I heard this song and saw this video for the first time at the end of our church service last Sunday and was absolutely captivated by it. I intended to find out who and what it was, but before I could, author Angela Hunt posted it on her blog! I have since discovered that Brian Doerksen has written a number of familiar worship songs, including Come, Now is the Time to Worship and Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing). If this one doesn't resonate with you, I don't know what would!
For since the creation of the world
God's invisible qualities—His eternal power
and divine nature—have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:24
Brian Doerksen
I have felt the wind blow,
Whispering Your name
I have seen Your tears fall,
When I watch the rain.
How could I say there is no God?
When all around creation calls!!
A singing bird, a mighty tree,
The vast expanse of open sea.
(Musical interlude)
Gazing at a bird in flight,
Soaring through the air.
Lying down beneath the stars,
I feel Your presence there.
I love to stand at ocean shore
And feel the thund'ring breakers roar,
To walk through golden fields of grain
'Neath endless blue horizons' frame.
Listening to a river run,
Watering the earth.
Fragrance of a rose in bloom,
A newborn's cry at birth.
How could I say there is no God?
When all around creation calls!!
A singing bird, a mighty tree,
The vast expanse of open sea.
I love to stand at ocean shore
And feel the thund'ring breakers roar,
To walk through golden fields of grain
'Neath endless blue horizons' frame
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe just like a child
(Choir I believe..)
I believe
You'll find more great songs at Amy's!
Linda, this one definitely resonates with me. I have seen it before but each time I see it, I'm overwhelmed. The song, words and melody are beautiful. And the video was put together so well; it's incredible. Each time I see it, it's like the first time. Thank you for sharing it.
blessings and love,
This is lovely - I've never heard it before but it would be a great video to embed on either my photoblog or scottish nature blog "about" pages. I thank the Lord for leading me to your blog today.
How beautiful!!!I saw some clouds the other night that were so beautiful and I tried to imagine that they could possibly look like the ones that He will come riding thru or bursting thru when He comes back...brought tears to my eyes. He is in EVERYTHING that is around us...how beautiful He is. It all reflects Him. How I do not want the rocks to cry out His praises...I want to do it so loudly that there will never be a need for the rocks to cry out. Bless you and all that you share with us.
I've never heard it either. But the words and meaning is so beautiful.
WOW!! This is beautiful.
I love the video.
It definitely resonates with me.
That is beautiful, Linda. I saw another one of his lovely videos earlier.
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