To those of you who attend church here in the States: if you could take a moment to answer just a few questions on this post about care and support, I would be most grateful!
Last week I could not get this song out of my head. I remember singing it often as a kid. It brings a smile to my face. Thank you Linda.
I noticed on your sidebar that you are going to interview and feature Alex and Brett Harris. Oh how I'd look forward to reading that one. I love to read about how our next generation is being impacted to be different from the world. I love their 100 Hard Things.
Blessings Linda...Ohhh how we need to LEAN and truly TRUST in those everlasting arms of love!!! I the words in this great old hymn and the beautiful harmony of Gaither's music.
I tried to help with your church care and support, but not being at home I do not have enough of the information to share. I know we connect with other ministries like Stephen's ministry and I believe all of our pastor's visit people in hospital, elderly, etc. besides our cell groups, women's ministry, special projects with Youth...I'm not even sure how large our church is more than that we have 2 Sunday services in a very large sanctuary that pretty much fills but we want to fill to capacity and more. (maybe around 1,000) Assembly of God church. We have 5 pastors. They each do their part but so do many lay members.
Enjoy TSMSS and a beautiful weekend "leaning" and soaking in His Holiness (Isaiah 6)!
I'm in my "fabulous fifties" and my husband and I have been married 25 years. We have a son and a daughter who are both in college. so we are reluctantly entering the empty-nest years. I was an RN in my former (pre-kids) life which comes in handy as I serve in our church's care ministry.
Chatting over a cup of coffee with a friend to encourage and support one another (and share a laugh or even a tear) is one of my favorite things to do.
Last week I could not get this song out of my head. I remember singing it often as a kid. It brings a smile to my face. Thank you Linda.
I noticed on your sidebar that you are going to interview and feature Alex and Brett Harris. Oh how I'd look forward to reading that one. I love to read about how our next generation is being impacted to be different from the world. I love their 100 Hard Things.
You are so sweet. I have missed keeping up with your life as well!! It's been a very busy season of life.
Much love!
This is one of my favorite worship hymns back home. Thanks for the memories.
Love this song...always loved the lines...
What have I do dread?
What have I to fear?
Leaning on the everlasting arms...
Wonderful! I enjoyed singing along. I just love the way this was sung, especially the chords on "safe and secure from all alarm." Thanks for sharing.
Blessings Linda...Ohhh how we need to LEAN and truly TRUST in those everlasting arms of love!!! I the words in this great old hymn and the beautiful harmony of Gaither's music.
I tried to help with your church care and support, but not being at home I do not have enough of the information to share. I know we connect with other ministries like Stephen's ministry and I believe all of our pastor's visit people in hospital, elderly, etc. besides our cell groups, women's ministry, special projects with Youth...I'm not even sure how large our church is more than that we have 2 Sunday services in a very large sanctuary that pretty much fills but we want to fill to capacity and more. (maybe around 1,000) Assembly of God church. We have 5 pastors. They each do their part but so do many lay members.
Enjoy TSMSS and a beautiful weekend "leaning" and soaking in His Holiness (Isaiah 6)!
This song brings back such happy memories. How blessed we are to be able to lean on those arms! They're always open for us.
Another old hymn I love! And love the Gaithers
I love this old hymn, too!
"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Deuteronomy 33:27a
Love that old hymn!
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