Remarkable True Stories of God's
Miraculous Work in the Muslim World
Reema Goode
ISBN: 978-1-4143-3720-3
September, 2010/164 pages/$13.99
Imagine a place where becoming a Christian is a punishable crime—and your own family exacts the punishment. Where those who spread the gospel among locals are deported if discovered. Where converts to Christianity face persecution, isolation, or even death as the price for their faith. “Reema Goode” and her family are Christians working in a closed Middle Eastern country where all of these things are true. Yet they are also firsthand witnesses of a whole new trend that is taking shape in missions to Muslims. Despite all obstacles, God is opening miraculous doors in the Islamic world, where an unprecedented number of Muslims are becoming followers of Jesus. In this powerful collection of personal stories, Reema takes us deep inside her Arab neighborhood to show how God is opening doors in just one of many Islamic communities. As she walks us through everyday life in a Muslim town, she reveals the diverse, creative, unexpected, and thrilling ways God is reaching her neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it.”—Revelation 3:8
"Reema Goode" and her family are Christians working in a closed Middle Eastern country. For security reasons the author's name has been changed to protect her family and those whose stories are told.
For God so loved the world. Go and make disciples of all nations. You will be my witnesses. . .to the ends of the earth.
Most Christians recognize and claim to believe these verses (John 3:16, Matthew 28:19, and Acts 1:8, respectively) as the springboards for evangelism and missions. Yet for many of us, especially those in the USA, sometimes we can't (to reverse a well-known adage) see the trees for the forest, especially when it comes to Muslims; we see them as a single group, not individuals. Without starting a debate on predestination or God hardening the hearts of those who turn against Him, it is easy for our human eyes to see those who practice the Muslim religion as unreachable, a lost cause, if you will. But only their hearts, not the cause, are lost.
In this amazing book "Reema Goode" has put a face, albeit anonymous, on the individuals she and her family, as well as others, are attempting to reach. This is not a book filled with statistics which give credibility to certain programs or methodology. These are stories, glimpses into the hearts and homes of the ones to whom Reema and her family are ministering. In the Arab world, missionaries do not build church buildings or seminaries or have crusades. Rather, friendships are quietly developed and as life is lived side by side and opportunities arise, the "Book" is shared. These powerful stories of encounters, spiritual warfare, and "Mount Carmel experiences" will amaze and encourage you, allowing you to see beyond the burqas and the politics to the heart and soul of each individual. God is moving and changing hearts in the Arab world. Don't miss this book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale as part of their Blogger Review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Just wanted to tell you that I appreciate all the comment love you throw my way!!
This is definitely a book I would read. I loved Kabul 54. The majority of the peoples of the Middle East aren't at all like the media would have us believe.
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