1. What is the most amazing weather you've ever seen?
The Houston flood of June, 1975, when we got 7 inches of water in our house. I was 14. Although we weren't home at the time, and it had receded by the time we returned (my dad knew how high the water got by the mark on the wall), it was still gross. Things on the floors of closets were disgusting.
2. What is a sound or noise you love?
A laughing baby. Opening a Dr. Pepper. The words "I love you."
3. Do you like seafood? What's your favorite seafood dish?
I have really tried, but the only seafood I like is grilled shrimp. (Fried shrimp is okay, too, but grilled is by far my first choice.)
4. What part of your day requires the most patience?
It varies depending on how tired I am. As a general rule, I'd say either between school and dinner or trying to get out the door in the mornings. I am OCD about leaving on time and I get really aggravated if kids aren't ready when they are supposed to be.
5. What's your favorite shade of blue?
A bright, royal blue. That was the color of the bridesmaids' dresses in my wedding.
6. Do people underestimate you?
I think most people recognize how wonderful I am.
Actually, I don't think they do with the exception of my family--not my man and kids, but parents and siblings. Except the parents aren't an issue any more.
7. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Not long before I wrote this post, as I was waiting for a phone call to tell me if an exchange student from Germany, who is currently with another family in our church, would be moving in with us for the rest of the school year. The answer is yes. My girl is soooo excited; she's become really good friends with this student.
8. Insert your own random thought here, and remember...I have a wooden spoon and I'm not afraid to use it.

The media always amuses me, however. Articles abound which talk about Kate being from a middle-class family, and what a good thing for Britain that is, as opposed to aristocracy. And it then went on to say her parents are millionaires. I think my socioeconomic status just dropped!
Come play and read some other answers over at Joyce's!
I enjoyed reading your answers.
A missed the "royals" interview but I do think they make a sweet couple and I hope their marriage lasts. I saw the ring too and wondered if it was Diana's. What a nice tribute to her from her son.
p.s., if you're interested, I'm giving away a copy of The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook at my book review blog.
Great answers! I always wondered what happened to Diana's ring. I had to laugh, though that her family of millionaires is considered middle class. I wonder what that makes us?
I think a royal wedding is exciting. They seem to know each other a whole lot better than Charles and Diana knew each other...hopefully it will last.
Have fun with your exchange student!
Enjoyed the post. As I type this, the royal story is in the news. I suspect it will stay there for some time! I love the ring story. It is so special.
Really enjoyed your answere. I like that each of us gets to add one question or one thought to the mix. Makes it fun to see what people come up with.
Isn't it the truth, we must all be on poverty by the media's standard. Goodness, how silly!
So enjoyed your answers today and so glad Joyce took "the bull by the horns" and gave us a Wednesday meme.
Blessings to you!
I remember as a kid watching the royal wedding. I missed the interview, but did see snippets of it. I love the fact that he gave her his mom's ring and why. I know I will be glued to the tv when the wedding takes place along with a billion other people.
Like you I haven't kept up with the Royal family lately. I remember watching the wedding and then all the news about Princess Diana's death. I also agree with the other's if their middle-class we must be poverty level.
Middle class millionaires??? I am way below poverty level--not even on the scale, in fact!
I love royal blue, too--and I am a stickler for being on time, as well! Two things we have in common!
My bridesmaids dresses were royal blue too.
Wow, I can't imagine having water like that in the house. Yes, babies laughing is the best. Those were nervous butterflies and I'm glad the news was good. I love Prince William, he is so much like his mother who I adored. I'm glad he gave Kate her ring. I wish them well.
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