If it's Wednesday, it's time to join Joyce for the Hodgepodge!
1. Time magazine has selected The Ebola Fighters as their person of the year for 2014. Do you agree, and if so who would you say is a close second? If you disagree with their choice, who do you think should have been chosen?
That's a better choice than some of the ones they have picked in the past. I don't know who I would pick for a runner-up.
2. This question comes to you courtesy of Susan who blogs over at Stew Mama Says. She knows we have a wedding happening any minute now, and she asks, 'What's your favorite-something old? something new? something borrowed? something blue in your home? Be sure you hop over and say hi to Susan today!
Old - my mom's rolling pin & sifter. Practically speaking, they are better than any new ones I've used, and they always bring back sweet memories when I use them.
New - the Amish quilt on our bed
Borrowed - I honestly can't think of anything I have that is borrowed.
Blue - My recliner
3. Fudge-yay or nay? Your favorite flavor? Do you make it yourself? With nuts or without?
Occasionally, in small amounts. But it has to be chocolate, not peanut butter or any other kind. And absolutely with nuts!
4. December 17th is Wright Brothers Day, commemorating the first successful flights made by Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. How old were you when you made your first flight? Do you like to fly? Have you ever been to Kitty Hawk or other parts of the North Carolina Outer Banks?
5. Do the people in your family tend to follow a particular career path, and if so what's the path?
No, we've all done different things. But getting a college degree is automatic.
6. What is one thing you absolutely, positively must accomplish today?
I have peanut brittle to make and some Christmas shopping to finish. Although the peanut brittle may get pushed to tomorrow, depending on the weather. Of course, it was perfect candy-making weather on Monday and Tuesday when I had to work!
7. This Christmas I hope___________________________________.
I hope we all stay healthy and don't deal with congestion or other issues.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Emmanuel. Our God is with us.
Do we even comprehend what that really means?!
Candy making is an art. I've avoiding trying it because of all the getting the temperature right details. Peanut brittle does sound delicious. Merry Christmas!
I'm actually not a fan of peanut brittle but i love any chocolate mixed with peanut butter. ;) Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
I like your random thought. I have often wondered the same thing. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!
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