1. What was the last song you listened to?
Well, my girl has been practicing for choir and has gone from singing Bel Piacere to a bunch of Christmas songs, but just now she practiced her viola solo for the offertory Sunday, which is What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
2. Have you ever had “buyer’s remorse” over anything?
Certainly. Usually it's an outfit and I take it back. Hasn't happened over the really big things. That comes from being married to an engineer - paralysis of analysis is generally more of a problem than buyer's remorse!
3. What is something in your life that you are thankful for now that you didn’t think you would be at the time of the event? (Something that seemed ill-timed, inconvenient or hurtful which turned out to be a good thing)
Many, many things in my life have fallen into this category. One of the first that I remember was being petrified I was going to get Mrs. Boyd for 5th grade. She was scary-mean and incredibly strict. I held my breath the first day of school. Of course I got her. And she was great.
4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade every year? If so, do you have a favorite float or balloon?
Not any more. I always did as a kid. My family couldn't care less, and we're usually not at our own house where I have control of the TV anyway. But my absolute "favoritest" parade has always been the Rose Parade on New Year's Day. It utterly amazes me what they construct out of flowers!
5. Share a quote, scripture, poem or lyric which has been an inspiration to you lately.
Two things have been going through my mind since the Tough Ministries conference I went to last week. One is the chorus of this song by Brandon Heath that I posted last Saturday:
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
And the other is something David Ring said in the final general session:
"When I wake up in the morning, I want the devil and his demons to say, 'Uh oh! Here comes Trouble!'
When you wake up, does the devil even flinch?"
6. This is meant to be a fun question, and this is a G-rated blog, but please share a “guilty pleasure,” something that you enjoy that’s probably not the most edifying, time-worthy or healthy thing you could be indulging in. Did I mention--G rating?
Whipped cream!
In my COFFEE, Lid! Or on my pie or other decadent dessert. I'm not about to waste it. (I just waist it!)
And I'm talking about the real stuff, that you pour out of a carton and whip yourself, not frozen or in a squirt can.
7. What Thanksgiving food are you looking forward to?
Dressing. (Some folks call it stuffing, but down here we don't put it in the turkey.)
8. What is your favorite book to read to children, or what was your favorite childhood book?
To read to children - Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester. I love to do silly voices for the characters and had a teeny little reputation at the elementary school on reading nights. I don't remember having a favorite picture book as a child, but the Little House series was my dearest possession.
9. Do you collect anything? (Feel free to post a photo.)
Books, although that's not really an official collection. I used to collect mugs, but finally got rid of most of them 'cause they took up too much space. Now I usually get a Christmas ornament as a souvenir. I have several Nativity scenes, but I shy away from the word "collect" -- it's just kinda happened. Some people might think I collect dust. . . .
10. Gift bags or wrapping paper?
Gift bags. Sooooo much easier to store and utilize! Except my kids still prefer the unwrapping part, so I try to do a little of both.
11. Share an after-school memory from when you were younger. What was your routine like on an average day?
Lid needs to be an Alzheimer's Memory Tester! I pretty much remember coming home, turning on my radio, sitting on my bed, and doing my homework or reading. I know it knocks you over how exciting my life was.
12. True story: Once, in a job interview, I was asked this question and told there would be no clarifying; I simply had to answer the question: “When you’re fishing, do you feel for the fish?” So what about you? When you're fishing, do you feel for the fish??
That's a truly bizarre question. I assume you mean the empathetic, not the sensory, type of feel. Either way, the answer is no. Especially since I don't fish.
It's always fun doing this meme and seeing what others have to say - check out the links at 2nd Cup of Coffee!
#6 Why would anyone keep whipped cream in a Squirt® can?
#7 Dressing for Thanksgiving is probably a good idea, most especially since you mentioned being in someone else's home.
I do love the English language!
not loving thanksgiving day food, but dessert with whipped cream, yummmy!!!!
O.K. I just realized that I read #12 wrong. I read it do you feel the fish!!! TEE HEE!! But I do feel for the fish too because I usually hook them in the eye and since we do alot of catch and release I figure I am sending them back blind or to die!!!
you know my family all grew up in Tx and we always called it dressing, but it was always stuffed in the bird!!!
Whipped cream!!! love it!!!
and I also enjoy the Rose parade. Growing up in AZ it was always on for new years.
The Rose Parade is my favorite too. I'd love to see it in person one day.
I sometimes say dressing and sometimes say stuffing but I don't put it in the bird. And I love it ALOT.
Real whipped cream is the only way to go!
Paralysis of analysis -- I like that! We suffer from that sometimes, too.
Love your answer to #3 and that quote in #5.
I'm not familiar with that children's book. I'm sure a gazillion have been published since my kids were small.
You know -- I hope Satan shivers when I wake up - but some mornings I think he CHEERS! Do you have days when you just feel like you're fighting him off alllllll daaaaay loooong!? *sigh*
I'm gonna have to get that Tacky Little Penguin! Sounds cute!
We call it dressing also. Cornbread dressing is wonderful, just can't make it as good as my Mom though.
Whipped cream? Yummy!
Dressing or stuffing and gravy is my indulgence at Thanksgiving for sure!
great answers...
no empathy here for the fish...i want to EAT them :D
You are a funny lady! I used to collect coffee mugs too. Now I only collect them from the different states I visit.
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