It's been one of those days. A melancholy Monday, so to speak. Dreary and rainy outside. And a bit dreary on the inside as well. Clutter accumulates quickly when I become lax, in the house, in relationships, and in my soul. A good bit of debris went into our physical trashcan today, with more to follow, and cobwebs are being discovered and cleaned out in other areas not visible to the human eye as well. As II Corinthians 7:1 says,
". . .let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."Not all has been gloom and doom, however. You gals continue to bless me on a daily basis with your encouraging and challenging posts, as well as when you pop by here and leave me a comment! And I've had a couple of very nice surprises in the past several days. Recently several folks have been promoting
The Busy Mom's Devotional, including
Melody, and I won the book at her giveaway! Now before you groan, let me tell you that it took 2 tries to win it! The first winning gal won it at
two different blogs, (talk about the magic touch!) so she declined Melody's and when Melody drew the second time, she drew my name! Then, I was absolutely stunned to see I won a Starbucks card from
Lysa TerKeurst when Lysa put out the call for help with her book title! I don't suppose she'll deliver it in person, though. . . . Phooey! I don't think I've ever won a random drawing with so many other entrants - I was #154, for heaven's sake!

Some of you may have noticed on my sidebar and that of a few others, like the other
Lidna Linda, a scrolling network of blogs titled
Family Friendly Network. This is a relatively new network whose umbrella page, the
Blogged-In Network.Nicely. site, has a variety of family-friendly articles, recipes, and all sorts of neat stuff. And right now, they are giving away some
Blogged-In Bounty! Of course, I really don't want you to enter or anything, because I want the $100 Target gift card they're giving away. I just thought I'd let you know about it so you won't be surprised when I win. And 'cause telling you about it gets me
8 entries. (You get
10 entries if you subscribe to their email!) Now don't be knocking each other down on the way to the site. It is family-friendly and all. You girls act nice.

mentioned awhile back when I got this award that I was going to hang on to it and give it out as the occasion arose. Well, today, I'm presenting it to Julie of
Pragmatic Compendium. Because she, too,
alphabetizes her spices. And is
married to an engineer and has apparently birthed one as well. She, like I am, is dealing with some "
Sandwich Generation" issues (tho' much much harder than mine) and is doing so with grace and wisdom. Although she IS responsible for completely
grossing me out. . . .and causing me to buy the movie for my night with my girl this weekend. But she also makes me laugh now every time I order my mocha - you gotta watch
this! She's become a sweet friend and I smile every time I see her name in my inbox. Julie, you make my day on a regular basis!
More to come. . . .(I'm sure you're on the edge of your seats!) Have a great Tuesday!
View blog reactions
i have to say that I was a bit jealous that you won the starbucks gift card.....but who better?! :) Enjoy!! I love reading your blog!
Maybe you should start selling good luck charms that have been personally handled by you...LOL!
Congrats on the win...I just love a good, new book!
How can it be possible that you won all that stuff?? On top of all the other stuff I've witnessed you win??
Congrats on your winning streak. I loved what you wrote about inner cobwebs. Great insights.
Wow -- two giveaways! I'd say that makes for a great week! :)
Hey friend, I saw your name over at Lysa's. Way to go! Thanks for the info on the giveaways. We would all like to ask you not to enter for the Target gift card so we might actually have a chance to win:)
Sandwich generation...I posted with the very same title about a year or so back. You and I have mothers that are exactly the same age! (I think I stopped by here before and mentioned that...not sure...)
My girls are just 8 and 6! Talk about scrunched in the middle of a sandwich! ;)
Congrats on your award! :)
Came by for a visit today. :) Loving your blog! So fun, honest, and friendly!
I'll be back!
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