Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sweet Sanctuary

Sweet Sanctuary
Kim Vogel Sawyer
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764207891
April 2013/352 pages/$14.99

A Story of Hope and Love Set Against the Backdrop of World War II

Lydia Eldredge longs to provide sanctuary for her young son, Nicky. But a constant threat comes from Nicky's drug-addicted father, who wants the boy and seems willing to do whatever it takes to get him.

Dr. Micah Hatcher faithfully serves the immigrant population of Queens, New York. But under cover of darkness, he has a secret mission that challenges everything he thought he wanted out of life.

When Lydia and Micah's paths cross, they are suddenly wrapped up in each other's callings. Together, they seek a refuge of safety--for Nicky, for themselves, and for the needy people God puts into their lives. Amid turmoil and discord, can hope and love prevail?


Kim Vogel Sawyer is the author of nineteen novels, including several CBA and ECPA bestsellers. Her books have won the ACFW Book of the Year Award, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, and the Inspirational Readers Choice Award. Kim is active in her church, where she leads women's fellowship and participates in both voice and bell choirs. In her spare time, she enjoys drama, quilting, and calligraphy. Kim and her husband, Don, reside in central Kansas, and have three daughters and six grandchildren. She invites you to visit her Web site at www.kimvogelsawyer.com for more information and to connect with her on Facebook.


What a beautiful, tender novel this is! Kim Vogel Sawyer has penned a story that spotlights much of the heartache of World War II while at the same time weaving a steady thread of faith and assurance throughout its pages. I ached for Lydia and little Nicky and the struggles and fears they experienced due to the threat of Nicky's unstable and drug-addicted father. Dr. Micah Hatcher (or Micah-my-friend, as Nicky calls him!) seems like the answer to Lydia's dilemma, only he is committed to his calling in New York. Just when all hope seems lost, Sweet Sanctuary reminds us that God can and does work "above all we could ask or think" and that sometimes He uses us to accomplish those purposes in someone else's life.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book from Kim Vogel Sawyer and Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Monday, April 29, 2013

Billy Graham & Me - Giveaway!

UPDATE Monday 8:15 pm WINNER!

Mea culpa! I didn't get the winner drawn over the weekend, but it's never too late to pick a winner!

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2013-05-07 01:14:28 UTC

Congrats to tickmenot! Email me your address by 8:30 pm CDT Wednesday, and the publicist will send the book your way!

* * * * *

Billy Graham and Me
101 Inspiring Personal Stories from Presidents, Pastors, Performers, and Other People Who Know Him Well

Steve Posner, Amy Newmark
(Chicken Soup for the Soul)
ISBN: 978-1611599053
February 2013/416 pages/Hardcover/$24.95

Renowned Evangelical preacher Billy Graham has touched tens of millions of lives, inspiring faith and hope around the world. And you will get to know the beloved preacher better in these inspiring, personal stories by the people who know him best. This book contains 101 fascinating stories from all the living U.S. presidents, well-known pastors, country singers and other celebrities, and world leaders, relating their own experiences with Billy Graham. You will meet the real Billy Graham, the man behind the public figure.


Steve Posner teaches Advanced Writing for International Relations and Global Economics at the University of Southern California. Amy Newmark is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Chicken Soup for the Soul.


Often referred to as "America's Pastor," Billy Graham is one-of-a-kind. Even those who differ with his theology respect him for his integrity and his life above reproach. I was fascinated by the stories shared in this book. Some are intensely personal, and it is obvious that the writer had a close relationship with Mr. Graham. Others are more generalized. All are steeped in admiration and respect for this man. And the common theme throughout all of them-besides declaring that the single-minded purpose of Mr. Graham's life, both public and private, has been to declare the gospel of Christ-has been Mr. Graham's complete humility and astonishment that anyone would see him as set apart. I particularly loved the stories shared by his children. Although the book is about Billy Graham, it's really about how God, and how He is glorified by a life wholly committed to Him. I highly recommend this book!


The publicist has graciously offered to give a copy of this book to one of you! To enter, leave a comment on this post by 8:00 CDT Saturday, 5/4/13, and I will draw a winner. US mailing addresses only, please. You must include an email address if you don't log into Blogger to comment. Winner will have 48 hours to respond after notification or another winner will be chosen.


Visit the Chicken Soup for the Soul Facebook Page and click on the Sweepstakes button to enter the "Billy Graham & You" Contest! The grand prize winner will win a trip for two to The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina from anywhere in the continental U.S.!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book from Shelton Interactive Publicity. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Friday, April 26, 2013

Help for Women Under Stress

Help for Women Under Stress
Randy and Nanci Alcorn
(Eternal Perspectives Ministries Publishing)
January 2013/224 pages/$9.99

Struggling with stress? Don't let it get the best of you.

