Such was the case yesterday. The winner of last week's double giveaway was another Texas Blogging Gal. When Beth emailed me her address, we discovered that we live only about 30 minutes from each other. So instead of mailing her the books, we met at a most appropriate place: a Starbucks located inside a Barnes & Noble Bookstore! We had such a good time chatting. And she gave me a great idea for a dessert I need to take to a fajita lunch meeting today.
If you haven't "met" Beth, you need to go check out her blog. She posts some amazing recipes on there!
I was ready for a fun day on Monday after being slapped in the face, so to speak, on Sunday with the reality of how old I really am! A sweet young couple visited our church. The wife, Jennifer, is 32, and their oldest child is seven years old.
When Jennifer herself was seven and in the second grade, I taught her in Children's Choir at our old church. I had been out of college a couple of years. She was a sweetheart then, and she obviously is still precious because she told me "you look just the same!"
She can come back any time!!
Thanks so much to those of you who prayed for my missionary sister's needs while she is in the USA on medical leave. She's been here just over a week. Less than forty-eight hours before her arrival, someone called letting me know there was a fully furnished house available for her use. At no charge. Two days after her arrival, I received a call that another family had an extra car that she can use. At no charge. The man wanted to get the oil changed and some other things before she got it, and yesterday afternoon we picked up the car and got her situated at the house. Like I said before, God's never late, but He's never early either!
And this was at the bottom of an email I recently received:
The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.
Political correctness disclaimer (and please read this Letters From Midlife blog post if you are as tired of the P.C. police as I am!): this is meant as a fun joke; in no way do I mean to disparage the folks who truly suffer from mental issues.
How cool is that to meet a blogging buddy. Wow God showed up and showed off didn't he?
GOD is awesome!!
Blessings and hugs,
That's so great how the Lord provided for your sister! I'm hoping he will do the same for us since the transmission in my car died and between our daughter's wedding coming up and paying taxes, we can't do anything about the car right now.
Thanks too for the mention of my post on political correctness. :o)
What a hoot, getting to meet a fellow blogger... God's timing and Providence for your Sister and your statistics quote! I'm glad my dearest girlfriend has the same neurosis as me, I feel more "normal" cause she knows me and loves me just the same! Hee hee ;)
That's neat about finding out how close your blog friend lives. Good reminder that you never know who may be reading your blog.
Read that P.C. Post---WAHAHAHAHA!!
I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!
It was so great getting to meet you and get to know a fellow blogger! It is neat to 'find' friends with so many things in common by blogging. I thank my girls for making me start my recipe blog. I now have an addiction! :-) Hope the recipe turned out for you.
What a wonderful answer to prayer for your sister! And how fun to meet a blogging friend "in real life."
How wonderful to meet your blogging friend, such a blessing !
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