What movies were popular when you were growing up? Did you go to the movies very frequently? Do you remember what was the first movie you ever saw? What is your favorite genre of movies? What were your favorites then, and have they withstood the test of time? Do you have any particular memories associated with movies? Was buying snacks a regular part of the movie experience? What was your favorite movie snack? Have you ever been in a movie or seen one being filmed?
Post your Flashback tomorrow and come back here to link up!
Hardcore movie hound here! Love this weeks prompt!!!!!!!!!
I always try to read your Flashback Fridays. You wouldn't believe how many times I had tried to do them but can't get the words to come. Strange eh?
I've mentioned before that I have close to no recollection of my childhood but I do remember some special movies.
I'll be back tomorrow!
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