in some incredibly horrific conditions. I would love to talk to her.
4. At what age did you move out of your parent's house and what prompted the move?
I went to college as a freshman just weeks after turning 18. I came home for the summers, but once I graduated I got a job 3 hours from my folks and never moved home agaon.
5. What's more satisfying to you-saving time or saving money?
It depends on the situation. For some things, the time is more important. For others, it's the money.
6. Name something you think brings out the good in people.
I think for most people, large-scale tragedies or disasters do. They tend to bind together and help one another when there are major events. (Well, there are a few exceptions, such as those who take advantage of such situations to loot and vandalize!)
7. This last question comes to you courtesy of Kathy over at Reflections...will you be taking a vacation or a staycation this summer? If so where will you go? If a staycation is on the calendar have you made any special plans to fill the time?
I am thrilled to be taking a couple of fun trips. Once again I have the incredible opportunity to attend ICRS and the Christy Awards; this year they are in Orlando. Then my girl and I will be heading to Germany to see GG (our exchange student we hosted last year) and her family for two weeks! I have never been anywhere in Europe and am eagerly anticipating the trip.
The one potential kink in my summer plans was finding out last week that I have gallstones - I'm seeing a surgeon today and hoping I can get that taken care of ASAP so it doesn't interfere with my trips!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Thanks to all of you who voted for me last week! I didn't win the Grand Prize but I was one of the winners who will receive an autographed copy of Angela Hunt's new book Five Miles to Peculiar and a beautiful apron as well!
So excited for your trip-what city is she from? I love Germany!
That's wonderful you get to go to Germany for a visit. I will pray about your gallstones and for that to be taken care of quickly!
I didn't know who Clara was but I can see why you picked her! I love how independent your were. I never went to college or lived on my own.
(until I got divorced that is!) I am sure I missed out on something. It is sad that tragedy has to bring out the goodness in people but I am sure God has His plans for a reason. Congrats on winning the autographed book!
Enjoy Germany it is beautiful!!
Germany - that is so awesome!
Hope you get the gall bladder problem taken care of quickly. I had it a few years ago and recovered pretty quickly! Hopefully you will too.
Congratulations on winning the book, Linda!!!
Your trip to Germany with your daughter sounds like so much fun! I know that y'all will create a lot of life-long memories!!
Congrats on winning the autographed copy and the apron!
Best wishes with your gall stones--and your trips!
You will love Germany. Be sure to eat some chocolate is amazing. Have a great time.
I'm going to Germany next summer...can't wait!
Hope you get those gallstones taken care of...don't want to have an attack while you're in Germany!
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