Stress. It’s part of our everyday lives, sometimes as the spark that keeps us moving forward and sometimes as the avalanche that threatens to bury us. Chances are, since this book’s title has caught your eye, you are looking for some relief from stress, or at least hope that relief is possible.

In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of Help for Women Under Stress originally published in 1986, Randy and Nanci offer you both the hope and the help you are looking for. They not only help you understand what stress is and how it operates, but give plenty of useful tips and strategies for bringing peace to the chaos of your daily life.

Your energy is perishable, but can be daily replenished. Don’t waste your life in unnecessary and unwise responses to stress. Let this book help you live in a way that honors God and your loved ones, while understanding and respecting your limits. And let it remind you that one day God will wipe away all the downsides of stress in an eternal world of rest, refreshment, thriving relationships and unending adventure.

Paperback available exclusively from Eternal Perspective Ministries

Digital editions also available for:

Kindle, Nook, iPad, Kobo, and PDF

Help for Women Under Stress from Randy Alcorn on Vimeo.

A Prayer of Weariness by Randy Alcorn

Read Chapter 2 from the book ("Stress: What's It All About?") and take the stress quiz to find out how stress is affecting your life.


Author Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM), a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth and drawing attention to the needy and how to help them. EPM exists to meet the needs of the unreached, unfed, unborn, uneducated, unreconciled and unsupported people around the world.

"My ministry focus is communicating the strategic importance of using our earthly time, money, possessions and opportunities to invest in need-meeting ministries that count for eternity," Alcorn says. "I do that by trying to analyze, teach and apply the implications of Christian truth."

Randy and Nanci Alcorn were married in 1975. They have two married daughters and five grandsons.


This is a much-needed book for women in today's fast-paced world. Randy and Nanci Alcorn address the issue of stress from a variety of angles, including its source and the effect it can have on a woman's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Simple quizzes help the reader identify the level of stress impacting her life, including stress caused by positive life changes. This is not just a philosophical discussion of stress, however, but a highly practical book that provides specific steps for women to address and decrease the stress in their lives. No miracle cures or quick fixes here, just sound and Biblically-based advice for women that will help them manage the demands on their time without feeling like they are stuck on the spin cycle of an unruly washing machine. And since the stressed-out woman doesn't have time for "one more" thing on her To Do List, this book can be read in small increments, applying each section as it is read. Recommended!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book from Eternal Perspective Ministries. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

When the Morning Glory Blooms

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
When The Morning Glory Blooms
Abingdon Press (April 1, 2013)
Cynthia Ruchti


Cynthia writes stories of hope that glows in the dark, merging her love for storytelling with inextinguishable hope for inexpressible hurts.

Cynthia spends her days diving into words, worship, and wonder and celebrating 40 years of marriage, three grown children, and five outrageously adorable grandchildren. One of her greatest joys is helping other writers grow in their craft. To that end, she served as the assistant director and a faculty member of the Quad Cities Christian Writers Conference, has served as worship and devotions staff for the Write-to-Publish conference, and teaches at other conferences as opportunities arise. She speaks to women’s groups, at mother-daughter banquets, and for women’s refresher days and retreats. It is her delight to serve on her church’s worship team. Rather than “busy,” she likes the term “active.”

For 33 years, Cynthia wrote and produced the radio broadcast The Heartbeat of the Home. The scripted radio drama/devotional broadcast aired on as many as 50 radio stations and two cable/digital television stations over the years. Cynthia was the editor of the ministry’s Backyard Friends magazine, a twenty-page, twice annual publication that reached 5,000 homes, churches, and parachurch outreaches.


Becky rocks a baby that rocked her world. Sixty years earlier, with her fiancé Drew in the middle of the Korean Conflict, Ivy throws herself into her work at a nursing home to keep her sanity and provide for the child Drew doesn't know is coming. Ivy cares for Anna, an elderly patient who taxes Ivy's listening ear until the day she suspects Anna's tall tales are not the ramblings of dementia. They're fragments of Anna's disjointed memories of a remarkable life. Finding a faint thread of hope she can't resist tugging, Ivy records Anna's memoir, scribbling furiously after hours to keep up with the woman's emotion-packed, grace-hemmed stories. Is Ivy's answer buried in Anna's past? Becky, Ivy, Anna--three women fight a tangled vine of deception in search of the blossoming simplicity of truth.

If you would like to read the first chapter of When The Morning Glory Blooms, go HERE.


