With our children still in their growing years, we are in the throes of what is known as The Sandwich Generation: adults caught between two generations, caring for our parents at the same time that we are caring for our children.
Interesting that it's called a Sandwich - that brings to mind a vision of two soft and pliable pieces of bread on either side. I think it should be called a Vise, as some days I feel like each inflexible side is pressing in until I'm going to be squeezed to death!
Some of you may relate as you are in this same situation.

I just received this marvelous new book by Phil Callaway called The Family Squeeze: Tales of Hope and Hilarity for a Sandwiched Generation.
He has absolutely nailed this whole situation! I love how he sums up this station in life in the first chapter: ". . . wedged between the demands of elderly dependents and energetic teens -- neither of whom think you know too much." Yep, that pretty well describes it! Some days I can't please either end of the spectrum!
But even more importantly, he has given it an eternal perspective and a reminder of the hope that God's presence brings in the midst of what can be a very frustrating time.
He made me laugh. And he made me think. And he reminded me to be thankful for the opportunity to honor our parents in their last days. And "to form each and every decision in light of eternity, mindful that our lives pass quickly but decisions made here last forever." [from the Epilogue]
Because I have enjoyed this book so much, (and ahem, since I myself have benefited from several giveaways!) I purchased an additional copy of this book which I would love to pass along to one of you, especially if you are in this Sandwich Generation. Just leave me a comment by 2:00 p.m. CDT Wed. (April 2), and I will draw that evening. Please feel free to let others know about this by linking to this post on your website as well.
May each of us turn our squeeze into a hug with God's help!