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Timestamp: 2010-09-27 02:08:21 UTC
Congrats to karenk! Please email me your address, Karen, and I'll send the book your way.
Delia Parr, pen name for Mary Lechleidner, is the author of 10 historical novels and the winner of several awards, including the Laurel Wreath Award for Historical Romance and the Aspen Gold Award for Best Inspirational Book. She is a full-time high school teacher who spends her summer vacations writing and kayaking. The mother of three grown children, she lives in Collingswood, New Jersey.
Ruth Livingstone's life changes drastically the day her father puts a young child in her arms and sends her to a small village in New Jersey under an assumed name. There Ruth pretends to be a widow and quietly secludes herself until her father is acquitted of a crime.
But with the emergence of the penny press, the imagination of the reading public is stirred, and her father's trial stands center stage. Asher Tripp is the brash newspaperman who determines that this case is the event he can use to redeem himself as a journalist.
Ruth finds solace tending a garden along the banks of the Toms River--a place where she can find a measure of peace in the midst of the sorrow that continues to build. It is also here that Asher Tripp finds a temporary residence, all in an attempt to discover if the lovely creature known as Widow Malloy is truly Ruth Livingstone, the woman every newspaper has been looking for.
Love begins to slowly bloom...but is the affection they share strong enough to withstand the secrets that separate them?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Love's First Bloom, go HERE.
I got behind and almost didn't get this book read in time for the blog tour, but I'm glad I squeezed it in. The setting may have been the early 1800's, but the concepts--newspapers printing sensationalized headlines, the media swaying public opinion, and the belief that every detail of a person's life is fair game for printing--are a current as today's newspapers This is one of those stories where I wondered if the tangled mess of assumed identities would ever straighten out and if the truth would triumph over injustice. This is a relatively quick read and quite enjoyable.
I have an additional copy of this book to share with one of you! Leave a comment on this post by 8:00 pm Sunday (9/26) and I will draw a winner. US Residents only, please. Be sure to include an email address if you don't have a blog.
I would love to read this book. Sounds very good! Please enter me.
Sounds good. I've love a chance to win.
How I love historical novels. sounds great...mary lou (dlowran1(at)comcast(dot)net
I love tangled stories, please include me for Love's First Bloom.
Hello Linda.
I'd love to have this book in my home library. I know my daughter and I would enjoy reading it.
Thanks for being so generous!
Happy day to you.
Delia Parr writes excellent women's fiction, my second favorite genre next to mysteries. I've read a couple of her books already and look forward to Love's First Bloom. Thank you for being willing to share, Linda.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Don't add me to the giveaway. I just wanted to comment that the story sounds good.
i would love to read this novel...thank you for the opportunity :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i would love to read this novel...thank you for the opportunity :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
This sounds like a really good book.
I love the cover.
This sounds wonderful! I wish I had signed up to read it. (Don't include me in the giveaway, I am up to my knees in unread books!)
This sounds like a wonderful book to read. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
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