This week's Hodgepodge has a bit of a Thanksgiving theme. Go figure!
1. If you had known what they knew then, would you have boarded the Mayflower?
No. I'm not a risk-taker.
2. How far have you traveled on a boat and how do you feel about boats in general?
I've been on dinner cruises which usually take a couple of hours. And I've been on the lake in friends' boats. Boats - I can take 'em or leave 'em.
3. What traditions have you kept, acquired thru marriage, and/or tossed? If you're single what are some of your family's favorite Thanksgiving traditions?
We never had sweet potatoes when I was growing up, but my husband's family always does. My kids have never been interested in the Macy's Parade so it doesn't usually get turned on, but that was a Thanksgiving must when I was growing up!
4. What time is dinner and how many will be round your table? And what is the one side dish you cannot do without on Thanksgiving day?
Yes, I know it goes against all I believe in to ask for 'just one', but I made up for it by asking three questions here.
I think there will be 21 of us: my MIL, my man's siblings and their families, GG, and my sister go out to eat at noon on Thursday. I love, love, love dressing. Made with cornbread, of course!
5. Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Do tell....
Fortunately, no.
6. Tell about a situation that caused you dreadful trepidation and feet dragging, only to realize later it was a true blessing.
My fifth grade teacher. She was the scariest of all the teachers---super strict, and in the lunchroom when she stood up and clapped her hands and pointed to tell someone to straighten up, I quaked in my shoes. I was so disappointed when I got her, but I ended up really liking her and she was a good teacher.
I've noticed that's happened several times in my life. If I don't like someone, God will make sure I spend plenty of time with that person until I eventually like them!
7. Baked, sweet, mashed, hash browned or french fried...which one's your favorite?
Baked, especially with lots of butter, cheese, and bacon. I do love me some sweet potato casserole during the holidays, but it's not something I could eat on a regular basis.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
C'mon Texas -- 85 degrees just before Thanksgiving?
I never fail to enjoy reading your answers ... and I'm right there with you on the risk-taking. ;-) Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Oh wow-the weather is crrazy! I think its supposed to rain here, maybe a mix, but its definitely not 85 degrees!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
corn bread dressing is my favorite side dish too!!!! I can't wait to eat it!!!!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Yep Thanksgiving just doesn't seem right when it's so warm. It's suppose to get up to 72 here today, it's cloudy so thats keeping it out of the 80's.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving. 21 people?? I have never had that many at a table at once, enjoy!
I'm with you on #1. 21 people...lot of people. Ours used to be that way, but now we only have about 14 or so.
If we ate together we definitely wouldn't be fighting over the stuffing. No corn bread in mine, thank you!
You can start disliking me any time now because I am thinking it would be great to spend some quality time together!
And let's switch weather. It was 17 degrees F here yesterday and today it is a balmy 21F.
Hey that was cute! :) I am with you I don't think I would have boarded the Mayflower either!
BTW, thanks for all your sweet, encouraging comments on my blog lately...I appreciate it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Cornbread stuffing, just finished mine and it is delish!
Happy Thanksgiving! (((HUGS)))
I had to chuckle at your response for #1.
Maybe that's why I answered mine the way I did. I take risks every day by teaching high schoolers! LOL
We're having record highs here in Louisiana too and the humidity is awful. Certainly not typical Thanksgiving weather. A happy one to you and yours!
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