I always love the Wednesday Hodgepodge and I can't believe I missed the 200th edition last week! It is so hard to participate on the weeks I work on Tuesdays because I just don't have time to blog. But it's fun to be kicking off the 201st!
1. What is one new holiday tradition you'd like to establish, or one you've established recently, say in the last year or two?
In the last two or three years we have minimized gifts within our family and used the money to bless others.
2. It's the second week of December. Have you sipped a cup of eggnog yet this month? Wrapped a gift? Opened a gift? Kissed someone under the mistletoe? Lit a candle? Eaten a Christmas cookie? Seen Santa in person? Watched a Christmas movie or special? Read scripture relating to the birth of Jesus?
So far my December has consisted of working and those lovely "-oscopies" that come with aging. I have enjoyed some lovely Christmas music which has caused me to pause, reflect, and worship.
3. Do you think it's better to be an adult or a child at Christmastime? Explain.
An adult with children. 'Tis better to give than to receive, and it's such fun to see it through their eyes!
4. It's often said, 'Good things come to those who wait'...agree or disagree? Why?
Disagree, as a general rule. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. In fact, it brings to mind Hebrews 11, often referred to as the "Faith Hall of Fame" when it concludes by saying,
These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. (Hebrews 11:39
Sometimes the "good" doesn't come until eternity.
I prefer the flip side of that statement: "Good things are worth waiting for."
5. What's the last sweet thing you baked? Did you keep it, take it to a party/event, or give it away?
I baked cookies for Thanksgiving and took them to Houston for my family to eat during the long weekend.
6. This question comes to us courtesy of Jhona who blogs over at The Red House at the End of the Lane. Everyone hop over and say hi to Jhona this week! Here is her question... "I heard an actor talk about how he makes a conscious choice to talk to people in elevators. He chooses to connect, make eye contact, and converse. Do you talk to people/strangers when you're in an elevator or any other place where you might have to wait together? Why or why not?"
Not in elevators. I pretty much respect the unwritten rule of "no eye contact, no conversation." LOL I'll occasionally speak to a stranger in other situations but it goes against my introverted nature to do so.
This question reminds me of my college days when a friend did an assignment for Psychology 101 where she had to break some of those "unwritten rules" - talk (or face the back) in an elevator, invade someone's personal space by not leaving the empty chair between them at the library table, etc. The folks on the other end of her "experiment" were not amused! LOL
7. Are you on the naughty or nice list this year? What put you there?
Nice. Because God's grace has forgiven all of my naughty.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm curious: what do you put in your college/early twenty-something guy's stocking?
1 comment:
Girl stockings are so much easier! I don't have boys that age but -books? itunes gift card, Starbucks card, socks, favorite candy? Good luck with that : )
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