1. Have you learned more from success or failure? Explain.
I try to learn a lot from other people's failures.
2. What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up? If you have children, what do they call your parents? If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?
I called my grandparents Grandmother and Granddaddy. When we talked about them at home, to distinguish between them we would say the last name, such as "When are we going to see Grandmother Smith?" My kids called both sets Grandmommy and Granddaddy, eventually shortening to Grandmom and Granddaddy.
3. You're invited to a luau. In keeping with that theme, what dish will you bring to share?
Probably a fruit salad.
4. Besides Jesus, what one person's life story do you think everyone should know about?
Oh, these kind of questions always make me draw a blank. There are lots of folks who have had a big impact on those around them. Of course, there are the obvious political choices: Washington, Lincoln, MLK, etc. One who popped in my mind is Corrie Ten Boom. Another is Billy Graham. And Fanny Crosby, the hymn writer.
5. "Don't sweat the small stuff." Agree or Disagree? Why?
Mostly agree except that it results in the pendulum swinging the other way and people tend to blow off the small stuff. Attention to detail matters.
6. June is National Rivers Month. When were you last on a river? What's the prettiest river you've ever seen? What's a river you'd like to see?
I'm not on rivers too often. Maybe in 2009 when we were on vacation in Tennessee. I haven't seen too many "pretty" rivers; most of them tend to be pretty murky. I've always wanted to see the Mississippi.
7. Speaking of rivers-paddling, fishing, swimming, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.
Why isn't a riverboat dinner cruise listed?! That's my pick! Otherwise, I'm more with enjoying the view from the shore.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Summertime and the living is easy at our house! We had a fun weekend with graduation and various parties/open houses to attend, and now my girl is loving the fact that for the first time since sixth grade, she has a summer completely free of any school work! No AP English summer reading projects/reports, no dual-credit college courses. She is footloose and fancy-free!
Love your answer to #1 and #7! I could go for the dinner cruise myself! : )
I've never been on a dinner cruise, but I love the thought. My SIL and BIL will be going on a Seine River cruise this summer and I am battling the envy!!!
Most definitely a dinner cruise!!!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend of celebrating-congrats to your daughter! I'm sure a blank slate feels good right now.
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