Linda from 2nd Cup of Coffee is spending as much time as she can with a friend under Hospice care, so Random Dozen is on tour and being hosted this week by SouthLakesMom. SouthLakesMom says:
I am privileged to have the Random Dozen in my neck of the woods this week. Thank you to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for trusting me with her 'baby'. I had twelve brilliant questions ready to post and then my husband asked if he could close my document when he was on the computer and . . . so these are the twelve that I've either remembered, reconstructed, or made up new!
You know the rules -- copy and paste the questions onto your blog. Answer them TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) on your blog. Link back with Mr. Linky to this blog, and then go visit at least one dozen random players and make nice comments about their answers! Simple...if you don't have a blog, you can cut and paste your answers into the comments below.
The theme is Spring . . . and any other random questions that crept in.
1. What is your favorite sign of Spring?

Texas Bluebonnets! Pictures don't even do them justice. There is nothing like driving down a highway and seeing a field absolutely bursting with color.

This is supposed to be a banner year because we had such a cold wet winter, and any day now they should be popping up.
2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day?
Yes, I remembered. It made me sleepy!
3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year?
Tomatoes. (Yeah, I know people say it's theoretically a fruit, but I consider it a vegetable!)
4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant?
Peaches (I know they grow on a tree and not in a garden. But the question said time was no problem!)
5. What is your least favorite insect?
This question bugs me. Surely she intended insect to be plural! Crickets. Mosquitos. Fire Ants. Roaches. Spiders. Yellowjackets. Etc., ad infinitum. Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl.
6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand?
Rarely. But my girl takes Nestle with her lunch.
(Now if it were Hershey water, I'd guzzle it down!)
7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that?
Yes. Guatemala 30 years ago. Boiled it. Hated it.
8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day?
Not enough.
9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share.
No. I don't even have to share - you can have them all. Magicians give me the heebie-jeebies and mess with my mind.
10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)?
No. See #9.
11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite?
Occasionally. Mostly the old westerns, like with John Wayne. And I loved Silverado.
12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday?
California (the northern part). New York for the whole Broadway/dinner/shopping experience. And Washington D.C., even though it isn't a state.
Join the fun and link up at SouthLakesMom's blog!
The Bluebonnets are Gorgeous!
Magicians give you the Heebie Jeebies? Not me. I try watch and catch the trick as it happens.
The Blue Bonnets are lovely. I prefer to avoid magicians, but they don't creep me out. I just knew a couple showbiz wannabes when I lived in LA and they thought they were all that. It rather put me off the "breed".
Love the bluebonnets...and love your list...Love your blog.....I am doing some fun blog hopping tonight.
Hope you will stop by for a visit. I have a giveway that I am drawing for this Friday...
Great answers. Love the pics of the blue bonnets. I don't like bugs either. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
Being from the south, I can't say that I've ever seen a Texas Bluebonnet, but the pics were beautiful. We do, however, have plenty of peaches! I love visiting the nearby orchard--especially in June when the freestone peaches are ripe! Have a great day! Kathy
Loved the bluebonnets! My parents are from Tx., so I consider myself part-Texan!
LOVE, love LOVE the bluebonnets. Probably a much more kind and gentler picture to awaken to than my Child of the Earth and Stryper...
We have similar answers Linda. Happy Wednesday!
Love the bluebonnets. In the UK we had miles and miles of bluebells...similar feeling. Right now I'm in NJ and am just happy the snow has finally melted : )
I love your bluebonnet photos! We have bluebells here that carpet the forest floors and make it look magical.
Magicians and insects - I feel the same! LOL
My random dozen is here. (oops -- sorry about messing up in the previous comment! LOL)
Beautiful pictures.
Sounds like some great places to visit. I would like to visit Alaska one day.
Hugs, andrea
My husband has always wanted to visit D.C. I didn't think about New York -- I would love to attend Phantom of the Opera on Broadway some day. My oldest son did and loved it.
I don't care for bugs/insects of any kind except butterflies, and maybe a praying mantis -- they're intriguing.
I said peas but I love homegrown tomatoes too - so much nicer than shop bought. And those Texas bluebonnets look beautiful!
the flowers are beautiful
Linda, thanks for being so encouraging! I had to laugh at your multiple insects! And we LOVE John Wayne movies around here!
beautiful flowers!!!
I loved your answers and the bluebonnets...I wish they had hershy water too :-)
I noticed some color over along the highway while driving today. I thought OH BLUEBONNETS!!! I was hoping it will be a good year for them!
Well, I can definitely testify that DC is worth the visit! Whether you come for the history or the culture - you'll find PLENTY!
We had a peach tree in our yard when we moved here - but it never produced edible peaches. It produced fuzz covered seeds! It had pretty flowers in Spring though. We cut it down though after about 5 years. Hubby got tired of running over peach pits with the lawn mower! :)
I would absolutely LOVE to see those Texas Bluebonnets in Spring! How GORGEOUS!
Wow! Those bluebonnets are gorgeous! No wonder you look forward to them :-)
#5 LOL
#6 Hershey water -- what a great idea!
Fun answers :-)
Beautiful bluebonnets and I love Washington DC
Oh wow! The blue bonnets are beautiful! Enjoyed your answers.
Those Blue Bonnets are amazing!
Random Dozen on the road was to much fun. I got lots of new visitors and comments this week!!!
Hope the 10 days with out the dryer won't be too traumatic
Blue bonnets! How pretty! =)
I've been through NYC (I live next door to NY) - I haven't had the Broadway/dinner/shopping experience, though. I've heard awesome things about it all - I hope you get to go someday soon! =)
God bless you! Have a beautiful week (I hope they do a good job with your dryer on Friday so that you don't run into any more problems with it).
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