In our overview study of the entire Bible this school year, I was convicted by how often the Israelites recounted God's faithfulness -- even including the details of their disobedience -- many years after the event. (I discussed it here if you're interested.) Those thoughts came back to me as I tried to think of some spectacular "thing" that I could relate that qualifies as a sign, miracle, or wonder.
And then I thought: "Why do
- Waking each morning to a new day
- The intricacy of the physical body; I don't have to tell my heart to beat or my lungs to breathe or the myriad of cellular functions to do their "jobs."
- His faithfulness, grace and mercy.
- The steadfast love of my husband
- The wondrous blessing of being a mom to my son and daughter
- Spring's fresh newness following winter's dormancy
- Food, clothing, and a roof over my head
- A church family and the freedom to worship
- Laughter
- Tears
- Friendship
A specific wonder in my life came when my mom's health declined and we moved her from Houston to an Assisted Living facility near me in 2001. Because she was in a health crisis, things needed to be done rather quickly. She initially was hospitalized in Houston and then transferred to a hospital here. I looked into several Assisted Living places while she was in the hospital, and the one only 5 minutes from my house just "happened" to have the best type of room become available right when we needed it and in the most convenient spot in the whole place!
Next, my attention (with my siblings' help) was turned to cleaning out her house and preparing to sell it. (My dad had died 4 years previously and not much had changed since then - I think she had gotten rid of his clothes.) My folks were classic Depression-era Pack Rats. They had fortunately moved when I was in high school and so had "only" lived in that house about 24 years. They had saved not only every bill they had received (and most other pieces of mail), but kept them in their envelopes as well as all the little junky inserts that are included in them! We are talking major volume of stuff!
We made a few weekend trips to do a little and move the things my mom would need up here. I figured it would take months to clean out the house. My brother and my husband and I tackled it with a vengeance that Memorial Day weekend. Wow! People were knocking on the door to buy furniture and kitchen items, and by the end of the weekend the house was empty; my brother got it on the market by Thursday, and within 24 hours we had 3 offers.
This was just a nutshell version - it was uncanny the way every detail just clicked into place. Almost before we knew a need, it was answered and supplied abundantly.
The significance, besides the obvious comfort and easing of our way, is this: Years before, when I had related a divine "coincidence" to my mom and said "God handled that one", her reply was that "God's awful busy to be worried about your {insert minor detail}." Having been raised with that mindset, even though my folks were believers, I was now convinced as never before that God was indeed involved in the details of my life!
But there is a wonder that exceeds -- or maybe just demonstrates & encompasses -- all this. I must piggyback it onto my Then Sings My Soul Saturday post. This beautiful song, written by George Beverly Shea, depicts it perfectly. What a blessing to hear him sing it here:
There's the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
There's the wonder of springtime and harvest,
The sky, the stars, the sun;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is a wonder that's only begun.
The wonder of it all, indeed! I always laugh when I hear people talking about fate or chance as though the universe. I thank Him every day that there is nothing too small or seemingly insignificant for him to orchestrate.
We serve a mighty God, do we not?
Oh I can relate to cleaning and selling your parents home. WOW!!
Yes God is in all things even the smallest things. He loves us so much:) Yes He is a mighty God:)
Have a Blessed Day,
I used to think like your mom. But then I realized just how big God is. Now, I even thank him for a good parking space when I'm tired. I'm drafting a post right now about how thankful I am.
In my life these days, God's taking care of everything. I'm letting him. and I'm so thankful.
It is true that miracles abound big and small. Thank you for praying for my mom and boy did God show himself in an awesome way. I was glad to have so many out there praying for my mom.
I love that song! Often I wonder how a God can love, even little me, unconditionally. It certainly "Thrills my soul"
I was raised by family who all believed that God is too busy to deal with the little details of our lives. I remember if you did have a real crisis they would tell their pastor so he could pray because they would always say "he has a direct line to God". What a revelation it was for me when I learned during several Beth Moore studies that we all have direct access to a God who cares about every detail of our lives!
I love the miracles God pulls togeher for my accountability group...there are many times when He gives us each the same scripture verse but in different forms (over the radio, thru a friend, in a conversation, in a magazine) and when we meet together and discuss our week, He shows us why He was giving us the scripture. Usually one of us is experiencing a specific struggle or burden and it directs us to action or specific prayer. He meets our needs in such creative ways!!
Great site...
come see me sometime!
The wonder of all, that God made Him who knew no sin to be sin in orderr that we might be the righteousnes of God in Him! What a Savior--He knows exactly what we need and meets our needs with Himself!
so cool! I love what you said about His ways are even in the small things...
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