I knew from reading Cynthia Ruchti's first novel that this would be a good book, and the beautiful cover promised a delightful story. However, I was unprepared for just how magnificent a novel this would be and how it would touch my heart! One of those rare books that you not only read but experience, When the Morning Glory Blooms weaves together three stories into one, stories of three different yet similar women whose lives span the decades. Authentic and heartrending in its emotion and honest about the pain each of these women faces in her life, this novel is first and foremost a tale of compassion, grace, and hope. While the connection between Ivy and Anna was obvious from their interactions, it was less apparent how Becky's life would intersect theirs but it was worth the wait. I highly, highly recommend this book. It's earned a place on my Favorites shelf!


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April's Last Wednesday Hodgpodge

How can this be the last Hodgepodge of April?! Mercy, this year is flying by! Join me over at Joyce's blog to play along after you read and comment below!

1. April showers bring May flowers...what have you been showered with this month?

Books! I've read some great books this month (tomorrow is my 20th review of the month!) and have more that I can't wait to start in my TBR pile!

2. What is the nature of compassion? Is it learned or innate? Can compassion be learned? If you're a parent is this something you've purposely sought to instill in your children, and if so how?

I think it comes more naturally for some people than others, but I think it can be learned. I have been intentional about trying to instill it in my kids by modeling it and placing them in situations where they can show compassion. I never shielded them from funerals once they got past the age of 4 or 5), took them to visit elderly friends, prayed in the car when we passed a wreck, etc. I certainly haven't done it perfectly, but it's borne some fruit.

Part of my goal was not specifically to just instill compassion but to teach my kids to be others-centered. That is a basic characteristic that I feel is so important and much too neglected today, and the "side effects" include not only compassion but humility, patience, gentleness, and a whole host of positive traits.

3. Do you prefer to watch romantic comedy or romantic drama...or are you rolling your eyes saying bring on the action flicks?

Mostly the romantic drama. I have to be in the right mood for romantic comedy and a little goes a long way. I can watch some action flicks but even then, I'm focusing more on the interpersonal relationships.

4. It's April which means baseball season is officially upon us here in the US of A. Humphrey Bogart is quoted as saying "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." Agree or Disagree?

Disagree. I'm not a big baseball fan. The games take too long and are too slow. And I do love my Texas beef!

5. What's something in your community or city that needs fixing or improving?

Don't EVEN get me started! LOL

6. Share a song you enjoy that mentions flowers or a specific flower in its title.

I was torn between two, so I'll share them both. Growing up, I always loved it when we sang the old hymn The Lily of the Valley! Here's a version with just a couple of verses from one of the Gaither Homecomings:

And as a Texas gal, of course I've always LOVED The Yellow Rose of Texas! Especially since yellow has always been my favorite color. Yellow roses were my wedding flowers!

7. April 22nd is Earth Day...do you believe there's life on other planets? That wasn't the question you were expecting was it?

There may be plant life, but I don't really think there are people on other planets. And no, I didn't expect that with the Earth Day lead-in! LOL

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm looking forward to a road trip with my girl this weekend as we head to early registration at her college. We'll get to meet her roommate as well!


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rescue Team

Rescue Team
(Grace Medical)
Candace Calvert
(Tyndale House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-1414361123
April 2013/384 pages/$12.99

Tired of running from her past, nurse Kate Callison intends to become Austin Grace Hospital’s permanent ER director and make Texas her home. Despite staff friction, she’s moving ahead. Then unthinkable tragedy wraps the ER in crime tape, bringing swarms of media, legal chaos—and a search-and-rescue hero who seems determined to meddle in her life.

For Wes Tanner, nothing beats finding someone who’s lost; he’s known that helpless terror firsthand. So he’ll expand his team’s lifeline of hope: K9 tracking, swift water rescue, even horse-mounted searches. He’s ready for anything—except Austin Grace’s prickly and dismissive ER director.

As Kate and Wes discover more about each other, new respect becomes something deeper. Kate wonders if her heart might have finally found a home. Then an unsolved missing persons case—and a startling new one—become catalysts that threaten the loss of all she and Wes have found.

Read an excerpt here.


Candace Calvert is a former ER nurse who believes love, laughter and faith are the best medicines. Her Mercy Hospital and Grace Medical series offer readers a chance to "scrub in" on the exciting world of emergency medicine—along with a soul-soothing prescription for hope. Wife, mother, and very proud grandmother, she makes her home in northern California.

Please visit her Web site at www.candacecalvert.com and follow her on Facebook.com/candacecalvertbooks.


