Especially the illusion that accompanies it. The illusion that I am BFF with Famous Women! An illusion that is fed by the fact that, contrary to preconceived notions, some of these Famous Women are completely unpretentious, down-to-earth, and authentic in their interactions and their walk with God. (And that is no illusion!)

I'm sure she's quite relieved that I controlled myself.

How easy it is to obey partially. Obeying just enough to give the right Christian appearance is not the obedience God desires. He looks past all the outside trappings and misguided intentions straight to the heart. He wants our full attention and absolute devotion. Don't mistake this to look like a bunch of Christianese-speaking robots walking around chanting the rules of God. No, women who say yes to God are as unique in their approach to the sold-out life for Christ as pebbles found creekside. We've all been tumbled and smoothed in different ways, but we all have one thing in common...we know we rest in the mighty hand of God. We live in anticipation and expectation of God showing up and giving evidence of how very near He always is. (p. 114)Each chapter concludes with Bible Study questions, making this ideal for a group or accountability partner setting.
I have a copy of this book, autographed by Lysa at the Expo, for one of you who is ready to see What Happens When Women Say Yes to God! Leave a comment on this post by 4:00 p.m. CDT Tuesday (4/28) and I will pick a winner. (Continental US Residents only, please.)
You can also purchase this book directly from Lysa's website, Amazon, or your local Christian bookstore.
Once again, Linda, I am just awed by your generosity. Thank you for doing this.
One of these days I'd like to pick your brain about the publishing industry. I'm working on a novel and could use some tips. :)
"Especially the illusion that accompanies it. The illusion that I am BFF with Famous Women!"
Ha ha ha - I know exactly what you mean by this! As if!
This looks like a great book. I was at Lifeway on Saturday and I had to contain myself and not buy another book!! I was looking for a few of the ones you have been recommending. (Did I tell you that I read a Beverly Lewis book? It was so good and my dog chewed it up. No, really she did but I'm glad I was done with the book. Okay enough babble...)
I listened to her speak on this topic on "Women Inspired" online and it was so good. Things she said are still coming to mind. Your give-aways are awesome.
This sounds like a terrific book to encourage us as God smooths off the rough edges. Add my name for the drawing. Thanks, Linda!
You totally crack me up! But that's ok, because I'm BFF with someone who is BFF with famous people! LOL!
How nice! This book sounds great!
I honestly can't believe all the people you met at the expo!!!
I am starting a neighborhood bible study in two weeks. I have 6 ladies interested...this might be a great book to start with!!!
Awwww.... you sure know how to touch a girl's heart.
Now, I don't want to burst your bubble or lose my bff status but...
I'm not famous.
The end.
Love ya' girlfriend!
I *heart* Lysa TerKuerst! She is my writing inspiration, who encouraged me to believe I CAN DO IT!
I am lovin' the red coat... ;)
And one of the reasons I love blogging is the exposure to fabulous books. (And fabulous people.)
Sign me up for this giveaway. I'm the speaker for our MOPS Spring Brunch in May; this book fits my topic, so I'd love to read it before then.
Hey Girl! Just wanted to know if I'd see you tomorrow night? Even though they don't need my cake baking skills, I'll still be there to hear Vicki! I'm actually a bit disappointed not to be making the cake this time...I have no illusions of being BFFs with her, but being the lady who bakes her cakes is close! :)
See you tomorrow?
put me in, too!
Yay!!! Count me in please!!
Loved your post today, Linda! Especially the remark about the cherry on the top funny! Thanks for your nice thought about my dog, too. ~Suzanne
I know exactly what you mean about Lysa. I had the pleasure of being host to she and Holly when they were the keynote speakers at my church's women's conference. So, I picked them up at the airport and shuffle them to meals, the conference, etc. It was such fun getting to know each of them. And I can attest to the fact that Lysa isn't full of herself. She's very real and transparent. I'm glad you thought so too, Linda.
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