1. There's nothing like starting the new year by attacking the deductible right away - I made a quick trip to the doctor this morning. Over the last few days I've been having a flare-up of my (usually mild)
GERD issues. Suffice it to say that swallowing has been sending my esophagus into spasms like it's trying to close off instead of letting anything through. There's a good chance it's lingering effects of all the Aleve I took for my
broken foot. But the doctor said there might be another contributing factor:
"Have you been under any stress recently?"
I just laughed. Of course, since laughter's the best medicine. . . .
2. The latest mom/daughter
source of contention bonding activity:

You'd be amazed how many shades of black, gray, and white exist. At least it's "just" 500 pieces. She's ready to try 1000. I put my foot down, though, when she found
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Bless your heart! but LOL about that puzzle - you are a better mom than me - wouldn't do it! hehe
From the puzzle Bekah and I are working on I can so understand, and a big FAT no to the 24,000 piece! YIKES!!!!
The black and white one would out me over the edge...or so I thought till I saw the other one!!! yikes!
Wahoo - I say buy that puzzle. It could be your 2009 project - it would take that long to do it!
Good luck with the puzzle. The one I clicked on is definitely looking like it might be pretty stressful. I know why you aren't going to try it. It would probably drive the sanest person nuts.
oh wow first feel better soon!! And 2ndly, I might have to give in on the puzzle...i figure any kid doing such a puzzle will stay out of mischef!!!
Wow, just think of the medical bill after you attempt that puzzle!! Hahahaha!! You may need psychiatric care instead of a regular MD!!
Hmmmm....I don't know if she would survive the 24,000 piece puzzle endeavor! She might draw back a nub if she ventures into "your" territory!
A 24,000 piece puzzle would cause anyone's GERD to act up!!!! :)
I have an autistic student who does 1,000 piece puzzles like they are 100 piece puzzles, it's amazing to watch him in action.
What a great puzzle! We saw the real deal when we went to DC last year; I was amazed at how HUGE it was! Ginormous!
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