Anyone who has read my blog for long knows that while I enjoy a wide range of novels, I particularly love books set in my home state of Texas as well as those in the medical genre. Candace Calvert has hit both of these sweet spots with Rescue Team, the latest in her Grace Medical series, which takes place in the capital city of Austin. As with her previous novels, Calvert has written a story that gripped me from the opening paragraph until the final sentence. I loved so many elements of this tale. Kate's struggles at work as she assumes the position of a much-loved ER director (who has been missing for almost a year) garnered my sympathy, as did the emotional scars from her past that continue to haunt her, while Wes Tanner's own childhood heartache that spurred his dedication to the search and rescue team tugged at my heart. Calvert gave the novel some lighter moments by weaving some iconic Austin landmarks and locations into the story, showcasing some of the reasons the city claims the slogan "Keep Austin Weird." And an additional "character" named Nancy Rae provided moments of pure delight! Intriguing as this novel is, however, its real beauty lies in the message of forgiveness and hope that resonates from its pages. Rescue Team is the perfect prescription for anyone needing to be reminded that God's grace is the ultimate search and rescue!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an advanced copy of this book from Candace Calvert. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Monday, April 22, 2013

A Healing Heart

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
A Healing Heart
Abingdon Press (April 1, 2013)
Angela Breidenbach


Angela Breidenbach is a speaker/coach in mental and physical health, author of A Healing Heart April 2013 from Abingdon Press in the Quilts of Love series, Gems of Wisdom: For a Treasure-filled Life, Creative Cooking for Simple Elegance, and Creative Cooking for Colitis. Other works by Angela include compilation books and devotionals from Guidepost, Group, and articles in magazines, ezines, and newspapers. She is certified in mentor/peer counseling as a CTA life coach, as a Stephen Minister, and a weight loss/nutrition coach. Angela serves as an assisting minister (worship/prayer leader) for her congregation in Missoula, MT. Not only did she walk the hard line of deciding to donate her mom’s brain for the study of schizophrenia, but she’s also on the brain donation list at the Brain Bank-Harvard McLean Hospital.


Mara Keegan is an uber-successful mother and a widow of three years. She's been chasing success and all the "good things in life" for her family to make up for the cruel whim God played on them by taking her husband. In an effort to be the perfect mom, she decides to make a photo memory quilt, a graduation present for her daughter, Cadence.

She’s not yet finished when she experiences a heart attack. While Mara recuperates, she revisits the choices she's made that led to this physically and spiritually broken heart. The memory quilt must be finished in time for Cadence's big day, but Mara struggles with her burgeoning feelings for the man who must keep Mara's business going during her recovery, Joel Ryan. Can Joel find his way into Mara's heart and onto Cadence's quilt?

If you would like to read the first chapter of A Healing Heart, go HERE


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Truth Stained Lies

Truth Stained Lies
(Moonlighters Series)
Terri Blackstock
ISBN: 978-0310283133
March 2013/320 pages/$14.99

When truth doesn’t make sense, will lies prevail?

Cathy Cramer is a former lawyer and investigative blogger who writes commentary on high-profile homicides. When she finds a threatening note warning her that she’s about to experience the same kind of judgment and speculation that she dishes out in her blog, Cathy writes it off as mischief . . . until her brother’s wife is murdered and all the “facts” point to him. The killer has staged the crime to make the truth too far-fetched to believe. Working to solve the murder and clear her brother’s name, Cathy and her two sisters, Holly and Juliet, moonlight as part-time private investigators. Juliet, a stay-at-home mom of two boys, and Holly, a scattered ne’er-do-well who drives a taxi, put aside their fear to hunt down the real killer.

Stakes rise when their brother’s grieving five-year-old son is kidnapped. As police focus on the wrong set of clues, the three sisters and their battered detective friend are the only hope for solving this bizarre crime, saving the child, and freeing their brother.


Terri Blackstock (www.terriblackstock.com) has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of Intervention, Vicious Cycle, and Downfall (a finalist for a 2013 Christy Award!), as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, and the Restoration Series.

Learn more at her website, www.terriblackstock.com


Terri Blackstock is one of the premier Christian suspense novelists on my must-read list. Truth Stained Lies is gripping not only in its intensity but in the chilling reality that following the seemingly obvious trail of clues can sometimes result in an innocent man being declared guilty. This heart-wrenching story touched me emotionally as I identified with the three sisters so desperate to prove that their brother did not kill his estranged wife, and I absolutely fell in love with his precious little boy whose world is rocked by his mother's death, his dad's arrest, and the ensuing upheaval. The interpersonal relationships between the siblings developed in childhood are stretched and redefined as each of them come to grips with their personal issues of family and faith. I read this book on a quiet Saturday afternoon and didn't stop until I finished. Highly recommended!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an advanced digital copy of this book free from Zondervan. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Matter of Trust

A Matter of Trust:
A Mia Quinn Mystery

Lis Wiehl with April Henry
(Thomas Nelson)
ISBN: 978-1595549037
April 2013/320 pages/Hardcover/$26.99
($15.83 on Amazon and Barnesandnoble.com
Also discounted on Christianbook.com and booksamillion.com)

When life is murder, who can you trust?

