Sunday, September 28, 2008

On Guard

Ahh, the new experiences I have been having these past couple of weeks.

I have never been athletic. Due in large part to the fact that I was (and still am!) quite a bit younger than my siblings, I tended toward solitary pursuits like reading when I was a kid. Still do.

So it was a new experience to go to the sporting goods store and buy myself one of these the other day: Yep, that would be a mouth guard, straight off the fooball aisle.

And no, I won't be modeling it on the blog. And gee, what a shame: I just don't have the video technology to Show & Tell in "I See What You're Saying" tomorrow. There is some mercy in this world after all! (Besides, it's clear, and I cut off the strap, so it's not as exciting as it looks.)

The dentist sent me to get one of these handy dandy, high-tech gizmos because the recent stress in my life has resulted in some pretty major teeth-clenching at night and a flare-up of TMD. (Not to be confused with WMD, which would be an apt term for what has inundated me lately!)

So I'm wearing it at night occasionally, and between it and my man's apnea machine, we are the picture of romance.

Oh, and while I'm not sure tooth decay and jaw issues are the calamity of which Solomon speaks, I do have a new verse to apply to my life:

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity. (Proverbs 21:23)


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Natalie said...

What a creative post. My husband gnashes his teeth at night too. He has to wear a "special" mouth piece at night to keep him from gnawing right through the piece. We joke about how the "honeymoon" years are over with his mouth piece and my retainer at night. THAT, my friend, is true love!

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

LOL! Next thing you know, you'll both be sporting nose strips to help the snoring, and before long you'll have the glass by the bed for your dentures.


bp said...

I liked that you found a verse to go with it too!!

sara said...

LOL! That is too funny and quite a mental picture of you and your hubby!!! I have to admit, I would have like to have seen it modeled tomorrow..I wouldn't laugh....

elizabeth embracing life said...

OMGoodness. Just the thought of you and you husband in bed with your special contraptions makes me break out in laughter because really all you can have is a sense of humor. Honey, I was pretty athletic, but even in those extreme days of sport did I ever venture down the football gear ilse as you have. You ROCK!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Well, you painted quite a picture of you and your beloved, there. :) I didn't know you had older siblings. Guess what. Me, too. Three brothers, who were 16, 12 and 8 when I was born.

A Stone Gatherer said...

Now that's an inexpensive way of helping TMJ! Wish all dentists sent their patients to the athletic stores for a bite splint! I agree you guys sound like a couple of romantic people! Aren't we all at our age!!!!!

bethany@sippinsweetteablog said...

hahaha I bet you look TOUGH!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Very creative. I love your wit.

Debra Kaye said...

My son wears one of those when he plays football so I knew what it was right away but I have to say I love the way you tied it in with scripture!

Blessings to you this evening!