I have 2 prayer requests on my heart tonight. Hurricane Dolly is heading straight for South Texas. Even if the eye lands a little further north, the Progreso area is expected to get a deluge of rain. Although it is "just" a Category 1 storm, the folks of Progreso do not live in well-built, sturdy, complete houses. It will not take much to make life even more difficult for these folks. Additionally, the area received some heavy rains a week or two before we were there, and there were numerous fields which had their crops decimated by the rains. Those crops which managed to survive that rain may not withstand this storm.
The second request is a more personal "hurricane." I need to postpone the Progreso post I had intended to write tonight. I've been at the hospital ER all day with my mom and finally got her settled in a room tonight. She's been having increased weakness, and a CT scan today revealed an area of bleeding in her brain. Fortunately it is very small and should resolve on its own. But I still need to email my sisters and I am pretty tired. Those hospital chairs are not designed for comfort. And I didn't even have a book with me!
Thanks for your prayers.
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oh, Linda, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm praying.
Linda, we will most certainly be praying for South Texas AND for your mom. I am so sorry to hear about your mom and wanted you to know that you BOTH are in my thoughts and prayers...
I've been keeping up with the hurricane all morning. Category 1 or more, it's still damaging and potentially fatal.
May you find the strength you need to care for and comfort your mother during this time. I will pray for you and her before I submit this comment.
Linda, please feel my prayers also.
Even though I was most often on the "staff side" of the ER, I too have spent time as a "civilian" in (endless and uncomfortable) waiting room chairs. Ande more than once with my own precious mother. May you, your mother, your family, and your "sweet kids in Progreso" feel the protection and peace of our Lord's loving hand.
I will pray for you!!!! God is with you!
I missed this post somehow...so glad your mom is doing ok, and will be praying for Pogresso!
Blessings to you :)
You know I'm sorry to hear about your mom, but the fact that you didn't even have a book just horrifies me!!!!! No WONDER I kept getting texted! LOL!
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