What movies were popular when you were growing up? Did you go to the movies very frequently? Do you remember what was the first movie you ever saw? What is your favorite genre of movies? What were your favorites then, and have they withstood the test of time? Do you have any particular memories associated with movies? Was buying snacks a regular part of the movie experience? What was your favorite movie snack? Have you ever been in a movie or seen one being filmed?

And yes, anti-musical Lid, I do like movies that aren't musicals!

Then there are the movies I saw in high school, most of them on dates, and they bring back fun memories.. And even though most are not musicals, the ones that stand out are the ones with great theme songs, which is why this flashback had to follow right after last week's! My first date when I was 16 was You Light Up My Life. Loved, loved, loved Debbie Boone singing that song!
Then there was Rocky. That was a classic. (Except it grossed me out when he drank the raw eggs!) I loved the theme song and the training sequence, especially the part at the meat market and when he runs up those steps! And the way he said, "Yo, Adrian!"
I don't remember a whole lot about the movie itself, but I loved the theme of The Spy Who Loved Me by Carly Simon. (File under songs like Afternoon Delight!)
And I can't leave off Grease - the High School Musical of the 1970's! I'm a bit taken aback by its sleaze factor now, but it sure was a fun movie with great music!
The only time I've ever walked out of a movie was when I was in high school. I don't even remember the name of it, but about 5 minutes into it there was something about two girls "liking" each other. That was way back in 1978 or 1979. My boyfriend and I looked at each other and said, "Let's go!" Now as a mom, I'm so proud of my 17-year-old self!
Another classic I loved was Camelot, which I saw for the first time in college. I loved the soundtrack with Julie Andrews as Guinevere. When my man and I were dating, we saw it live when Richard Harris was touring. But it kills me to watch it or hear the songs now - such heartache.
I'm sure I've forgotten some, but this is already too long. Oh, I almost forgot Ice Castles from my high school days. Such a sweet movie and a beautiful song. And a cute Robby Benson! (Back when skating costumes were modest!)
(I didn't realize they did a remake of that this year, with Christian artist Britt Nicole singing the theme song.)
Okay, that's absolutely the last one! Post your movie memories and link up here!
Makes me want to go rent a bunch of movies to watch again...how about you?! :) Too bad any I'd rent would be in Spanish and I'd only understand about 1/3 of them. lol
It's funny, you and I are close in age, but I can't remember when Mary Poppins or The Sound of Music played at the movies. I guess I thought they were just always on television or video. LOL
The last two week's topics have been fun! Thanks! (Kathy)
WOW! I don't think I could have "conjured" up that many memories if I had tried too. What fun, you brought back so many memories for me. Sound of Music was, I do believe, the first movie I saw in a theater. I had been to drive-in movies, but not a theater until I was almost 13. As always, enjoyed my stop! Smiles!
I remember going to the theater to see Sound of Music too. I loved and saw most of the Disney movies. I cried when Bambi's mother was shot. I cried watching Old Yeller too. Sorry if I ruined it for someone. :) Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings, SusanD
So you're saying you like musicals? I can't do this one, as I was not allowed to see movies in theatres until I was a teenager, and I can only remember one or two. Heaven Can Wait, with Warren Beatty. :)
You're a girl after my own movie loving heart! I am looking for "The Secret Garden" on Netflik as soon as I log off. I have ot seen that one!
Loved all your picks, love Greese, it is one of my faves! Love mary Poppins and Sound of Music!!!!!!
Oh you had some good ones. Sound of Music is still my all time favorite and I never get tired of watching it. When we were in Salzburg we did the tour and the tour guide makes everyone sing along too. And my husband loved saying all week, "There's a family in Salzburg..." in that really high pitched voice like the Mother Superior.
Have a great weeekend!
Boy, do you bring back memories for me, Linda!
Rogers & Hammerstein musicals have always been my very favorites, even to this day. I was 17 in 1965 and I saw The Sound of Music more than once at the theater; can't count the times on DVD. To me, it was the perfect blend of everything: scenery, music, and love story.
Two other musicals that I would add to your list are The Music Man and The Unsinkable Molly Brown. They're right up there with The Sound of Music.
And yes, buttered popcorn has always been an essential snack.
The only movie I've seen filmed is Smoky and the Bandit with Burt Reynolds. Several scenes were filmed close to the church where I worked, and I stood in the front yard of a friend's home to watch.
The only other movie I watched over and over during those years was The Cross and the Switchblade, the story of NYC gang member Nicky Cruz's conversion. Pat Boone played the minister, Dave Wilkerson. And that reminds me, I also liked Pat Boone movies - Mardi Gras, State Fair, etc.
WE LIVED TWIN LIVES my friend!! What a walk down memory lane! We lived to read the Friday paper to see what was playing!!
You mentioned some of my favorite musicals--although I've always enjoyed "My Fair Lady" as well.
My family enjoys singing the soundtrack from "Fiddler on the Roof" to each other :-)
I put Benji also! I don't remember anything about it but that it was one we went to see!
We're about the same age and I loved many of the same movies too! Forgot about Ice Castles and I loved that too! Still can hear that song in my head!
My favorites are up at my blog:
Great prompt! Dawn
Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness!
It is almost scary how much we both like the same movies!!!
The Sound of Music! Classic. I had the album and knew/know all the songs by heart. And Julie Andrews' voice... beyond spectacular!!
Mary Poppins! How could anyone go wrong with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke in the same movie. He is one of my all time favorite actors. He had that grin...you know, that cool grin that made you KNOW he was up to something.I Had that album too. And yes, knew/know all the words.
Fiddler on the Roof! Sigh.I'm so glad I don't have to pick a favorite movie even from this list alone. I've seen this at the theater, at a live high school performance, at a live professional performance, on tv, VHS, DVD and yes know the words to all these too. Sometimes I go to YouTube just to see clips of the songs and I about drove my kids crazy when they had to listen to the whole soundtrack when we drove from VA to SC. Deedle, deedle,deedle,deedle,deedle,deedle, deedle, dum.
I remember reading the Secret Garden but wasn't really crazy about the book but wasn't that written by the same author as The Little Princess? I loved that book and who can forget Shirley temple playing in the movie!!
I barely remember anything about Benji but I remember that I saw it and liked it and yes, Robby Benson made my knees weak in Ice Castles (I bet we are in a very small minority of people that saw that....much less remember it!)
So, in the famous words of Bob Hope.... "Thanks For The Memories...."
This was such a fun read!!
How could I forget Grease!! I was in high School and went to sleep every night with John Travolta in my room....on posters on all my walls!!!
I got so caught up in flashing back, I forgot to go "Back To The Future" (ha) and link up!
Thanks for all the fun Linda!
~ Becky
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