1. In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Oh, that inner voice can tell me all sorts of things about myself that aren't true!
2. Jacques Cousteau's birthday was Monday, June 11th...ever been scuba diving? Is that something you'd like to try? What's your favorite 'under the sea' creature?
No and not particularly; it makes me a little nervous - not from the critters as much as from the breathing. My man took several diving trips back in his young single days. As far as my favorite "under the sea" creature, I don't know that I have one, but I love watching them on DVD's, especially IMAX. Such an incredible picture of God's creative delight. The oceans contain such a variety of beautiful and intricately detailed creatures, and I always think about how many years it was essentially only for His pleasure; no one had the ability or technology to dive way down deep and explore and study and photograph the vast array within the ocean's depths.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you in and around the water? (1=not at all, 10=very) Do you know how to swim and if so how and when did you learn?
I'd say about a 7 or 8. I can swim decently. I took lessons at the local pool as a child. I definitely remember the "dead man's float" - I made sure to tuck that one away in case I ever needed it!
4. What's something you do to motivate yourself to tick an item off your to-do list?
I don't know that I have a consistent method. Sometimes my motivation is simply to because it has to be done or it's the right thing to do.
5. What makes a good neighbor? Are you a good neighbor?
Friendly without being pushy. Willing to keep an eye out, grab the paper when you're out of town, etc. Respectful of boundaries - not just property lines but one who isn't "in your face" or your business all the time.
6. Who loads the dishwasher at your house? Is there a right way and a wrong way?
I generally load it. There's basically a right way that gets the most stuff to fit.
7. You know it's summer when_________________________.

. . .I have Fredericksburg peaches on my cereal!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I had visions of winning Angela Hunt's cool contest celebrating the launch of her newest novel, Five Miles South of Peculiar -- not only because of the cool prizes but because of my fun connection with the book and the contest. It would take a miracle for me to win, especially since the top three spots are held by pics of multiple people (which wasn't the intent of the contest from my interpretation of the directions. Not bitter, just sayin'!), but it would be fun to at least make it onto the top row! I'd be so honored if you would vote for me - and you can vote every 24 hours until Friday night at 11:00 pm EDT. To vote, just click here and then click the Vote tab (and there's no app agreement required!)
I voted! Good luck!
I voted, too! :)
You got my vote, too! Those peaches look DE-VINE!
I will vote! Something funny- I can't go to the IMAX --I get motion sickness in there! LOL
Yes on #4. It either has to be done, like laundry or toilet cleaning, or their is company coming! Peaches, that is definitely a sign of summer.
I voted!
Oh man, I love love love fresh peaches!!! Want my address? ;)
Those peaches look so good. I just bought a few last night in hopes of making peach topped cake. I don't know where mine came from but I would guess Georgia.
Those peaches look divine!!!
Property boundaries...good one!!! I never thought of that. But, oh so true. And those peaches...oh my gosh, you have me drooling!
You answered #2 so eloquently!! Good luck with the contest. I voted for you!!
Voted as well! Yes, God makes some pretty cool things and to think they were made for us to enjoy. Makes me wonder what Heaven is like!
Oh, Linda, thanks so much for stopping by, it's so good to hear from you.
Peaches, yes peaches. We have wonderful peach orchards very near here.
Okay, I'm off to vote for you. All the best!
I love, love, love peaches in my cereal or about anyway you can get them.
I voted again and you are in the top row now!
Inner voices can be sooo pushy!
Those peaches look delicious! I'm from Georgia, you know :)
I voted for you, good luck!
yep, drooling over the peaches!!!!! :)
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