While in a certain coffee shop tonight for my weekly hour of reading and sipping while my kids were at youth group, I picked up (as in looked at, not bought) the mug showing the skyline of the city.

In case you can't read what it says at the very bottom, it says "Capital of the Lone Star State."
Um, notice anything missing?
This view hides one of the oldest, most beloved, and most definitive landmarks in the downtown sector. The capitol building itself.

For years the capitol was the tallest building downtown. As the city grew and the downtown area literally began growing up(ward), much debate ensued over the capitol. As a result, there are protected view corridors where the view of the capitol may not be blocked. Apparently, those responsible for the image on the mug didn't deem it important enough to incorporate one of those views.

What a shame they didn't involve someone with an appreciation for history and some Texas pride when developing the mug.
In the words of the old salsa commercial, "Get a rope!"
I remember that commercial! Too funny!
I tagged you for a music/mom meme if you have some time (and an mp3 player).
So do you think they left it out on purpose?
Hmmmm...maybe they are cutting costs all over so that they won't have to close your shop. :)
I have a brand new rope in the back of my Envoy.
I bet the designer didn't know anything about the history and just picked a picture without giving it any thought.
off topic - My post for the letter P is scheduled to publish tomorrow. Thanks!
I've been seeing you commenting on other blogs and decided to come and visit your blog. This is too funny!
Wow. You have skyline. We have a McDonald's arch.
I assume you didn't buy the mug then? LOL!
a new meme ...
"what's missing on the mug?"...
great catch!
You go get um Tex!
There is a story in my family - when my aunt Wilma moved to Austin to go to grad school, back in the early 60s, she went back to deep East Texas and got my great-grandma (Mamaw) to show her the sights of Austin. She took her to the capitol building, and Mamaw stood on the grounds looking up at it, crying and crying. She said, "I never thought I would ever live to see my state's capitol."
Wow. I have travelled the world - everytime I think of that story, I am so humbled.
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