One minute Mia Quinn is in her basement, chatting on the phone with a colleague at the prosecutor’s office. The next minute there’s a gunshot over the line, and Mia listens in horror as her colleague and friend Colleen bleeds to death.

Mia’s a natural for heading up the murder investigation, but these days she has all she can do to hold her life together. As a new widow with a pile of debts, a troubled teenaged son, and a four-year-old who wakes up screaming at night, she needs more time with her family, not less—and working Colleen’s case will be especially demanding. But Colleen was her friend, and she needs to keep her job. So she reluctantly teams up with detective Charlie Carlson to investigate Colleen’s death. But the deeper they dig, the more complications unfold—even the unsettling possibility that someone may be coming after her.

Lis Wiehl’s signature plot twists and relatable characters shine in this absorbing series debut . . . with an intriguing cameo from her best-selling Triple Threat series.


Lis Wiehl is one of the nation’s most prominent trial lawyers and highly regarded commentators. Currently, she is the legal analyst and reporter on the Fox News Channel and Bill O’Reilly’s sparring partner in the weekly “Is It Legal?” segment on The O’Reilly Factor. Prior to that she was O’Reilly’s co-host on the nationally syndicated show The Radio Factor. She is also a Professor of Law at New York Law School. Her column “Lis on Law” appears weekly on FoxNews.com.

Prior to joining Fox News Channel in New York City, Wiehl served as a legal analyst and reporter for NBC News and NPR’s All Things Considered. Before that, Wiehl served as a Federal Prosecutor in the United States Attorney’s office.

Wiehl earned her Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School and her Master of Arts in Literature from the University of Queensland.

Wiehl is also the author of The 51% Minority, which won the 2008 award for Books for a Better Life in the motivational category, and Winning Every Time. A Matter of Trust is her seventh novel.

She lives with her husband and two children in New York.

April Henry knows how to kill you in a two-dozen different ways. She makes up for a peaceful childhood in an intact home by killing off fictional characters. There was one detour on April's path to destruction: when she was 12 she sent a short story about a six-foot tall frog who loved peanut butter to noted children's author Roald Dahl. He liked it so much he arranged to have it published in an international children's magazine. By the time she was in her thirties, April had started writing about hit men, kidnappers, and drug dealers. She has published more than a dozen mysteries and thrillers for teens and adults, with five more under contract.

The New York Times-bestselling author of over a dozen mysteries and thrillers for teens and adults, she lives in Portland, Oregon, with her family.


I really enjoyed Lis Wiehl's first collaborative series with April Henry, The Triple Threat Club, and am excited that she is starting a new legal mystery series. The novel starts off with a bang (pun intended!) as Mia Quinn's friend and co-worker is shot while they are talking on the phone. A chilling glimpse of the unknown assailant's perspective in the opening paragraphs immediately captivated me, and I was quickly submerged in the pages of the story. Wiehl's portrayal of Mia Quinn as a single mom (newly widowed) trying to juggle all of the responsibilities in her life-many of which seem to be teetering on the brink of disaster-is reflective of many women today. In addition to investigating the murder, Mia is also endeavoring to bring a cyber-bullying case to trial. With plenty of issues and deep emotions attached to both cases, the stakes are high and Mia isn't sure whom she can trust. While I enjoyed this novel, it was not as tightly woven as her previous series, and the ending seemed a big abrupt and forced. However, this new series shows promise, and I look forward to seeing what is in store next for Mia Quinn.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an copy of this book free from BookSneeze/Thomas Nelson. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Friday, April 19, 2013

2013 Christy Award Nominees

Earlier today the 2013 Christy Award Nominees were announced. This is always a highly anticipated announcement, and I am excited to share the list of honorees with you. The winners will be announced and the awards presented at the Christy Award dinner on Monday, June 24, 2013 in St. Louis, Missouri. I am delighted that I will be attending for the third consecutive year.

Here are the nominees in the nine categories honoring Christian fiction. If I have reviewed a book, the title is hyper-linked to my review (and several reviews include my interview with the author).

