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Timestamp: 2009-06-03 01:11:44 UTC
Congrats to Beverlydru! Email me your address and I'll send it on its way!
2. TCKK asked how I became a book reviewer. Basically, I did what she just did: asked a blog reviewer how they did it! Some of it is by word of mouth and referral; often when I am emailed by a publicist with an offer to review a book, at the bottom of the email will be an invitation to submit to them the email of someone we know who might be interested in reviewing the book as well.
Additionally, there are publisher blog networks you can join, such as Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, and Bethany House. Generally they will send you one book at a time, and once you review it you can request another. Also with sites such as that, they request that your review be posted on a public site such as Amazon or Christian Books in addition to your blog.
I also review with Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) but right now I don't believe that they are accepting any additional members.
If you would like more information or you are interested in my passing your name along, send me an email.
3. My girl graduated from 8th grade this afternoon. If you can indulge my being a proud mama for a few sentences, it was especially fun to see her receive the Leadership Award as well as the Top Rank Award for highest GPA of her class. She is going out with a bang! She cannot wait to get to high school in August, especially since she found out on Friday that she is one of only two students from her middle school to make the top orchestra (there are 3 levels & most freshmen start at the bottom) at the high school. Okay, I'm done being obnoxious mom!
4. Tomorrow is the Last Day. For my girl, it's all over but the partying - she has a field trip tomorrow followed by a friend's birthday party after school. And my boy was exempt from the last half of his finals and he's been done since Friday. And to those of you who commented on Monday that your kids don't finish school until the middle of this month, thank you for the perspective, and you have my deepest sympathies!
5. Our end of school tradition is that I always give my kids a stack of books. Of course, I started this when they were in elementary school and they were reading chapter books that cost $2.99! But books are a great investment! We went ahead and did it tonight and my boy immediately began perusing the pictures in the middle of this, commented that this looked interesting, and checked out the back of this. My girl has already started flipping through this and reading this and this! (They gotta have something to do while I read and blog!)
6. Summer won't just mean my girl's transition to high school. My boy hasn't been in a hurry (and neither have we!) but it's time and he's ready to learn to drive. Yike! Where did those precious toddlers go?!
7. Finally, just in case you hadn't noticed, it's June! This one's just for you, Lid, since I know you really do secretly love musicals!
A-whippin' up the water in the bay
Then April cried
And stepped aside
And along come pretty little May!
May was full of promises
But she didn't keep 'em quick enough fer some
And a crowd of Doubtin' Thomases
Was predictin' that the summer'd never come
But it's comin', by gum!
Y'ken feel it come
Y'ken feel it in yer heart
Y'ken see it in the ground
Y'ken hear it in the trees
Y'ken smell it in the breeze
Look around, look around, look around!
(And this part at the beginning cracks me up:)
With the little tail a-swishing'
Ev'ry lady fish is wishin'
That a male would come
And grab 'er by the gills!
They sure don't make 'em like they used to!
congrats to winners!
you are not an obnoxious mom and you have every reason to be proud!!! Way to go!! Having children in band I know what a big deal it is to make the top as a freshman!!
my youngest is supposed to start driving and he is not interested at all...can't figure it out. He could have gotten his permit in Jan and has yet to take the test!!! I am not sayin' a word!!!
I love your end of year tradition...I wish I had done that!
Happy summer!!!!
Congrats on the accomplishments of your young 'un. In high school, I sang that June is bustin' out song in a choir festival. Ha! All the words and the tune came jumping back to the forefront of my brain when I read that- didn't watch the video yet.
Be a proud mama all you want! You certainly have reason to be...your girl is so bright and talented. I know this is going to be an exciting summer for her as she looks forward to high school.
It sounds like it will be an exciting summer for you too as you grip the seat and push the imaginary brake pedal on the passenger side!
Congrats to the winner first of all.
Linda, thanks for answering my question. I sure appreciate the info.
Nothing wrong with bragging on your kids. That's a mom's job and we enjoy hearing their accomplishments. I can tell you I brag about my kids on my blog.
I'm hoping to check on the Nancy Rue book for my youngest. Sounds good. She doesn't like reading but is a very good reader and I'm always looking for something that will catch her attention. Maybe this would be it!
your kids didn't fall far from the tree...congrats to all!
you have reason to share...i would too!
i love seeing and hearing about teens wanting to make their teen years more productive.
congrats Beverlydru!!!
Thanks for sharing! I am loving the book review blogger programs and getting the new books. I had already signed up for TN and Bethany house.
I love the idea of books at the end of the school year!
God bless,
awesome! Thanks for the publisher review sites!
Navpress also offers review books.
Congrats on your children accomplishments! They do grow up fast! My "baby" is 33 years old! LOL... My grandson just graduated from 8th grade too!
Thanks for the information.
God bless
I was in the midst of doing my first small group workshop on Internet 101 for a group of women yesterday when I saw item #2 of this post that I WON! I was giving the ladies a blog tour and you were on my tour as a Christian Book Reviewer. There I was, saying "Look - I WON I WON". I'm sure it was more fun for me than for them. I have never done anything like that before... I had my laptop hooked up to a big screen and of course I had to introduce them to blogging! Thank you so much.
Boy, it seems like Beverly wins everything! :) She won one of my giveaways before and I see her name quite a bit on here. :)
Congrats to both your kids! And what a great investment to start with them. Maybe now the summer reading lists from teachers in the coming years won't seem so daunting. :)
I'm interested in becoming a reviewer. I'll have to email you about it.
Congrats to your girl!
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