She also founded a publishing corporation for the purpose of developing, producing and marketing products which would reinforce family values, teach children responsibility and provide character building activities. In answer to Gist’s fervent prayers, God sent a mainstream publisher to her door who licensed her parenting I Did It!® product line and committed to publish the next generation of her system, thus freeing Gist to return to her writing.
Eight months later, she submitted A Bride Most Begrudging to Bethany House Publishers and they picked it up for their new "edgy inspirational" line of historical fiction. After its release in July 2005, Bride hit eight best seller lists and has sold over 100,000 copies and won the Christy Award for BEST ROMANCE 2006. The Measure of a Lady was her 2006 summer release. It hit five best seller lists and won the Christy Award for BEST ROMANCE 2007. Gist is contracted to have a new book come out every summer. Courting Trouble was her 2007 summer release and it hit three best seller lists.
Deeanne lives in Texas with her husband of twenty-four years. They have two kids in high school, two in college.

Essie Spreckelmeyer is the last woman anyone in Corsicana, Texas, expected to see with a man on her arm. Independent and outspoken, she’s known more for riding bicycles in outrageous bloomers than for catching a man’s eye.
And the last man who seems willing to give her a second glance is Tony Morgan, newly hired at Spreckelmeyer’s oil company. The disinherited son of an oil baron, Tony wants most to restore his name and regain his lost fortune--not lose his heart to this headstrong blonde. She confounds, contradicts, and confuses him. Sometimes he doesn’t know if she’s driving him toward the aisle or the end of his rope.
That’s how life is ...Deep In The Heart Of Trouble
If you would like to read the first chapter, go HERE
"Gist does it again! Her signature prose is consistent and she delivers a thoroughly delightful and entertaining story that’s worthy of our time and attention. Not only won’t you want to put this book down, you’ll want to enjoy this story again and again."
-- JUNE TOP PICK, 4-1/2 STARS, Romantic Times, Jennifer Reyes
I've enjoyed all of Deeanne Gist's books, and this one is no exception. Set deep in the heart of Texas at the end of the 19th century, the audacity of Essie Sprecklemeyer as she commits such scandalous acts as riding a bicycle and managing her father's oil business (not to mention those eyebrow-raising bloomers!) was entertaining. And although she could be exasperating, I admired her spunk and her attempts to stretch beyond the limits society imposed on women of that day. And as Tony worked to overcome the obstacles of his own circumstances, their reluctant yet unavoidable friendship had its own challenges. The suspenseful element was clever, and determining who could and could not be trusted wasn't sorted out until the end. Deep In The Heart Of Trouble will capture your attention from the first page!
Girl, you are reading circles around all of us! You are a machine.
Thanks for the info. What a neat success story, too.
I saw this at the store today and almost picked it up (once I pick it up, I buy it). Now I will have to go back. Thanks for the info
When I read the title of this post, I wanted to clap 4 times in the spirit of that lively song!
I'm going to be humming it ALL DAY LONG, thank you very much! Mm mmm mmm mmm, mm mmm mm mm CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP! mm mmm mmm mmm mm mmm!
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