  • The Breath of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann
    Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Lethal Legacy by Irene Hannon
    (Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert
    (WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group)
  • Two Destinies by Elizabeth Musser
    (David C Cook)
  • You Don't Know Me by Susan May Warren
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Waiting for Sunrise by Eva Marie Everson
    (Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • The Air We Breathe by Christa Parrish
    (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Borders of the Heart by Chris Fabry
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Not in the Heart by Chris Fabry
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Into the Free by Julie Cantrell
    (David C Cook)
  • Tangled Ashes by Michèle Phoenix
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Wedded to War by Jocelyn Green
    (River North, an imprint of Moody Press)
  • Flame of Resistance by Tracy Groot
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Wedded to War by Jocelyn Green
    (River North, an imprint of Moody Press)
  • A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs
    (WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group)
  • Against the Tide
  • by Elizabeth Camden (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bischof
    (WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group)
  • Love's Reckoning by Laura Frantz
    (Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Downfall by Terri Blackstock
    (Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing)
  • The Last Plea Bargain by Randy Singer
    (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • Rare Earth by Davis Bunn
    (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Submerged by Dani Pettrey
    (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)

    *This category includes four nominees due to a tie in scoring.
  • Daughter of Light by Morgan L. Busse
    (Marcher Lord Press)
  • Soul's Gate by James L. Rubart
    (Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing)
  • Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl
    (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group)
  • Child of the Mountains by Marilyn Sue Shank
    (Delacorte Press, a division of Random House)
  • Failstate by John W. Otte
    (Marcher Lord Press)
  • Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words by Rachel Coker
    (Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing)

If you need a spring or summer reading list, these books are a great place to start!

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The Survivor

The Survivor
(Crime Scene: Houston)
DiAnn Mills
ISBN: 978-0310333227
March 2013/384 pages/$14.99

Is it her next bestseller . . . Or her last words?

In The Chase, award-winning author DiAnn Mills introduced you to the world of Kariss Walker, the bestselling suspense author with a nose for trouble. In The Survivor, Kariss gets the chance to tell her most powerful story yet. But will it revitalize her writing career? Or bring it to a violent end?

Kariss meets Dr. Amy Garrett, who survived a brutal childhood attack in which the assailant was never found. Now Dr. Garrett wants her story written in a novel. Kariss wishes she could seek the advice of Special Agent Tigo Harris, but she broke off the relationship a few months prior and seeing him again would be too painful. She interviews Amy and conducts her own research, stepping unaware into a viper’s pit of danger.

Tigo misses Kariss and wants her back, but he understands why she broke off their relationship. Instead, he concentrates on solving a car bombing and bringing the killer to justice. As Kariss’s new story attracts an onslaught of danger that she never expected, can Tigo save the woman he loves and find who wants her dead for writing about an unsolved cold-case?


Award-winning author DiAnn Mills is a fiction writer who combines an adventuresome spirit with unforgettable characters to create action-packed suspense-filled novels. DiAnn’s first book was published in 1998. She currently has more than fifty books published. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists and have won placements through the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Carol Awards and Inspirational Reader’s Choice awards. DiAnn won Christy Awards in 2010 and 2011. Learn more about DiAnn at her website.


DiAnn Mills is on my short list of must-read suspense authors, and The Survivor is yet another reason why. Like The Chase (which I reviewed here), this novel is based on an actual cold case from the Houston FBI files, a heart-wrenching kidnapping and attempted murder which the victim survived. Mills skillfully communicates the details of the attack without being graphic or sensational and her portrayal of the now-grown Dr. Amy Garrett, and the lingering emotional scars she bears but tries to hide, is utterly authentic. As in the previous book, I loved Kariss Walker and suspect Mills has poured some of herself into this brilliant character! Kariss is strong, independent, and firm in her convictions, especially the one about not dating Tigo as long as he doesn't follow Christ - yet she still struggles with her feelings. (As for Tigo and his partner, Ryan, I'll just say we could all sleep better at night if every law enforcement officer were like them!) This is not a benign cozy mystery. Plenty of heart-pounding action kept my pulse racing as Mills ratcheted up the danger while providing chilling glimpses of the perpetrator's thoughts. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves suspense, just don't expect to read only a chapter or two at bedtime and then drift off to peaceful slumber!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an copy of this book free from DiAnn Mills. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Noble Groom

A Noble Groom
Jody Hedlund
(Bethany House Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0764210471
April 2013/368 pages/$14.99

Michigan, 1880

Annalisa Werner’s hope for a fairy tale love is over. Her husband failed her in every way and now his death has left her with few options to save the family farm. She needs a plentiful harvest. That, and a husband to help bring it in. Someone strong, dependable. That’ll be enough. A marriage for love…that’s something she’s given up on.

So her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Annalisa a groom.

