I couldn't resist deviating from my usual posting for TSMSS on this landmark weekend.
It's a good thing there are no tears in heaven; my daddy would be appalled. On the other hand, my FIL would probably be making a beeline to my dad's mansion to gloat.
The reason? my boy and I are returning from a college visit to Texas A&M.
Never say never.
This is what I grew up with:
And this is that other school's song:
Even though the rivalry is fierce, UT & A&M have a lot of respect for each other, and students at both universities have many friends at the other. When the Aggie Bonfire collapsed tragically in 1999, this was the Longhorn Band's tribute at half-time of the Texas vs. A&M game:
Following Amazing Grace, the Longhorn Band played Taps, after which all of the musicians removed their hats. From what I understand, the only other time the band members have taken off their hats on the field was after JFK's assassination.
The only problem with having so many Aggie friends is the gloating they will do if my boy does choose A&M. Sigh.
Hook 'em vs. Gig 'em. . . .no place but Texas!
Blessings and prayers,
I had to laugh Linda! Although I'm not from Texas, I remember seeing an early JAG episode on TV. One of the earlier partners to Harmon Rabb was Meg. She was a Texan and was always using the sign with her fingers. :)
I enjoyed it. And btw Linda, I'm loving your Friday Flashbacks.
Blessings and love,
Our oldest son roots for UT.
I like it when teams can respect each other even tho they are rivalries.
We have two high school's in our county. They too fight a fierce game, but when all is said and done they are friends.
I wondered where you visited.
We had been serving in a church in TX when the bonfire collapsed and we lost a young man from our youth group. I did not know about the Longhorn band's tribute....that was cool.
Thanks for sharing that.
As you know we have 3 first generation Aggies at our house. There was no brainwashing here as they were growing up. We *love* the Aggie culture but we aren't rabid about it and we won't gloat.
Thanks for the tribute clip. Very moving.
A fun deviation, Linda. I have to smile because I understand how serious Texas takes its football because I'm from Alabama and we do the same. And now Texas Tech has one of our beloved, Tommy Tuberville, a great Christian man during his time at Auburn.
Enjoyed visiting with you.
Ya know....your Aggie friends wouldn't gloat so much if you did a little less gloating yourself. I'm just sayin'!
Very cool tribute by the Longhorn band. One of my favorite t-shirts was when Texas went to one of the big bowl games (my memory is so bad...I think it was the Rose Bowl), and the maroon shirt had the longhorn symbol with the horns sawn off, but with band-aids over them. Below that it said, "For today only".
Love ya!
Hmm, the Only Texas song I know came from a Dolly Parton & Bert Reynolds movie and I doubt you want me to write the name of it here. ;)
This was so much fun Linda!! ll the blood in my family runs orange! My hubby went to U.T., and his dad played football there many years ago. When the horns are playing, it's almost misery instead of joy... until they win! :)
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