Many of you have been aware of and praying for Selah's Todd Smith and his wife Angie in the death of their sweet baby Audrey on April 7. Now they grieve anew. I quote from Angie's blog entry from two days ago:
Todd's sister Nicol (she sang in Selah) had her second child on March 18th of this year. His name is Luke.
Last night [Tues., May 27] around 9:00 central time, she went to check on him and he was not breathing. Paramedics were called but they were unable to resuscitate him.
Our nephew Gregory Luke Sponberg is now in heaven with Audrey, just 7 short weeks after we lost her.
I am overcome with sorrow for what this sweet family has had to bear in less than 2 months. Angie has more information on her blog. The cause of Luke's death was apparently SIDS and the memorial service will be on Monday.

PRESS ON When the valley is deep
When the mountain is steep
When the body is weary
When we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
When we're battered and scarred
When we've spent our resources
When we've given our all
In Jesus' name, we press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
To press on
Written by Dan Burgess
I know many of you love Selah as I do and will lift them up to the throne of God.
Audrey, Luke, Maria Chapman. So much heartache, so many questions. . . .Come quickly, Lord! Yet I know each of these families are indeed pressing on with His strength and, if He tarries, the world will witness God's glory displayed in their lives as never before.
On Saturday be sure to stop by Amy's for more songs.
Such sad news. Sometimes we think those in the spot light do not experience the same pain as others. Clearly this is far from true. I will keep these families in my prayers.
And to think that as I dropped Nathan off at the airport this morning, I briefly tried to imagine life without him. It nearly tore my heart in two just to have the prayers rise for this family.
May God have mercy...
Oh Linda I have no words! I saw Nicol in concert a couple of years agao when she was pregnant for her other child! Dear Father hold tight to this family!
I've been following Angie's blog praying for her loss...and hadn't yet read about this tragedy with Luke. So, so sad. I will be praying.
May restoration reign.
So sad. Thank you for sharing this news so that we can lift them up in prayer.
My heart is so broken for all of these families. I cannot imagine the pain - and am holding onto my babies just a little tighter lately.
I read about Luke on Angie's blog and I just cried. I remember thinking "OK Lord Jesus, now would be a good time to come!"
My prayers are with all of them - I have visions of the three babies playing together in Heaven while they wait for their mommys and daddys.
It just seems so unfair for this family to have lost so much. I believe God will use them in a new way...but for today it's so important for us to just pray. Pray that they have the strength to get out of bed, to eat, to take the next step...
This is a beautiful song, and those words are so powerful!
Thanks for sharing your heart today...
Yes Linda,
I saw this the other day. It is heartbreaking. The world just seems to be filled with more and more pain these days.
What do people do without the Lord?
Thanks for sharing!
This is sad. In Jesus name we press true. Thank God HE is with us and will give us the strength to press on.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh Linda...I almost wish I had skipped your post with such heartbreaking news, I'm kinda overwhelmed with so much of this...
how much more these dear families!
I usually check Angie's post to see how she is doing and pray...
but must have missed. HOW they all MUST PRESS ON and we, also! Such encouraging words at such heavy grief...and such a time as this!
I DO SO LOVE THIS SONG & SELAH, Angie, Nichol, Todd...and then Steven awesome of God do they proclaim...SIDS leaves people so burdened and devastated but I
believe in JESUS NAME, they will
PRESS ON! A close friend had this happen back in the end of the 80s,
I saw so much JOY in this young mom's heart because of this strength! Praying you be blessed and covered by the Almighty!
I'm praying for these families.
But what do I DO now? Back in January, after learning about what I saw as "senseless" tragedies, I wrote "i want no regrets." on Pragmatic Communion. It's what I DO in response. Along with prayer. Always prayer.
But these events also change me.
Thank you for posting this. And the video. I can't helping thinking of their rendition of "It is Well with My Soul." and the story behind those verses.
I've been praying for them to with tears and an aching heart! I'm trusting the Father to wrap them up and carry them through.
weeping with those who weep-
It's just unreal. "Had it not been for the Lord who was on our side..."
Sad and Praying,
This kind of pain would seem unbearable to me. I can't imagine "pressing on" if I didn't have the Lord's strength. I'm so thankful that my parents raised me in a Christian home and that I have Him to help me through this hard earthly life.
Such depth of pain. I can't imagine. My heart is heavy for them.
I recently heard Steven Curtis Chapman speak and he said these words that we all need to hear today.....What I've put in your hand is How are you going to repsond to the poeple around you? Given the life circumstances that you're in right now, will you believe that I am with you, that I am for you? Will you be still, know that I'm God and trust me for this moment? Listen for me, what am I saying, find me in this moment, right now....the good one, the hard one, the terrible one, the mundane one...all of those moments.
(Steve still speaking) I believe that God is saying, "I'm here. I'm in this. I'm speaking. I'm revealing myself to you."
My prayers are with all these families.
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