Then a man appears: Carl Richards, from their home country of Germany and a former schoolteacher–or so he says. He’s looking for work and will serve on the farm until her husband arrives.

With time running out, she accepts his help, but there’s more to this man than he’s admitting. He’s also gentle, kind, charming–unlike any man she’s ever known. But even as Carl is shining light into the darkness of her heart, she knows her true groom may arrive any day.


Jody Hedlund is an award-winning and bestselling historical fiction author. She won the 2011 Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, the 2011 Award of Excellence from the Colorado Romance Writers and was a finalist for Best Debut Novel in the 2011 ACFW Carol Awards. Currently she makes her home in central Michigan, with her husband and five busy children. She loves hearing from readers on Facebook and on her website and her blog.


I've loved several of Jody Hedlund's books and I think this is my favorite one yet! Annalisa immediately tugged at my heart. Eking out a sustainable living from the land was a challenge enough; the harshness and lack of love she received from her husband gave her little joy beyond her children. But having no husband was worse, as she was unable to manage the farm on her own and vulnerable to the bully neighbor who was determined to cheat her out of her land. (As if the lack of physical resources weren't bad enough, the overall lack of consideration for women in general was heart-wrenching.) I absolutely loved Carl's character and the gradual awakening of Annalisa's heart. Plenty of complications and conflicts, both within themselves and from outside forces, complicate the possibility of any future relationship between them. Wonderful characters, plenty of drama and a bit of danger & intrigue made this novel impossible to put down. Highly recommended!

Jody Hedlund is celebrating the release of A Noble Groom by giving away a Kindle Fire and hosting a Facebook Author Chat Party {5/8}! 


One "noble" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A copy of A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 7th. Winner will be announced at the "A Noble Groom" Author Chat Party on May 8th. Connect with Jody, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at the trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of A Noble Groom and join Jody on the evening of May 8th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 8th!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an advanced copy of this book free from Bethany House Publishers and Litfuse Publicity as part of a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Hodgepodge Cometh

1. April 15th is the deadline for Americans to file their state and federal income tax returns. What's a job you do on a regular basis that could be described as 'taxing'?

Deciding what to fix for dinner. It's so easy to get in a rut!

2. I'm participating in the April A-Z blog challenge, and the Hodgepodge happens to fall on Day O this week. In keeping with that theme...olives, onions, oysters, okra...of the foods mentioned, what's your favorite O food?

Oreos. Oh (pun intended!), I have to stick with the ones Joyce mentioned? Well, why didn't she pick some decent ones?! And what about oranges or oatmeal? Olives and oysters are disgusting, onions should be in small amounts and either purple or sauteed, and okra should be fried or in gumbo.

3. What is something memorable you experienced as a child that your own children (or future children/nieces/nephews) will not get to experience?

AstroWorld and the Astrodome in Houston. They were such icons, and now AstroWorld is just a field and the Astrodome is in a state of disrepair and they are deciding whether to demolish it or repair it. Such a sad state of affairs for the Eighth Wonder of the World!

4. Term limits for our elected officials...your thoughts?

Yes, and everyone in office right now has exceeded theirs!

5. On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere made his famous 'midnight ride'...when did you last make a midnight ride? Perhaps the fate of a nation wasn't hanging in the balance, but tell us where you were headed anyway.

I think it was last summer after my gallbladder surgery. They sent me home before my bladder had recovered and I had to go back around midnight for a "little intervention."

6. What would freak you out more...a mouse running across your floor or a big fat hairy spider?

Definitely the mouse.

7. I love it when people ask me________________________?

. . . if I'm younger than I actually am. LOL

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We have yet another cold front coming, but yesterday was sunny and warm. Last night I was reminded how much I love spring as the sun was still up after dinner and I could hear a neighbor mowing his yard across the way. This is my favorite time of year!


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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Love at Any Cost

Love at Any Cost
(The Heart of San Francisco)
Julie Lessman
ISBN: 978-0800721671
April 2013/416 pages/$14.99

He’s looking to take care of his family. She’s looking to take care of her heart. Trouble is . . . love’s looking to take care of them both.

Cassidy McClare is a spunky Texas oil heiress without a fortune who would just as soon hogtie a man as look at him. Jilted by a fortune hunter, Cassidy travels west hoping a summer visit with her wealthy cousins in San Francisco will help her forget her heartache. But no sooner is she settled in beautiful California than Jamie McKenna, a handsome pauper looking to marry well, captures her heart. Can love prevail when Jamie discovers that Cassidy is poorer than he is? And can Cassidy ever learn to fully trust her heart to a man?

