1. Please share one memory of your high school graduation. Pics would be great!
Our much-loved but obsessed woman at church (she and her husband chaperoned and/or hosted most of our youth group's activities) who made it her mission to see that we all wore our caps correctly on Senior Recognition Sunday - with the point on the forehead and the mortarboard straight and flat on top, not perched saucily on the back of the head like some girls preferred. Actually, I agreed with her obsession. Even though it smashed my bangs.
I don't remember a whole lot about the graduation itself. Mostly the lining up and walking in. And I was excited to wear honor cords and to be #10 in the class of about 500.
2. What is one "emergency use" item you keep in your vehicle at all times?
Tissues, umbrella, hand sanitizer.
Notice on these first two questions that I have trouble with the definition of "one."
3. In your region, do you celebrate graduation open houses? Addendum: (If so,) how many open houses/bridal showers/weddings are on your upcoming events calendar?
I have no idea about local graduation customs since it's been decades since my own. Guess I better find out about those in the next 12 months! I only know of one wedding, and it's not until July. I will either attend or help host that bridal shower, probably sometime in June.
4. Tell me one truth you believe about motherhood.
It is the hardest, but best, job in the world - it doesn't pay nearly enough, but the rewards are priceless!

5. What was the last thing you broke?
The pitcher from my iced tea maker.
Thanks for reminding me to order a replacement!
6. On average, how many pieces of junk mail do you receive daily?
Probably 5. Average. Some days only 2-3, other days 8 or 9!
7. Do you like to shop by catalog?
For gifts. Not clothes or shoes.
8. Is lawn maintenance at your house a "his job," a "her job" or "his/her job" or "that's why we have teenagers" job?
Him. Usually the teenaged him.
9. Which room would you like to redecorate in your home?
Well, since we've already started, I'd say the den!
10. Do you read a newspaper regularly, or do you read most of your news on line?
All online. I only look at a newspaper if I'm at my MIL's and it's sitting there during breakfast.
11. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
"Everything" is a big word. Do I believe God is sovereign? Absolutely. Do I believe He works all things for good according to His purpose for those who love Him? Yes. Do I think He's concerned about my daily life and details? Yes. Do I take this to the extreme that there's a reason for every sniffly cold, what I fix for dinner, every parking spot, etc.? No.
Although I'm quite sure there's a reason for every one of these questions!
12. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Go visit some other folks who have linked up at Lidna's 2nd Cup of Coffee!
Good answer for 11, I think that's what I was basically trying to say in mine.
#11...I think God IS in the details. I've had so many times when something insignificant and seemingly unimportant has happened, and then BAM! It was so obviously orchestrated....going back to read your review now.
#9 -- we're headed to the mainland today (Wednesday) to check out buying living room furniture.
#12 -- my answer, too! LOL!
Great answers! I think #11 and #12 were very hard to answer.
Hope you took pictures of your den before you started! I like looking at before/after pictures. Love your answer to #12!
Love your answer to the last one!
I have a lot of trouble with the yes/no questions or the 'name one thing' questions too...I need more words : )
Have a nice week!
I found you thru the random dozen and I am having a giveway on my blog and if you have time drop by and scroll down and leave a comment to be able to win...
#4 - absolutely true!!!
great answers for 11 and 12!!!
#10! Wow! That's impressive! Congrats... still! I have no idea what number I was... somewhere in the middle!
I should have anticipated your answer for #11 - but I didn't! LOL! So... okay... I said yes - but you're right... I think there ARE snively little things that do NOT have purpose. (although... we never know)
I had trouble with the questions just asking for "one" of something, too!
I answered the same as the first part of your #4.
Your answer to #11 was much better than mine!
I should not read you before I write my answers. :)
You have really traveled today visiting blogs! I'm impressed! Today I did all the "6" people . . . and everyone who visited me!
I love knowing God is in the details. If he knows the hairs on my head . . . right?
You share such a sweet spirit wherever you visit! Thank you!
Good answers Linda. Enjoyed this one.
congrats #10/500...awesome!
Loved your last two answers.
Now that my laptop is out of commission I may never catch up on all the different meme's out there!
Have a great weekend
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