Bestselling author Julie Lessman brings the delectable Gilded Age to life in this sumptuous new series. Join your favorite romantic storyteller as she moves to the hills of San Francisco for more romance, passion, and surprising revelations.


From the glitter and glamour of San Francisco’s Nob Hill and Napa wine country, to the seedy dance halls and gambling dens of the Barbary Coast, “The Heart of San Francisco” series is a study in contrasts between the haves and have-nots, and barriers between rich and poor that only faith can transcend.

The story of the McClares, a wealthy political family in 1902 San Francisco, not only highlights the struggles of faith and heart of three cousins, but of the matriarch of the family as well, Caitlyn McClare. A widow of strong faith and beauty, Caitlyn butts heads and hearts with her handsome brother-in-law Logan McClare, the fiancé who betrayed her before she married his brother. In a breathtaking city where the Irish were predominant in the early 1900s and wielding power in both politics and wealth, the story of the McClares is a glimpse into beauty and degradation, poverty and promise during a riveting time in our nation’s history.


Julie Lessman is an award-winning author whose tagline of "Passion with a Purpose" underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. Winner of the 2009 ACFW Debut Author of the Year and Holt Medallion Awards of Merit for Best First Book and Long Inspirational, Julie is also the recipient of 14 Romance Writers of America awards and was voted by readers as "Borders Best of 2009 So Far: Your Favorite Fiction." Chosen as the #1 Romance Fiction Author of the Year in the Family Fiction magazine 2011 Readers' Choice Awards, Julie was also awarded #1 Series of the Year in that same poll and #3 Author of the Year, #5 Novel of the Year, and #4 Historical Fiction Author of the year. She resides in Missouri with her family and is the author of The Daughters of Boston series and the Winds of Change series whose first book, A Hope Undaunted, ranked #5 on Booklist's Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2010. You can contact Julie through her website at www.julielessman.com.


After reading Julie Lessman's fabulous O'Connor family saga which took two trilogies to complete, one might wonder if she has exhausted her store of romance and drama. Wonder no more! Lessman hits the ground running with Love at Any Cost with this new series about the McClare family. While the setting is San Francisco during the Gilded Age at the turn of the 20th century, this book features a visiting cousin from Texas, which absolutely delighted my Texan roots! Lessman's trademark drama and passion are evident throughout this novel, and while Cassidy and Jamie are the focus, the other family members get plenty of visibility, too. Cassidy's Uncle Logan and widowed Aunt Caitlyn have quite a history and a present - what remains to be seen is whether or not they will have a future. I loved getting to know this big boisterous, loving (yet occasionally contentious!) family. I can already tell this is going to be a must-read series, and you won't want to miss a single book. Messages of faith and the proper role that money should play in our lives are seamlessly woven into this story. Love at Any Cost - highly recommended!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an advanced copy of this book free from Revell Publishers as part of a blog tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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Monday, April 15, 2013

Josiah's Treasure

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Josiah's Treasure
Worthy Publishing (April 16, 2013)
Nancy Herriman


Nancy Herriman abandoned a career in Engineering to chase around two small children and take up the pen. She has been writing for longer than she would like to admit. Her work has been a finalist in several Romance Writers of America contests and she won the 2006 RWA Daphne du Maurier award for Best Unpublished Mystery/Romantic Suspense. In 2009, she was an ACFW Genesis finalist. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America.

When she is not writing, or gabbing over lattes about writing, she is either watching history shows on cable TV or singing. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and sons, and wishes there were more hours in the day.


In 1882, Sarah Whittier dreams of opening an art studio run by immigrant women. She plans to use the house left to her by family friend Josiah Cady as collateral for her studio. But will all be lost when the inheritance is challenged by an angry man claiming to be Josiah's son and legal heir? Rumor of gold nuggets hidden in the house, place Sarah's life in danger. Her future uncertain and her safety threatened, Sarah has nowhere to turn. That is, unless she can soften a vengeful man's heart-and they both learn that love is finer than any gold.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Josiah's Treasure, go HERE.


A strong, determined woman and a man scarred by his father's abandonment collide in this engaging novel by Nancy Herriman. While the Gold Rush is officially over, the lure and lust for the wealth that gold brings remained for many in the 1880's. While Sarah only wanted to help immigrant women escape their dismal circumstances, she is thwarted at every turn, first by her reluctant landlord and then by Daniel Cady, who has come to town to reclaim the inheritance that he insists his father should have left to him and his 10-year-old twin sisters. Herriman has created characters that are easy to like, along with plenty of drama and escalating tension. The rumor of a secret stash of gold hidden in Sarah's house adds a bit of intrigue and danger to the story. I completely enjoyed this story and look forward to more from this author.


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